Ki takes it from him, "Did my heart love til now? Foreswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty til this night!"

"Well, ain't that touchin' " Dylan say in a fake southern accent.

"It's truly tragic!" You exclaim.

"It didn't really happen!" Dylan says giving you a belittling look.

"Oh, Romeo. Romeo! Where fore art thou Romeo!" Thomas says in a high pitched voice, teasing you.

"None of you understand." You say clicking your tounge.

"We understand that you like it, babe. We just can't stand it." Thomas says with a laugh, ruffling your hair.

"I ought to make you watch Sense and Sensibility with me." You mutter.

Thomas' eyes widen in horror as he holds his hands up in surrender, "No! No. It's okay. We'll stop making fun."

"I thought so." You say with a nod, looking back down at your book.

"I'm looking up Shakespeare." Dylan say pulling his phone out.

"I wanna see!" Will says coming up behind Dylan and peering over his shoulder.

Dylan's nose scrunches up, "Shakespeare was one ugly son."

Ki jumps up and looks at the screen, "Whoa. He needs a few cosmetic changes."

"It was hundreds of years ago! What do you expect?" You say glancing at the screen.



Someone stab your eyeballs out and put them out of their misery.

"Never mind you're right about that."

"Did Iris just say we were right?" Dylan says his eyes getting wide, "Please tell me someone got that on tape?"

"Shut up." You mutter, although you still smile a little.

"Go to Shakespere quotes." Will say pointing at the screen.

"M'kayyyy." Dylan drawls.

Thomas leans in and looks at Dylan's phone, "Hell is empty and all the devils are here." Thomas says, his eyebrows raising, "That was deep."

"Yeah, cool story bro." Will says with a chuckle.

"When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew it." Dylan says. He looks over at you and Thomas wiggling his eyebrows, "Sounds like someeeeone we all know." Dylan bats his eyelashes sweetly.

"I hateeee you." Thomas says with mock sweetness.

Dylan giggles and turns back to the screen, "And though she be but little, she is feirce." He looks at you nodding, "And that's Iris."

"We all know it." Will agrees.

"Can't deny it." Thomas adds.

"I feel victimized." You mutter.

Dylan has been staring at his phone for a bit as you all turn back to him, "Hey, this one is pretty good. Shakespere said, " We are all just players on the stage of life."

He and Thomas share a glance, "That WAS good."

"That's one of my favorites." You say with a nod.

"The stage of life. What does that mean?" Ki asks.

All four boys look to you.

Guess they expect you to answer.

"I think it means....that when you act, someone is always watching you. The audience for one, but also the people on stage. They learn what makes you and your character tic. Even when you're acting you can learn a lot about a person. They receive each chacters problem as they themselves would. You have to study feelings and human nature when you act. When you see someone act scared, it's going to be pretty close to how they would actually look when they're scared. When someone acts in love, it's going to be a similar look on stage. Just stuff like that. Shakespere was a pretty deep person. It's hard to unravel everything he's said." You sum up.

You look back up at the boys. All have the same look of awe on their faces. Thomas looks struck but proud. You bite your lip. You should stop looking at Thomas. You might get the urge to kiss him right there. You blush and look down in your lap.

"Shakespere should've talked to you. That was insane." Ki says.

"Seriously. Forget Shakespere." Will concers.

"Whatever." You shrug.

"She's so humble." Ki shakes his head.

"But that's one of the many reasons we love her!" Dylan says cheerfully, wrapping an arm around you.

You smile.

You look over to Thomas who is glaring at Dylan. Ki and Will explode in a fit of chuckles, "You best get your hands off his woman!"

Dylan smirks, "Yes, sir."

Dylan takes his arm off off of you. Quietly, he says, "He's possessive.That's good. You've got a good boyfriend."

You smile and glance down to the bracelet on your wrist and the matching one on Thomas'. You look back up at Tommy. His eyes are closed. He leans into you sleepily. His hair is ruffled and his breaths are slow and even.

How do you breathe again?

You smirk and whisper back to Dylan.

"I know I do."


You guys have a few more chapters until I'm evil again. So enjoy this happy day! :-) I have kind of, really mean plans.

Oh, BTW -





Seriously! I love hearing what you guys have to say! It makes my bloody day! Be sure to comment!

Again, thank you guys SO MUCH for reading! It means so much!

I love you all!


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