Chapter 44

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Over a thousand years ago

Third Person POV

"Nadia! Pray tell why do you not come when I call? You bid me no mind when a stable boy comes about."

Nadia, a young and exuberant teen skips towards her sister with a handful of colorful flowers. Her light blue dress flowing in all direction due to to her excited twirl.

"I was only gone but a moment, o' look upon these flowers little Anna are they not the sweetest thing?"

Ravanna gave her an exasperated look but it was only for a moment before she smiled at her sister. "T'is a sweet gesture, that I can attest, now come along, we hast chores that need'st tending."

Nadia let out a sigh but followed Ravanna, smiling goofily at her flowers and dancing about the dirt trail.

Ravanna looked at her sister with a troubled expression before calling to her, "Nadia, one must be careful, t'is of the utmost importance that our family name is free o' rumors."

Nadia looked startled, she stopped her kindred dancing and answered her sister, "What rumors would be spread? I have done nought that would sully our family's name."

Ravanna seemed so downtrodden before answering, "People will talk and spread gossip as fast as smoke from a fire. People will make assumptions, t'is you whom already holds the manner o' an unkempt child, Nadia. You are't a lady and must start acting like a proper one."

"Oh but why dear sister? Mustn't there be the change o' one that leads to change many? Everyone 'i this town only let the men work, travel off on adventures,  they are the only ones whom do anything that resembles excitement. How I sometimes wish I was born a man, every duty would be much more simple. Do you agree, Anna?"

So many things were going through Ravanna's mind, how blasphemous the things her sister spoke of were and how horrific the damage would have been to their family names had anyone her their conversation.

Ravanna stopped them in the middle of the road and looked for anyone that might have been close enough to hear them on the path, she took her sisters arm and led her to the edge of the road to ensure that no one was able to eavesdrop.

For a moment Ravanna and Nadia just stood there, Nadia was confused at the sudden action so in her fright stayed silent. Ravanna stood troubled but eventually spoke, "I know how you wish things were different and that you were able to explore vast amounts of land at any hour of the day but if anyone 'ere to hear that of which you speak i' would prove for a riot amongst the town. Many are set 'i ways that hardly benefit women and I apologize that you cannot experience life the way you so hopelessly would-"

"But it not be hopeless Ravanna-"

"T'is, Nadia. You are't well beyond any present and I am so undeniably proud of the change you wish' to bring. But promise me that you will nought speak o' this outside o' mine own company, t'is dangerous Nadia, please."

Nadia looked close to tears and Ravanna felt her heart break at the sight but her expression was made firm. She could never let Nadia experience the same hate that she does from the townspeople or their parents for that matter.

Ravanna sighed, "Please, Nadia, you know nought of what mother and father will do, should they ever hear o' this."

They was a long pause between the sisters before Ravanna continued, "Already rumors are beginning to spread about me, Nadia, I ne'er wish for you to experience the like."

That was when Nadia relented, her shoulders sagging the smallest bit as she looked at her sister. There was another pause and just as Nadia was about to reply, Ravanna sharply turned away from her and walked towards her original path.

Nadia was forced to keep up with her sisters long strides, taking to almost jogging at her side. Ravanna took pity on her sister and slowed her trek. Together they walked towards town, addressing those that they knew and replying good morrow only when spoken to. Playing the pinnacle of how women were supposed to act.

Going to each stall and looking for items and materials that their family would need, bartering for lower prices.

Once they were done, they set upon their walk home quite a ways from the town. They passed gentle rivers and wide meadows before Nadia had finally had enough of the silence, addressing the topic the left off on before going into town.

"You are't the most devote daughter, little Anna. T'is you who never fail to obey our parents, always attending to the chores whereas I do not. One whom hardly aye makes a fuss and I am so unbelievably joyous to be able to bid you mine sister. It should't  matter if one wishes to ne'er marry"

Ravanna slowed her walking but kept her silence. Nadia had to choose her next words carefully, she loved her sister dearly - she told her everything - how she was feeling, where she wanted to explore and so many other things. But Ravanna always kept to herself, she would listen to Nadia for however long but Nadia felt that she didn't know her sister in the slightest bit.

"Or if one wishes not to marry a man at all.... yet  haply a..... a woman?"

Ravanna stopped and turned to Nadia with the speed that rivaled a snake. She dropped all that she was holding and struck her hands out to grasp onto Nadia's clothing.

"Ne'r say that again! Thou should'st ne'r say that! Doth thou hast the faintest imagining of what would befall me should'st anyone hear those words?"

Nadia had never seen her sister like this, she fearfully stayed frozen within her sisters grasp. Looking on in horror.

Ravanna was breathing heavily as she looked at her sister, eyes tearing at the corners and her bottom lip trembling with the attempt to withhold tears.

Nadia looked startled. Her sister rarely cried, she could most likely count on one hand how often she had seen such an event.

Nadia's hands slowly came up to rest on her sisters arms, Ravanna's gaze still intense as Nadia reached around her sister and pulled her close. Ravanna's grip never loosening she hugged her tightly and that was when Ravanna started to let her sobs escape her mouth.

The held each other tightly, Nadia held on tightly as sobs wracked her sisters body, she whispered assurances until Ravanna pulled away.

She finally looked at Nadia only to be met with a gentle smile, "You should'st know that I shall aye love mine sister, little Anna.  No matter what may come about."

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