Chapter 10

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Clearwater Shopping Complex,
Omega District, Revolt City.
1200 hours GST

To my right was Midnight and to my left was McCord.

And to my front, stood an entire company of PRF soldiers.

Good thing the entire first platoon was to my rear.

We snuck up towards the enemy on foot, discreetly dispatched one or two enemy lookouts and set up a couple of mortar teams with their sights zeroed in on hostile positions. However, we had no choice but to leave the IACs behind as they were far too big for a stealthy approach. That meant we lost a significant amount of firepower, but we still have enough to take over this FOB.

But stealth will be out of the window once the first shot is fired.

Raptor 1-1 remained a low profile in before of a perfectly trimmed thick foilage that stretched across the front of the north entrance of the mall. The rest of the squads did the same, with 2nd squad and 3rd squad on our flanks and the 4th squad behind us. We were lying on our bellies, watching our foes with a cautionary eye.

Gideon said on comms, "Sergeants, ready your men."

The clicking sounds of fire selectors switching away from 'safe' could be heard along the the platoon. I set my own rifle on 'single'.

McCord said, "Targets, 30 meters, give or take." McCord was looking through the foilage. Midnight was doing the same as well. A beam of light shone through the gap where his eye was. His iris traversed from left to right, then right to left again.

"Copy," he replied.

Through the gaps of the branches and twigs, I did the same.

The face of the entire North Entrance was a colourful concrete wall, unstained by the bloodshed. Shades of blue, yellow, red and green splattered across the entire structure. They were painted in shapes of hexagons and triangles, sort of like patches. There were several large windows across the second and third floor above the entrance, all of them had armed men behind their glassy skin. The second floor however, had two machine gun emplacements that we may have to deal with really soon.

On the roof, there were a couple of lookouts. They were careless. If there was a sniper or a marksman, they would've spotted us by now. A massive antenna was erected on the right side, that's where the lookouts were gathered. I assume the massive antenna, which bore a slight resemblance to a skinny waiter droid, could be a jammer.

On ground level, around fifty men dressed in dark green digital camouflage stood guard around the main square. They were well armed, alright. Rifles, machine guns, and several RPGs could be seen in their hands. Beside them, was an IFV armed with a 30mm cannon. It sat idly on the side, with the commander sticking his head over the hatch, talking to two other PRF grunts. A row of streetlights aligned themselves along the entrance, with some of the PRF men leaning against them, talking.

A sudden loud thud sounded within the squad. Then Lee could be heard whispering, "Jackson, if you don't shut the fuck up, the PRF's gonna vaporize our fucking asses."

"The fucking belt's stuck, homie, what do you want me to do about it?" Jackson replied.

"Second platoon is already in position, ready up," Gideon said again, "mortar team?"

"Just call it lieutenant, they won't be standing any longer," Sergeant Walker replied, "just make sure they don't hit our drone, eh."

I looked up, and there it was. A small dot in a vast blue backdrop. A spotter drone.

I returned my eyes to the bush, and watched the enemy APC. The two PRF soldiers climbed down from the vehicle and moved to the side. The commander on the other hand went below the hatch. Several seconds later, the 30mm barrel swiveled up and down, left to right.

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