"Nah ah. Sit ya ass down and tell me what you're hiding"

Fuck. I plop down onto the couch and munch away at my cereal, Ariana plops next to me and leans forward like a little girl waiting for her bedtime story. I roll my eyes into submission.

"Fine. The gentleman from last night was Nadei Romanoff" his name alone sends a shiver through my body. "He's some rich Russian with beautiful blue eyes and a strong demanding voice. Who also happens to have 10 bodyguards surrounding him at all times, he also has an expensive taste from what I can tell. Armani suit, white gold Rolex, Cartier sunglasses-what? What's the face for"

While I was babbling on about Ariana I fail to realize she's shivering in her spot, her hands covering her mouth terrified, and her eyes begging me to stop talking.

"Nadei Romanoff?" She whispers

"Um yeah?"

"Nicole, Nadei Romanoff...do you not know who he is?" I nod my head in complete confusion

"I don't know some rich Russians dude who owns a bunch of lounges?"

"NICOLE! He is the Pakhan of the Russian mob! You cannot fucking date him, he's a murderer, drug dealer, weapons seller, and all-around evil little son of a bitch! I don't care how hot he or his nephew is! Do you hear me!?!"

"Um....first of all, back off me before my cereal spills. And second how the fuck do you know all this?" I take another scoop of my cocoa puffs.

"Remember when I dated that VICE cop? He went undercover once in one of Romanoffs illegal gambling spots."

"Oh yeah, Freddy. Whatever happened to him?"

"THEY FUCKING KILLED HIM WHEN THEY FOUND OUT HE WAS A COP!" She waves her hands furiously at me

"Oh....damn. RIP Freddy"

"NICOLE" Ariana facepalms herself

"Ok ok relax I won't go on a date with him. Guess I'll leave the house before 7 then"

"OH MY GOD, THEY KNOW WHERE WE LIVE! WE NEED TO MOVE RIGHT NOW START PACKING!" Ariana jumps from the couch starts tugging at her hair, wow she's terrified of these Romanoff people.

"Um, Ari we aren't moving anywhere. Where else can we find $1,000 a month rent in NYC? Plus I'm not going to let a man determine my life."

"Nicole you don't understand! These men are dangerous, he won't take no for an answer! Maybe we can move in with my....boyfriend....for awhile I'm sure he wouldn't mind-"

"Um no, scratch that. I know your sugar daddy and his wife are cool with this polygamous shit ya got going on but I rather not be apart of that. You can go stay with him if you're really scared but I'm fine trust me"

"DO YOU THINK I WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE!" She starts to vigorously shake me. "Why are you not terrified for this Nicole?"

"Um...because I'm from fucking New York. I have walked the streets at 2 am in heels with drunken bums following me for three blocks, I have also rod the subway at the dead of night and I'm still kicking so....."

Ariana storms off to the kitchen and tosses the flowers into the trash. My heart beats a little faster when she does, I mean they're just flowers what's the harm?

"We will not be apart of that! No Romanoffs allowed in this household."

I clutch onto Nadei note, hiding it from the view of Ariana. I know she's upset and hell she might be right. But...I don't know maybe I just need some answers.

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