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    In a world full of negative people, how can we go day by day and remain emotionally resilient? How can we start living for ourselves instead of living the life others think we should live? In a society where there is an emphasis on being bette...

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    In a world full of negative people, how can we go day by day and remain emotionally resilient? How can we start living for ourselves instead of living the life others think we should live? In a society where there is an emphasis on being better than the rest, we sometimes lose focus on accepting where we are currently. Life is a journey and process, we can accept ourselves where we stand now and continue to grow further. As a result of fighting the current position you may be in, you find yourself depleted of energy and hope. Life doesn't have to be this way...

Personally, i've found myself in the past trapped in a cycle of pleasing everyone but myself. I ended up in a major in college that I thought would make my parents proud, but only made me more miserable. The truth is, I don't want to become a lawyer. Even more so, I don't want a "steady job", I want to be my own boss. Creating a business that I have a passion for has always been my dream, and up until 4 months ago I was following a path that wasn't what God set me out to do. After much contemplation, tears, and aggravation I realized that I needed to stop worrying about everyone else's opinion and pursue what sets my soul on fire. That for me is being a life coach, spiritual healer, motivational speaker, and author. Inspiring others to achieve their lifelong goals is what gives me the upmost satisfaction in life. I am speaking to you when I say this, life is too short to be living someone else's life. God made you different from the rest, do what will make you the most satisfied in life. At the end of the day, be able to say that you may have stumbled or fallen but that you have not lived a life of regret. For those who need to hear this right now, if you are on a path in life that is not true to yourself, change it! It is never to late to do so,etching you love. God makes you uncomfortable for a reason, better opportunities await, now it's your chance to go pursue them! This leads me into some inspiration that really transformed the way I think about interpersonal relationships...

After a rather eye opening discussion with my father, it really sunk in as to why I was experiencing such pain. I was too concerned with others opinions and thoughts of me. I allowed other people's negativity to infiltrate and disrupt my happiness. He said something that truly resonated with me, "Throughout your life there are going to be people who only want to fight or create conflict, the only way to deal with those types of people is by simply putting a smile on your face and being kind." He continued to say, "If you can walk into a place and no matter what is happening still manage to remain upbeat, you will truly stand out from the crowd. Even when others may being creating nothing but problems, if your positive attitude remains you've won the war without even fighting." The truth is, there are some people that you will never please and there are even more people that you can never change. With that being said, how do you handle these people? How can you continue to live a happy and productive life despite being faced with some rather painful situations and people? Below are 13 ways I've learned to not only learn to deal with difficult people but to generate a genuine appreciation for them as well:

1) Do not take words spoken in anger personally:
There are always going to be people who cannot properly control their anger. You may not even be the cause of their outbreaks but just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you find yourself in this type of situation instead of feeling angry or hurt, try feeling empathy for the other person, you never know what could have happened to them that day to cause them to act out.

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