SDU Ops Cai Wenji's, Wang Yi's and Zhen Ji's Bio

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Zhen Ji's Bio

Name: Zhen Ji
Age: 25
Callsign: Phoenix


-All she talks about beauty this and beauty that and yet she's wants to join rainbow six an elite special force that take their job seriously...(*chuckles* this could be interesting...).
-Mark R. "Mute" Chandar

-I must admit i kinda have a... sort of a crush on her but... i don't think im man enough to ask her out... (by the way she's working her way into the tech field as i teach her, i wonder if she interested in me, after that cat and mouse chase...).
- Alexander p. "Stille" Thach

Role: Defender
Armor: 2
Speed: 2

Gadget: HNB (Hacking nano bots can hack enemy electronics and even able to show the location of enemy by ping for 4 seconds.)

Gadget Update: she worked on a drone that is able to hover over pools of water, stick to walls and ceilings and hack into electronics.


Weapon Loadout:

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Weapon Loadout:

Weapon Loadout:

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