"God has smiled upon you then."

"If one wishes to put it that way."

"One of the guards will escort you to your chambers."

She falls into another curtsy and leaves the room.The doors at the top of the staircase open again and this time the woman does not wait for her introduction. She rushes down the staircase as she is being announced.

"Lady Florence Abruzzo of Varis."

Her heels click against the tile floor, as her pale blue dress flares out behind her. She falls into a quick curtsy and begins speaking, her Varian accent dripping from her words. "Your Majesty, it was ever so kind of you to invite me to Odet Palace. I must express the great joy I felt when receiving an invitation. I shall look forward to the time we will be spending together in my stay."

She leaves the room as quickly as she came in. The doors atop the stairs open and a small woman stands in the doorway. "Presenting Lady Angele Fleming of Eldsar."

She slowly walks down the stairs, her hands hidden in the folds of her pink gown. Her heels barely click against the floor as she walks towards me. She falls into a deep curtsy. "Welcome to my home Lady Angele Fleming."

"Thank you for your invitation, Your Majesty."

"I do hope you enjoy your stay here."

"I shall try my best."

She dips into another deep curtsy and rushes out of the throne room. "Lady Harriet Attard of Eldsar."

The woman standing in the doorway at the top of the stairs walks down them with the poise of a dancer. She practically floats across the tile floor no sound coming when her heels hit the floor. When she reaches the three stairs in front of me she curtsies and smiles. "Welcome to Ordet Palace, Lady Harriet Attard."

"Thank you for having me."

"I do hope your journey wasn't too much of a trouble."

"None whatsoever."

"That is relieving."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

She curtsies again and leaves the throne room. "Presenting Her Royal Highness, Princesa Lucia de Leon, Princesa of Safire."

The doors open and the Princesa walks down the stairs with great confidence. Her silver and emerald crown catches the light and throws it back in all directions. Her emerald green dress hints to wealth and her status but remains simple. She walks across the throne room, her heels clicking against the floor. When she stops in front of my throne and gives a short nod.

"Hello Princesa Lucia de Leon."

"Hello King Edward."

"Why has your father sent you? You were not on the list I approved of."

"Ah Edward, my father is not angry with you. He wished me to come to negotiate a peace treaty. I also hope that you will allow me to advise you in choosing a new wife."

"You are not to be married?"

"My father has declared me his heir after seeing how my brothers are incompetent in ruling Safire."

"I see. How long will you be staying here Lucia?"

"As long as it takes you to find a wife, or until my father asks me to return to Safire."

"So no one else from your country has come?"

"Only Lady Caralina de Mortos. I do not recommend marrying her. She has a noble man lover. She would much rather marry him than you."

"Thank you for telling me. I will send her home at the first opportunity."

"She would be very grateful. But you mustn't tell her why."

"I know. Your old chambers are still open. Feel free to use them during your stay."

"Thank you Edward. I will speak more with you later."

"Of course."

She leaves the room and another name is called. The woman in purple walks down the stairs and quickly rushes across the floor to me. She curtsies and beams up at me. I welcome her to Ordet and she leaves off to find her chambers. The cycle continues for another fifteen women. Elaborate gowns, curtsies, welcoming them to Ordet, them leaving to find their chambers. The doors open again. "The Dauphine Isabel Castile of Imon."

She walks down the stairs, as poised as the Dauphine of Imon must be. She walks across the floor without a sound. When she reaches me she gives a nod and the slightest of curtsies. "Welcome to my palace, Dauphine Isabel Castile."

"I thank you for your invitation, Your Majesty."

"I hope your journey was not hard."

"Not in the slightest Your Majesty."

"That is good."

She nods her head again and leaves the throne room. Through the side doors after she leaves Brodie comes in. He gives a short quick bow and then walks up the three steps. "Your Majesty there is to be a short break before the rest of the ladies come in. A small lunch is on its way for you."

"Why the break?"

"One of the ladies has just arrived. It is said that she was attacked on the way here. One of her maids was trying to find a doctor for the ladies guards. The break is to last as long as it takes the lady to get ready."

"She is not prepared?"

"No the maid said that they left very early yesterday morning and traveled all through the night as well."

"Very well."

"She is the next one who is to be introduced to you."

"Thank you Brodie."

"Of course."

He bows again and leaves the throne room as a maid comes in carrying a tray. She dips her head as she walks up the three stairs and places the tray on the small table next to me. Then she walks down the stairs, curtsies, and leaves the throne room. On the tray is a goblet of wine, a bowl of nuts, a bowl of blackberries, cheese, and a buttered roll. I grab the goblet and take a sip. I set it back on the table and pluck a blackberry from the bowl, eat it, and swallow it. I take another sip of the wine and wait for the next woman to arrive.

A/N: what! *gasp* where's vicki? and why would the maids gossip about how handsome Edward is when he's right there!? oh well, i'm just letting you know right now that eddie is beautiful. new chapter next week. thank you for reading. -m

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