Episode 1.13

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Badb grimaced as she continued to relieve her past...
Badb appreciatively thanked Queen Macha as she was guided back to a guest room on the opposite side of the stone castle. Weeping and refusing to believe what had just happened between her and Cornelius, she collapsed on the bed. All she could think about was the general's touch and the way he handled her...
"I should've known not to hire a former enemy..." Macha cursed. "Are you all right, dear?"
Badb shook her head. "I don't think I'll ever be all right anymore..."
"You fell for the trap of love." Macha sighed. "This world is cruel to those who believe in it the most. I shall have the man executed tomorrow morning for his heinous crimes against you. A creature like him doesn't deserve to survive! Believe me, I know how it feels to have those you trust penetrate your love."
"Please, I don't want to cause any trouble..." Badb weeped. "I can just forget all that happened..."
Badb felt the queen's hand slap her painfully.
"Where is that brute I met at first glance?!" Macha snapped. "You are blinded by your emotions for that man! If you want to progress on your character, you must defend yourself and make others face the consequences for their acts!"
Little did the two women know of an eavesdropper right outside of the door, listening into their plans. A flurry of silent steps went unnoticed as a shadowy figure dashed away from the door.
The following morning, Badb awoke with renewed determination. After the queen herself gave her an encouraging talk, she decided that she would face the man that had broken her heart and trust. Before Macha left, she informed the huntress that she would carry out the execution.
"The population needs to see a woman swing the blade." Macha had said to her.
"And I will." Badb huffed as she put on her furs. Exiting out of her guest room to the throne room, she could hear a loud commotion or argument of sorts. Eager to see the excitement, she quietly entered the throne room to see a large crowd of warriors led by an older man with a lion's mane of hair. Queen Macha was arguing with him and...
"General Cornelius..." Badb murmured, unsheathing a dagger and ready to strike the man down where he stood. She briskly walked forward.
"...you can't be serious, father!" Macha yelled, her face full of disbelief and horror.
"King Ulster," General Cornelius bowed. "I swear upon my life and honour that what I speak is true: I found your daughter making love to a female savage! I tried to break them apart, but both of them retaliated like bitches in heat! There, here she is now!"
The older and protected man looked over to the maddened Badb just as she passed him and attempted to stab General Cornelius. However, lightning reflexes by nearby guardsmen shot forward as they all jumped, grabbing both her arms and restraining her.
"Let me go!" Badb spat. "This man is a disgusting traitor! He violated me!"
"Look how dangerous she is, my king." Cornelius cooed. "I would never tarnish your family's reputation with such unspeakable acts! You wouldn't believe this barbaric girl over a wise MAN would you?"
"Hmph, Macha I cannot believe you've tarnished the Ulster name like that." King Ulster rubbed his temple. "I really don't care who you bed, but we can't have people spreading word that the Queen of Connacht is having scandalous activity with another woman, much less attack the leading general!"
"I COULD NOT EVER DO SUCH A THING!" Macha hollered, in hysterics. She was losing her hold of the throne once again! "THIS MAN WAS ONCE AN ENEMY! YOU WOULD BELIEVE HIS WORDS OVER YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD?! You've truly gone mad!"
"RESPECT YOUR MEN! General Cornelius pledged his loyalty to us after we won the war." King Ulster roared, infuriated. "It seems I have given you too much freedom and leeway over here. Yes, I must fix my mistake; Cornelius will be appointed the new reigning King of Connacht!"
"WHAT?! YOU CAN'T!" Badb struggled, looking to Macha for help, but all she could see was a shattered woman staring back. "He's playing you for a fool!"
"YOU DARE CALL ME A FOOL?!" King Ulster spat. "I have been on this earth far longer than you, wench! I have won many wars, survived many assassins, and brought prosperity to its people! You have done nothing but corrupt my daughter, who must step down and rethink her choices!"
"NO!" Macha bursted. "Father, you know how much I covet and deserve the throne! I WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING THIS MONSTER CLAIMS! HE WAS ABOUT TO BE EXECUTED TODAY FOR HIS CRIMES!"
"I was what?" Cornelius gasped. "I was right to warn you immediately, King Ulster. It seems they wanted to silence me and my evidence."
"What evidence?!" Badb countered, her face in shock at how the tables had turned against her. "Look in this man's chambers! He keeps all sorts of despicable instruments!"
"There's no need." King Ulster's tone was stern and cold. "You would do well to learn and accept the wisdom of men."
"All I know is that men are VILE!" Macha raged, screaming. More of the king's guards stepped forward and grabbed the queen. She grunted and struggled, but her resistance only led to ruining her hair and pressed attire.
"She's unstable." Cornelius sighed. "I suggest she return to Ulaid. Leave Connacht to me, my lord. I swear to take good care of the province. I'll have the wild slut executed so that nobody learns of the queen's activities."
"Very good." King Ulster nodded. "Come, Macha."
Macha steadied her breathing, her hands and body shaking uncontrollably.
"Y—You can't!" Macha whimpered. "T—This was all I ever wanted since childhood..."
"I can, and I will!" Ulster grunted. "Now COME, daughter!"
"This huntress, Badb, doesn't deserve to die!" Macha hissed. "Even if you don't believe me, and accept fucking Cornelius over your own daughter, just spare her! She is a good girl, with great potential."
"No." Ulster stared back at her.
"She could spread rumors." Cornelius happily agreed.
Badb glared at the man, taking him in for what he truly was. It hadn't occurred to her that he appeared in his 50s, and his brown hair was beginning to slowly gray if you look closely. His skin was also losing its youth, with few wrinkles being noticeable underneath all that heavy armour.
Macha stared back at her father.
"You wouldn't do this for your daughter?" Macha's tears began to shed. "A daughter who's dreams you've utterly destroyed?"
"Bitch!" Ulster spat, slapping Macha. "The audacity that you women show! Guards, prepare my daughter for the journey. Tie her down if necessary." The king turned and began to head out.
Badb looked at Macha like a smaller child to her mother, eyes desperate for help. She could feel her heart pumping against her chest, clawing for escape.
"I'm not ready to die!" Badb begged.
"Too bad!" Cornelius joyously sang.
"Father!" Macha suddenly spoke.
King Ulster turned around, raising an eyebrow of confusion and impatience. "What."
"You are...a man of many things..." Macha breathed, her chest noticeably rising and falling.
"I'm glad you've returned to your senses." King Ulster laughed, reminiscing his many past accomplishments.
"A man of bigotry and vanity." Macha slowly continued, to Ulster's surprise. "A man of narcissism and pride. But most of all, a cur who is no father of mine. Fuck you! Now!"
In the midst of Macha's shocking words, the guards had loosened their grips on the two women as they were astonished to hear someone speak such things about and to their monarch. Badb felt it too, and she understood when Macha yelled. Both women wrenched themselves away from the guards' grasp and shoved them to the ground.
"Run!" Macha commanded as Badb followed her.
"After them!" Ulster and Cornelius' indignant shouts were heard. The clanging of metal boots running soon sounded after them.
"Where can we go?!" Badb panted as they sped down a hall of red carpet, portraits and stone busts zooming past their eyesight.
"Help..." Macha hissed, acting outraged at her father's betrayal. A man she thought would definitely support her, of the same blood. However, Badb could sense that underneath all that rage, the queen felt surrounded by sadness and loneliness, fearful of who she could trust.

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