Chapter 15

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By the time we got to Yuri's squad, they had two bodies lying in their own pool of blood.

His squad was in a bad position: in the open, surrounded by three balconies each with an enemy fireteam blasting down on them. It's as if 1-2 walked straight into an ambush.

"Suppressive fire, now!" McCord yelled.

We all fired at the same time as pushed towards Yuri's position. I focused my fire on the balcony directly in front of the 2nd squad, putting a dozen rounds into the three PRF riflemen there, killing two and forcing one to seek cover. The  fireteam from 2nd Platoon did the same as they shot the shit out of the PRF soldiers on the upper left balcony. Yuri and his squad made sure that the last balcony was pinned down.

Jackson hit the ground before setting up a bipod. Then his SAW screamed into the air, "Get some!" He yelled.

"Center balcony, focus fire," McCord said.

I emptied my magazine, putting whatever I had into the PRF positions. My suppressive fire was joined by my squadmates.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted at the right balcony, sending several PRF soldiers falling to their deaths. One of Yuri's grenadiers reloaded his grenade launcher, and did the same to the center balcony.

By the time the dust cleared, all we could hear was the screams of the wounded.

Then the gunfire started again.

Yuri yelled to us, "Contact front! Kill em!"

"We're coming to you, sergeant!" McCord yelled, "Anderson, cover fire."

"You got it," Anderson replied, before ordering his fireteam to open fire at what looked like an enemy squad approaching from the opposite direction.

We quickly made our way to relive Yuri's squad,which at this point had 2 KIA. I found cover behind a concrete pillar while the rest took shelter behind whatever that could stop bullets.

A squad of hostiles formed ahead, charging at us. But one of the enemy riflemen stopped, raised his rifle and fired into Yuri's squad.

That's when another two members of 2-1 went down.

"Man down!" Someone in Yuri's squad yelled.

My heart boiled knowing that someone just shot dead our guys.

You'll die for that.

I shouldered my rifle, eye on the red dot.

Before he could shift his aim, I had the reticle lined up to his chest.

Then I put four rounds into him.

Two rounds maimed him and two more made sure he stayed down.

More enemy infantry poured in to reinforce their brethren. We replied, with more bullets downrange and  added little mix of 40mm grenades.

I picked off a few more enemies before needing to reload. Once I had fresh rounds in the chamber, I immediately rengaged the targets, dropping another two more.

Jackson and Anderson pushed up together, joining the firing line. They both set up their SAWs on the ground, and fired away. Both men laughed as hundreds of rounds flew into the enemy ranks.

"Push up!" Yuri yelled to his men.

Together, the men of 2-1 rose from their defilades, and advanced in on the enemy. Relying on our cover fire, they moved quickly, killing any PRF soldier that stood in their way.

One of the enemy soldiers behind a metal bench took several shots at me. Some missed and some hit way too close to my body. I withdrew behind cover. Thank god the pillar wasn't made of wood.

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