Chapter 15

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That night, my Pandora's box opened with a resolution to fix this issue with Tom face to face. But that decision ended only with a very short email to emperor_frost. "Let's talk when you get back." He was not due to come back after a few more months and I just can't fly to Japan in a snap. The content of the conversation though is something I'm not certain of. Yet.

The first time since forever, the girls and I have a Friday free. So we decided to visit the mall for a girls' day out. I was heading out from the apartment that morning when I received a call from Emman, my assistant. "Sam, have you watched the news? There was an earthquake in Kumamoto! 30 people are pronounced dead as of right now!" 

I shakily opened the television and skimmed through the news. My discarded phone fell on the floor as I watched the images and videos of the earthquake. I stumbled on my bed, staring at the television, half-expecting Tom would just pop up somewhere.

Emman and I were out having a coffee break in a nearby cafe the week before when we saw Principal J doing some errands in the city. She greeted me like a long-lost niece equally berating me for not visiting the school after my high school graduation. She then mentioned that Tom and his team were out at Kumamoto University for a seminar for the next two weeks. So you would understand why I was not at my prime self at that moment.

The girls came running to my apartment when I briefly told them over the phone why I can't join them. Jam became busy checking Principal J's phone number with our parents back home and I was trying to contact some peers at SLAC. Lou was brewing some chamomile tea to calm our nerves.

Jam finally got a hold of Tom's house. But she handed me the phone swiftly when she heard Dr. Jacobs, Tom's father on the other line. He told me that Tom and 3 of his colleagues were still missing. The Embassy was informed and help is being given for the continuous search and rescue. I thanked him for the news and reassured him that Tom is made of greater grit. I hope so. I know so.

The girls were anxious but hopeful. They decided to spend the night with me while we wait for the news. Louise cooked us dinner and kept our chocolate drink warm throughout the night. We kept our lines open and the television running. That's when I got lost in a dream.

I was standing alone on a beach witnessing a battle. The sun was nowhere to be found yet it was so bright. The clouds and the sea became one as they played with a surfer's life. The waves met and formed an alliance so strong they decided to include me in their dance. I didn't avoid it. I watched the water engulfing me in. That's when I heard Jam's voice in distress.

"Sam. Sam." I woke up with beads of sweat on my forehead. I was breathing heavily. The girls were huddled around me in concern. Louise gave me a glass of water which I emptied. I was staring at the television which conveniently gave an update on the earthquake. The death toll increased to 40.

The suspended tears I haven't noticed started flowing on their own. I have never cried in front of anybody. The girls gave me a big hug as I let it all out. "It's okay, honey. Everything is going to be alright. Nothing bad is going to happen to him. He'll be fine. Just a little bump and a small bruise. Okay?" Lou murmured while patting my back. Jam held my hand and agreed with her silently.

We fell asleep again and woke up to the ring of my phone, the next morning. I scrambled off to bed and heard Dr. Jacobs on the other line. "He's been found, Sam. I just talked to him and he's fine. A broken wrist, some bruises, and scratches but nothing fatal. The whole team is fine." Ecstatic, I tapped the girls' feet awake and signaled a big thumbs up.

After thanking him a million times, Jam lured us for a big brunch as we couldn't eat our dinner properly last night. We went to a local diner and ate up almost all their breakfast specials. I became silent for a while that the girls noticed it.

"What's up? Still troubled?" Jam asked. Louise looked at me with concern. "No, not really. I'm just relieved he's okay. He's okay."

Louise leaned forward and asked, "We were sincerely distraught yesterday but you.. you were emotional." I pouted at the statement and ate my pancake deliciously instead. Jam chuckled at my response and looked at me mischievously. "You bawled out real loud Sam. I wish I could have recorded it." Grimacing, I ignored the menacing look. "Who did what last night?" Louise was shaking her head, smiling while finishing up her apple pie. Jam snickered at me like an irritating teenager.

We never heard from The Jacobs after that but as long as we know that Tom is safe then it's alright. Life continued. Months had passed and the wedding preparations were coming together. We've got our beige colored maid-of-honor dresses and the matching silver shoes Lou wanted. I have graduated from my distaste with dresses since that Prom Night as long as they are long enough to cover my thighs and knees.

Six weeks before the wedding, I dawdled in the park after my run to think of a suitable wedding gift. I sat on a very familiar bench. Ah, the witness to my high school secrets. I leaned on it and closed my eyes while listening to Nolan Sotillo, "We Could Be Anything", on my still alive iPod shuffle. "Truth ain't always what it seems, and right or wrong, the next step to me. Our fear is our only enemy and we could be anything."

I felt someone sat beside me. A familiar soapy scent I have never smelled for almost a year. I opened my eyes and saw a smiling Thomas Jacobs, flesh and bones, looking at me. I stifled a cry and hugged him.

"Hey, are you okay?" he murmured in my hair, I nodded. I pulled myself away and took a good look at him. "How are you?" He shook his bandaged hand and replied, "One more week and this is going to be in perfect condition. I'm glad to be back." I gripped his non-injured hand and smiled at him warmly. "Welcome home, Tom. We missed you. I miss you." 

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