Chapter 4

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I woke up on the floor, my body was so sore. 

I tried to stand, each time my limbs failed to support me. 

Once I did manage to pull myself up, I looked at the time. I was surprised to see that I slept through the rest of the day and into the night. I looked outside and saw the beginnings of the sunrise. 

When I stood to get ready, I felt dizzy.

It was either from the blood loss or because I haven't eaten in a while.

I'm not worth the waste of food.

If starvation will bring me to death's door faster, then I'm all for it.

I needed to take a shower. I was wondering if I should risk it. I carefully move the chair, unlocked the door and opened it just a crack. I could hear my father's snores, and quickly moved to grab clothes - mindful of the mess I made yesterday - and a towel, and rushed to take a shower and brush my teeth. 

The bruises seemed to hurt even worse and it was agony to move, I could see myself in the mirror, with dark bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. Eyes that were dull, like the color was slowly being drained out. Cheeks that were almost hollow. Hair that was a wild flat mess, tangled and lifeless.

You could see my collar bones and my breasts were there but not as full as I'd like. My stomach was non-existent, you were able see my ribs and all the scars that I've put there.

My arms were the same, all the way from my wrist to where my arms bend.

My thighs looked hideous with both bruises and scars covering them.

No wonder Katie didn't love me. How could she when I didn't love myself?

I hurriedly took a shower and dried myself off before I got dressed in some jeans a t-shirt and threw on a sweater.

I walked out of the bathroom and just as I reached my room, I heard the door handle to my father's room turn and open and froze.

"Kassandra?" He called.

I hurriedly rushed into my room, closed and locked the door - shoving the chair against it again-  and grabbed everything I needed. 

"Kassandra, I got a call from your school that you weren't there and why did I get a call from the neighbors saying that they heard loud crashes inside the house yesterday? What's going on?"

I slipped my shoes on and started to climb through the window.

"Kassandra?" I heard a key slide into the lock and opened slightly but was blocked by the chair, I looked back and through the small slit in the door, I saw my father's eyes.  Suddenly the door shook violently with vicious and savage kicks and the hinges started to give.

I moved quickly out of the window started climbing down the side of the house when I heard him break through the door, slamming it.


I jumped down the rest of the way and ran.

The neighbors must think I'm insane by now.

After making sure that there was enough distance between myself and that house, I stopped and wheezed as I tried to calm my breathing.

The dizziness hit hard and I nearly fell down.

I almost puked then and there, if I stood up properly I was sure that I was going to throw up.

I stood on the sidewalk and once I regained myself, I  started walking again.

I fought the dizziness all the way to school and when I walked through the doors, I was reminded of everything.

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