Chapter 13

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Midnight was on the ground, still alive. Thankfully.

"Midnight!" I yelled to him, quickly diving towards his position.

"I'm alright!" He yelled, "That dickhead shot my rifle."

I grabbed him by the body armor, and flipped him slightly to the side to check on him. There was a scratch mark on the side of his helmet. The bullet must've ricocheted off his rifle. His rifle on the other hand, was in pieces. The receiver was blown open and the barrel was dangling off of it.

With a sigh of relief, I said to him, "That's way too fucking close."

He drew his M-5 sidearm, "Few more inches up, I'll be dead."

I can't lose a friend. Not today, or any other day.

"Everybody stay down," Jackal yelled, "Caxe can you-"

Another round flew over heads again, followed by a loud supersonic crack and a bang.

She shook her head, also behind cover.

Then another two more round flew in, striking above her head.

"Lee, do you have any electrosmoke grenades?" Jackal asked.

"Negative, sarge. I've packed HEDPs."

"James?" Jackal asked the other grenadier.

"None sir," James replied, "packed according to mission requirements."

"Shit, we gotta use normal smoke then," he said, "He may have thermals, we don't have much time."

Another gunshot screamed into the air.

"Caxe and Frost, take the second floor. Everyone else lay down covering fire. I'm going to pop smoke," Jackal said as he pulled out a M10 smoke grenade.

I slowly crawled my way towards Caxe, making sure I was low enough not to make myself a juicy target.

Another gunshot rang out, but the round went nowhere near me.

Jackal gestured behind us, "There's an escalator behind you use that to get up. Once there, we'll draw that cunt out. You two gotta slot that bastard the moment you see a flash. Got it?"

"Got it," I said.

Caxe loaded a fresh 7.62x51mm magazine box into her rifle and cocked it. A loud chk-cha shounded as a round was fed into the chamber.

"Ready?" Jackal asked, pulling the pin off the M10.

"Ready!" I replied.

He tossed a smoke grenade ahead, "Wait for it..."

A soft smooth sizzling hiss later, a cloud of white-grey smoke began to form rapidly, "GO!"

Muzzles lit up around us as the squad opened fire. Rapid firing bangs opened into the air. Bright, orange flashes illuminated the surrounding walls.

I ran towards the unit's six o'clock with Caxe following behind. Quickly we sprinted up the escalator stairs. Our boots chimed with every quick hasty step up.

A few seconds later we found ourselves behind a pillar.

"We're here," I relayed.

"Alright, see if you can spot that wanker," Jackal said, "Look out for muzzle flashes, reflections anything."

"Copy that," I replied.

Gunfire from the squad didn't stop and McCord yelled over the noise, "Left side, behind the tree!"

Warfighter: Operation ShatterfallWhere stories live. Discover now