"Then what happened?" I ask breathlessly

"Jonathan was long gone, his wolf was in control, and so I interfered and tried to calm him down. I made him focus his eyes on Jenna while the rest of the warriors attacked Alex and put him on the ground securing that he wasn't gonna escape. We sedated him and put him in one of our trunks. The East Hill pack agreed to take him as prisoner since Jonathan didn't want to keep him in our dungeons. He did not want him near Jenna. Jonathan he was... he was really hurt I think. He thought that Jenna might actually have feelings for Alex so he became really distant. Jenna tried explaining to him that she just couldn't bear the thought of someone dying because of her but Jonathan wasn't listening to her. He was very upset; he even told her that he considered her a traitor since she did not allow him to kill Alex." Alvaro states and I just stay curled up on him unmoving, not really knowing what to say.

I sigh and hug Alvaro more tightly feeling overwhelmed now that he is close to me again.

"What a mess. I mean, I understand both of them. My sister is a sweetheart so it makes sense for her to ask to spare the kidnapper's life but Jonathan had every right to long to kill him. I really hope they will work things out sooner than later." I say as a few minutes pass and I kiss my mate's chest.

"They will, mi alba. They love each other." Alvaro says matter-of-factly and I nod in agreement.


Having Alvaro next to me made me fall in a deep slumber since I hadn't slept well for days. I was still half on top of him when I woke up and I picked my phone to see that it was 4am. Damn, I had slept for too many hours straight but I most likely would have slept even longer hadn't I heard some yelling from down stairs. I detached myself from my mate slowly brcause i did not want to wake him up and quickly decided to go check what was going on.

I was still wearing my jeans and my blouse so I left the room in those and headed to where the sound was coming from. As I got closer to the kitchen, I realized that Jonathan was the person shouting at the top of his lungs.

"...wanna go find him? He isn't here! You wont be able to run away with him again." Jonathan roared and I could hear someone's sobs echoing through the house.

"Please, come to bed. It isn't like that, Jon. I love you, you know that." My sister deadpanned in a low breaking voice that made me walk faster

"Wouldn't surprise me if you actually planned this whole thing yourself. You know what they say, my little Jenna. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." Jonathan replied and I stopped dead in my trucks.

What does that even mean?

"You are drunk and you have no idea what you are talking about. My mother never cheated on my father! Yes, she fell in love with a man before meeting her mate but she ended that relationship the minute she met my father! And I have never loved anyone before you, you were my first love and I was hoping you would have been my last. I explained to you a million times why I do not wish to have a death on my shoulders and if you cannot understand that then that's your problem." Jenna said loudly, tears escaping her eyes as she came out of the kitchen. She gasped the minute she noticed me but then walked passed me without an explanation.

"Come in, Dawn. I am feeling really chatty tonight." Jonathan yelled from inside the kitchen with a devious laugh and I was about to run behind my sister and not waste my time on him but I guessed she would need some time to calm down.

I did not comprehend what the two of them were talking about but it was clear my mother had been a bit more outgoing  when she was younger than what I would have thought.

I got inside smoothly and faced Jonathan only to see him look like a complete mess. He was sitting at the table, his eyes red and puffy undoubtedly from crying and he had three empty bottles in front of him. It took a lot of alcohol for a werewolf to get drunk but Jonathan had done a great job at getting hammered.

"You look like hell and you are hurting my sister." I tell him coldly waiting to see his reaction

He stares at me and then laughs as if I had just said something awfully funny before he grabs one of the bottles and looks at it curiously.

"Did you know? About your mother I mean... Did you know?" he asks me and I give him a flat unbothered look.

"My sister loves you and you are breaking her heart." I say again, trying to make him see some sense but he continues to stare at the bottle.

"You didn't know. You still don't know. And it isn't my place to tell but like I said, I am feeling really chatty tonight... So, please take a sit. I am about to tell you a story." he tells me with a smile and I move to sit across from him tired of his games.

"You see, your mother fell in love with a werewolf who had lost his mate when she was a student in Spain. He was a widower whose mate died tragically leaving him alone with his 5 year old son. His name is Timothy, Timothy Pique. Rose was so in love with this man that she actually agreed to raise his son with him. To become the boy's new mother. But when she came back to the US to see her parents and inform them about her decision she met Nicholas Logan, her mate. She couldn't resist the mate bond so their match was unavoidable. Timothy tried to change her mind but your mother knew that her mate was IT for her. And so... Timothy left."

I look at him in confusion not getting where this is going, "So my mother had an affair before meeting my father. Boo-hoo. Who even cares about something that happened years ago? Why are you telling me all this?" I interrupt him getting annoyed with his detached expression

He finally takes his eyes off the bottle and looks at me in what seems like sympathy?

"Timothy might have departed that day but there was something he left behind, Dawn. He left behind a baby." he declares, his expression serious all of the sudden

I laugh at full volume in a phony manner hearing his revelation not  even trying to stop my reaction, "Ok, Jonathan. I'll play along cause this just became kinda entertaining. So where is this baby now? Since it is another brother or a sister I would like to find them. You know how much I love my siblings."

He inhales deeply and locks his eyes with mine, all humor gone from his face, "The baby isn't another sibling of yours, Dawn. This baby that was made from their union is sitting right across from me in this very instant. I am presently looking at her... 

Dawn, you are that baby."

A/N. So mama Rose was kinda wild when she was younger. Who would have thought...

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