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Jackson had disappeared for the night. Mark called him over and over and over again, having no idea where the younger went. 

He didn't get any good sleep at all, both the guilt of the shitty things he'd done and Jackson's absence contributing to his rampant thoughts keeping him awake. He only got in a mere 1 or 2 hours of sleep before his alarm was jolting him to full alertness.

He felt like trash, both in the figurative and literal sense.

It took everything he had in his being to drag himself off his bed and to get dressed for class, the entire time wondering where the hell Jackson was and how the hell he was going to fix all of this. Though, maybe he was too hopeful to fix everything; he had messed up pretty bad.

Mark gave Jackson's phone a few more rings, to no avail. His phone was probably on do not disturb or something; he probably knew Mark would call him non-stop and at that point in time he most likely didn't want to hear anything Mark had to say. 

Still, that didn't make Mark stop worrying. He'd really driven Jackson away this time, and he wasn't sure if his roommate was ever coming back.

He reluctantly got ready for class and left his dorm, hoping that along the way he'd see Jackson and know that he was alright. Unfortunately he didn't, and instead the first person he recognized was Jinyoung as he walked into the lecture hall.

Mark stopped in his tracks at the sight of the younger. He didn't look bad, but didn't exactly look good. And as if he could sense Mark's presence, Jinyoung lifted his head, eyes catching Mark standing in the doorway. 

His face quickly turned into a scowl.

Mark felt a chill run down his spine in the brief second that he was glared at before Jinyoung looked back down at his notes. He was hesitant to even enter the room, but Mark couldn't just skip class to avoid unwanted conflict. 

He took in a breath and slowly made his way to his seat beside Jinyoung, trying to figure out what to say as he pulled out the chair.

"Look, Jinyoung I-"

"Mark, please walk away."

Mark froze where he stood. The request sounded more like an order, yet Jinyoung somehow found a way to be polite yet firm at the same time. "B-But, I just wanna say I'm-"

Jinyoung looked up at him, his eyes piercing through Mark's soul. "Walk away. Now."

It wasn't a request this time, it definitely was an order.

Mark felt his chest tighten. He had hurt Jinyoung too. But he needed a chance to explain himself, and neither him nor Jackson were willing to listen. "Jinyoung, I know you and Jackson formed a good bond and I tried to ruin it, I'm really sorry for that, but you have to understand-"

"No more feeding me bullshit." Jinyoung interrupted, the hard slam of his pen down onto the desk making Mark jolt. "I don't need to understand anything. I left my old school because people did stupid, petty, shitty things like this, you knew that. I told you that. Yet you fucking betrayed me. I don't wanna hear it. Jackson's so upset, and I am too. He stayed with me last night and wouldn't stop complaining about you, so honestly you're the last person I wanna see right now. Please, kindly, fuck off to a different seat."

The elder's jaw hung open as if words wanted to come out, but didn't have the right to. He eventually shut his mouth and shuffled away, finding a different seat far on the other side of the room; luckily there were some empty ones or this would have been a torturous class sitting beside a furious Jinyoung. At least his question was answered though; Jackson was safely in Jinyoung's dorm, so now he didn't have to ask about his whereabouts.

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