Cha Eun-woo// Astro

Start from the beginning

I swear time slowed for a few seconds, and I didn't even notice I had moved closer to the T.V. The overhead reporters were chatting excitedly about the race, but I was so quiet I could hear my own heartbeat. I knew how much this meant to Eunwoo and his group and they trained really hard to win this.

The race seemed like it was filmed in slow motion, even though I know it wasn't. Eunwoo was neck and neck for most of the race, but then something changed. I don't know what happened, but I saw the moment it did, and Eunwoo gained some unholy strength and pulled ahead to first. In a matter of seconds, he crossed the finish line and won first place.

I saw the rest of his members come over to hug him as the camera zoomed in and followed them.

I jumped up and cheered and started screaming the house down. I knew my neighbors would file a complaint but I didn't care since I was so proud and excited.

Though, in a matter of minutes, my mood turned sour. I saw the camera get this heart effect going as they zoomed in to the member of twice as she hugged Eunwoo.

Immediately I deflated.

Apart of me hated that I felt this way. I knew, no matter how many stories I twisted in my head, that Eunwoo would, firstly, never cheat on me, and secondly I knew he didn't have a chance of liking girls. In fact I was very secure in our relationship and how we felt with each other.

The more I reflected, I think I was just bitter, and jealous. I was jealous that I could never do that. I could never be at an ISAC competition and hug him and show him my support. I could never show him affection in public, or show we even know each other since I wasn't an idol. I was jealous that because of the publicized homophobia, I can't date Eunwoo, and show the world too. And I was bitter than I can't do anything about it.

I didn't think I was asking for much. I don't want to make out with him in public or start rubbing it in people's faces. Just being able to hold hands or be seen in public without ruining his career would be nice.

My thoughts had traveled a bit dark, so I just sat and poured myself some Soju so that my mood would be more elated when Eunwoo came home. I didn't want to make today about me or my feelings, especially when today had been such a win for him.

So sit and drink I would. Until somehow my mood would improve.


{Eunwoo's P.O.V}

My phone had died sometime during the program, so I wasn't able to call y/n after the competition, but I knew I was going to his house anyway.

"Good job today. You are definitely the reason we won." MJ sat next to me and patted my back as he smiled brightly at me.

"What? No way. It was 100% a team effort today. I mean did you see the way JinJin just beasted the competition and allowed Moonbin to get a head start?" JinJin started chanting how cool he was while MJ just rolled his eyes. "Plus the fact that I'm awesome. I mean that was a big factor in wining." Rocky just slapped the back of my head.

"Yah, don't get cocky, your heads big enough already." The rest of the boys chimed in with "yeahs" and murmurs of agreement.

"Hey, why would my head be big? I'm pretty humble."

"Y/n fills you with enough compliments in one day to last a normal person a lifetime." It was my turn to roll my eyes, but I also looked away so they couldn't see my blush when y/n was mentioned.

I should have known it was a useless attempt as MJ saw my blush and started teasing me about it, thus began the boys to start making kissy faces and finger hearts. I just laughed with them since I knew they meant no harm.

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