Where are you?

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Chapter 2 Where are you?

     I laid in the darkness just holding Delaney. It was a few hours of listening to the party continue on downstairs and Delaney's soft breathing. Several times, there were knocks on my door but I refused to let go of her or even move. It felt nice, comfortable just holding her.
     I assume it was Sloan doing the knocking. She's the most likely one to pester me to come back to the party, or more likely, her place. I could have done it and I would have gotten laid for my trouble. It wasn't what I wanted.
     Getting laid yes, of course I want that. I don't know any guy who doesn't want to have sex. I just don't want it with Sloan. I've got Delaney on my mind, she's all I can think of. Laying here like this feels too good, too comfortable to want another woman.
       I didn't come up here because I was tired. I'm not really tired, I no longer felt the need to socialize with everyone. I didn't want to have Sloan hanging on me or trying to get me to cave in either. I wanted to be near Delaney, just close by, in case she needs something.
      "You don't have to babysit me. I can sleep by myself, you know." Delaney softly breaks the silence. Peering over her shoulder when the next knock on the door comes. She's still awake too.
     "I know." Sighing, I shift, bringing her with me.
     Nudging Delaney to move, she rolls over to face me, putting a good foot between us. Not liking the sudden cold air, I pull her back into my arms again and shuffle closer to her little body. Curling my arm around her, I'm face to face holding her against my chest now.
     "Sorry, she's persistent. I don't want to be down there. If I did, I would be." I don't want her to think of me as her babysitter. That's definitely not the image I was going for.
     "I'm not surprised. I'll apologize to her tomorrow for stepping on her toes tonight." Yawning she stretches her body taunt then curls in relaxing again. "I don't have the patience for a nincompoop tonight."
     "That makes two of us." I agree, Sloan has been pushing me tonight to recommit to her. I should have known she'd push after the break up. She seemed okay about it. As if no strings worked for her. It doesn't, I know that.
     "What are you thinking about then?" Her voice is heavy and a little slurred.
      She doesn't need my problems loaded on her tonight. Hell, she barely knows me. "I'm just thinking about stuff... Her, the one that keeps knocking, she's not taking no for an answer, and I've said it plenty. I hope she's not the one keeping you up." I whisper against her forehead.
     The urge is there. I just want to plant my lips right there on her warm skin. Inhaling deeply, I smell the faint scents of lavender and honey. It's nice, not heavy like she took a bath in it, but faint like it's an afterthought.
     "You aren't. My sleeping schedule is off a bit, is all. Time differences between here and home have me a bit mixed up." She explains and I feel soothed just listening to her talk.
     "Tell me about home, Laney. What's Ireland like?" I want to know more about her. I want her to keep talking. Listening to her voice is the most relaxing thing I've done in a long time.
     So she talks quietly about the land and how green everything is, the rains and how cold they get, the people and how friendly they are. She tells me about a local pub with the best Colcannon and champ she's ever had and her favorite locally made whiskey. Her soft voice lulls me, like my mother's did as a child. And I sleep, the most relaxed, deep sleep I've had in a really long time.
      When I woke up, I thought for sure Delaney would still be asleep. But finding myself alone, I had to wonder if I dreamt her. She was definitely a girl from my dreams. That soft, silky hair, and gorgeous, green doe eyes last night got me weak. When she told me to get into bed with her and she would keep her hands off me, I almost yelled 'no'. I wanted her hands on me, but I settled for holding her. She surprised me when she didn't push me away. Maybe she needed that contact too.
     That small, curvy body curled up in my arms, her voice silky smooth told me stories of her home. It was peaceful and quiet. No one but us. I slept like a log with her help. I couldn't move for fear of waking her, but it took everything I had to not kiss her bare neck or the edge of her shoulder. My shirt was so big on her, the neck exposed some beautiful, sweet smelling skin I wanted to taste.
     As I got up and began moving around, something drifting from downstairs got my attention. There was a smell coming from the kitchen, a divine, heavenly smell that pulled me from my room and down the stairs. Standing at the breakfast bar, every guy in the house was lined up with plates and coffee in front of them. Most were just in their boxers, like myself, but some had shorts on. I'm guessing they were drawn from their rooms just as I was.
      Once I walked around the side of the bar, I saw what they were all watching. Delaney was at work at the stove, her back to the boys, cooking breakfast, dressed in just my shirt. Those creamy legs on display and just a smidge peek of her ass could be seen. My eyebrows slowly rose watching her move around, softly humming to herself.
     The guys nod a good morning to me but no one says a word. This little morning welcome is just too good for anyone to spoil. Setting my phone down next to me, I joined the guys. The coffee pot is passed down my way and we sit patiently, enjoying our view of a very sexy woman cooking a breakfast that smells fantastic. Delaney doesn't seem phased by her audience when she turns to see all of us big burly guys staring at her. She just puts a big friendly smile on her face and greets us.
     "Good morning to you." She sets a platter of meat and a platter of what looks like pancakes out. "They're Boxty, a potato pancake. I'd have done something else but you've not got much in your ice box. I can go to the market later today and replenish you, if you get me a list."
     "This is perfect, Laney. Thank you. You know you didn't have to do this." I use my nickname for her without even thinking about it. Setting down my coffee, I fill up my plate. Without thinking about it I then made one for her. "I actually thought you'd still be asleep."
     "Hey, Breyden! How about introducing our guest to us. It's not often we have such a gorgeous lady here to cook us breakfast." Caleb grins, getting eyes rolling from most of us.
     Caleb is a good guy, he's just like women a lot. I know this suave little show is just him wanting to get in her pants, that's not happening. He better enjoy the view he has sitting there, it's the only one he's getting. I'm not letting him near her.
     "Delaney, these are the guys that live here. You know Cam, next to him is Alex, Zee, Caleb and Theo. That's Reed and Fitz at the end. Delaney is an exchange student from Ireland. She just got in last night. I'm her student guide, so no bullshit with her. We take good care of her." I make sure I'm looking right at Reed when I say that.
     He's on the team but tends to not understand the word no sometimes. We've had some problems with him not adhering to the rules of the house. He's a hot head and even though he's good on the field it's off the field he tends to piss me off.
     Reed's eyes go up and down Laney, a cocky smirk on his face like he's undressing her with his eyes. Can, nudges him seeing the same thing I did. I don't like this but Delaney handles herself. Crossing her arms over her chest she raises an eyebrow at him as if daring him to test her.
     Clearing his throat, Cam steps over and gives Laney a side hug. "Welcome me wee lass." The guy's a dork.
     The others give her a polite welcome. I know they'll help keep an eye on her. Delaney stands comfortably where she is in front of all of us as I push the plate of food I made her in her direction.
      Glancing at the plate, Laney smiles looking up under her lashes at me and begins nibbling on the food. The guys make small talk, asking about Ireland and what made her come here, when the door slams open and a hell storm roars in.
     All of us turn in unison as Sloan stands furious in the kitchen doorway. Getting to my feet I instinctively step in front of Laney. Placing myself in the middle of a potential cat fight. Not my smartest move but I have to protect Laney. She doesn't know what Sloan is capable of.
     There's a shit storm brewing in Sloan's eyes. As she looks around the room at each of us, seeing the same look of infatuation on each of our faces aimed in the same direction. Delaney has captivated all of our attention. Especially mine. This girl may have chewed me out last night, but I deserved it.
      After we went to bed, it was different. I made my apology and she accepted it. I couldn't help myself, I had to hold her. I'm glad I did, she wasn't angry but tired. And soft, as I listened to her sweet voice.  I felt a pull to her from the moment I saw her. Sloan knew it too.
     The disapproval is more than evident on her face. I'm not thrilled knowing I have to leave this sweet girl alone with these animals, while I deal with Sloan's fit outside.  Flipping her hair over her shoulder, a hip pops out and Sloan's attitude is turned on for all of us to see.
     "Ah, you would be Sloan. Good morning to you, would you be liking some breakfast too?" Delaney politely and happily offers a plate to Sloan.
      She doesn't have to be nice to Sloan after the way she treated Laney last night. It is clear Sloan isn't in a hospitable mood. With an offended glare, she slaps the plate out of Delaney's hand, sending food flying and landing with a loud crash on the tile floor. Delaney's big green eyes go wide in surprise, while mine narrow in on the culprit.
     "What the hell are you doing? Did you screw all of them?" Sloan shrieked. Her high pitched voice echoed in the silent room. Quickly I get up, pushing her out the back door with a look of apology over my shoulder to Delaney. She doesn't deserve this wrath from Sloan.
     "Stop it, Sloan! What is your problem with her? She just got here last night. You don't even know her." But I want to. I really want to.
      "You slept with her last night in your bed! You're my boyfriend, not hers." She roars at me. Sloan isn't getting this.
     "I'm not yours, Sloan! We broke up, remember?" I remind her again. How thick is she?
      Her obvious lack of patience with me is cracking her usual composure. Sloan always stays in total control but not this time. It's like she's panicking. Taking a long breath, she stands taller, putting her slim straight nose in the air before leveling her eyes at me.
     "Breyden, I understand why you're trying to be nice to her because she's... well pitiful, honestly. She's alone and homeless and you're a good person who feels sorry for her. But she can't stay here. You know it's expected that you and I will be a couple. The school expects that Breyden. We can't let them down. I'm sure she'll understand that last night was just charity from you. Her country does have royalty, right? Just explain it to her. We're royals here. That's us, king and queen." Sloan smiles like she's settled this. Not even close.
     "We aren't royalty, Sloan. Last night wasn't charity, she is a nice person and we aren't together. Go home, I'm not doing this with you again." I turn to walk back inside and clean up the mess, when Sloan grabs my arm to stop me.
     "Let go!" Shaking her off, I turn around to glare at her.
      I'm not doing this anymore. For three years, I've had girls pawing at me here. For the last two, it's been Sloan hanging around, trying to get me to commit, pushing other girls away because she saw them as competition.
     She's dominated every female on campus. Making sure each one knew I belonged to her. She pushed to get her position on the squad, then rubbed it in everyone's face to get her way. She's done it with me too, especially the last couple months but no more. I'm done.
     "Don't do it, Sloan. You're only going to look bad if you try to hurt her. You don't want that." Her image and reputation mean more to her than I do. I don't even have that big of an ego.
     Just as I pull away from her and my phone goes off on the kitchen counter, right where I left it. Ignoring her plea, I go in and grab it. Only to see that it's my mom calling again. Shit! I can't ignore her call again.
      As I connect the call, Delaney brushes past me, her hand touching my bare lower back as she passes. The heat from her hand explodes through me rendering me speechless. That simple touch goes right down to my toes and blows my brain senseless. I'm instantly hooked.
     "Uh...Hello? Uh, hi? Hey, Mom, hi, hi Mom? What's up?" I stutter answering the call and watch Delaney as she bends over to clean up the broken plate. Her cute butt peeps out from the hem of my shirt and I'm suddenly feeling very possessive over her.
     "Mom, I'll call you right back. Something just came up." Trying to get off the phone I hear Cam laughing next to me.
     "Popping a tent, son?" His harassment of my current situation isn't funny.
     Glaring at Cam, I try this again. "I gotta call you right back, we've got a kitchen emergency mom. Five minutes, I promise!"
     This time, I didn't wait for a response, and hung up. An action I will definitely pay for, but I'm not letting these guys ogle Laney. I go over to her, dropping to my knees and start cleaning up the mess. Delaney stops, standing up next to me, her hands go into tight fists on her hips as she frowns down at me.
     "I can clean up the mess." Her soft voice brushed near my ear. My skin tingles and heats.
     "I got it, Laney. This was my fault. You sit down and eat." I keep my voice soft, attempting to curb the harsh tone from lashing out at her. This wasn't her fault. I took the broom and started to sweep up the mess as she went over to my seat. Sitting down next to Cam, I got what I wanted. There were several groans of disappointment in the room, when she moved out of view. I don't care, the only one that's going to enjoy that view of her is me. I'm not sharing her.
     She's my Laney, mine.
     That thought alone gives me shivers. The plan was no commitments to girls this year. I need to focus on myself. My education, my career and the NFL draft. I can't get there if I'm not paying attention. But this girl just changed the playing field for me.
~   ~  ~
     Cam helped me move my things from his room to Breyden's. Just as Breyden directed him to, but after understanding better that it isn't allowed for me to stay here, I'll need to make other arrangements. I'm planning to get a place for the semester secured as soon as I can get to the admissions office this morning.
     After the welcome from the boys this morning, it was clear I could have my hands full here. And I've gotten the impression that I've made quite a mess of things for Breyden and Sloan. He swears they aren't together but I don't think she got that message. I don't want to cause any problems. That was never my intention and for that I need to fix this.
     Breyden said he has class early today, but will be back after his practice tonight, around nine. He apologized for leaving me on my own, but I don't mind. I think he has plenty on his plate besides taking on me. I don't need a babysitter. Giving me his phone number and Cam's, he instructed me to call if I needed anything.
     I won't. I've been on my own long enough that I can take care of myself. I appreciate him being careful with me. I think he's afraid Sloan and I might get into it. I'm not going to fight with her. And I'm perfectly capable of finding my way around.
     The house emptied out fast after breakfast as everyone had classes and it was pushing on noon before I knew it. Taking my time putting myself in order, I dig through my suitcase and get some more appropriate clothes on. I had to search for something that doesn't look too wrinkled and some runners I assume will work for the day. I don't bother with pulling out my toiletries, and use what Breyden already has in the shower.
     Once showered and changed, I take my map of the campus and head off in search of the admissions building. I need to get out from under foot and get settled before my own classes start the next day. I glance at the map and walk through buildings and walkways. Down through the quad and then upstairs into the next building, before I finally find it. It was a good thirty minute walk through campus, but I did it just fine.
    "Can I help you?" The young girl asks, looking up from her work.
     Smiling back at her, I try to nicely explain. Setting my bag and map on the counter, I rested my elbow on the counter and began. "Aye, I've a problem with my rooming situation." And I get into the details of it for her. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can stay there when there's no rooms available for me and it's all boys."
       After she agreed and searched the computer for any vacancies, she went to the back to talk to a supervisor. When she comes back, looking more frustrated than I'm feeling about this, I know it's not good news. Just from the look on her face, I have a feeling what she's going to tell me is going to ruin my day.
     "I'm sorry. The original plan was for you to stay off campus with the host family and the other student, a guy, was to stay at the frat house. There wasn't a back up plan made for you on campus, so even though your host family is now the Staffords, they don't live here for you to stay with them. The dorms are currently full, and the sorority houses are too. In other words, we don't have any alternate housing for you." She looks about as defeated as I'm feeling. "The good news is there's almost always people who don't show up or decide not to live in the dorms, so as soon as we know of a vacancy, we can get you in. The bad news is that you have to pay for it."
     Not what I was hoping for, but it's a solution. "And how long do you think it will be before you know something?"
     "A week or two at most. But to be on the list for the dorms, you have to pay up front. It's $10,000. You can write a check or credit card." I see now that was the bad news, she didn't want to give me.
      "That much for the two years then?" Thinking quickly about the cost of an apartment, it's not too bad. Less than renting a place that's for certain.
     "No, that's per semester." She cringes at the expression on my face. "Sorry."
     "That's forty thousand dollars! Are you mad?" I know I have to pay that much. "I don't have that! I sold everything I had to get here. How am I supposed to pay that? I came here thinking this was all taken care of. I don't live down the road, you know." I don't know what I'm going to do. My visa in this country is a student visa. If I can't go to school, then I'll have to go back. The problem is I've got nothing there to go back to.
     All I got was another apology and a sympathetic look, before more students came in with their own problems for her to fix. Grabbing my bag, I walked out and wandered through the campus, not paying attention to where I was going, until I looked around me and knew this wasn't the way I came in.
     Looking around, I see a coffee shop on the corner and head off in that direction to get my bearings.  I stop just outside when I see the group of girls that were at the party last night. I recognize a few of the faces that are staring at me.
     "Excuse me, but I'm a bit lost. Can you direct me back to the football team's frat house?" Trying to be helpful, I show them the address from my phone.
      That's when the blonde from this morning, Sloan, with the bad manners walked toward us. Her face contorts as she listens to me talking to another girl. Brushing her hair back, she smooths her hand over the crown of her head and tugs her shirt down, so her breasts are clearly on display. She smiles that looks fake and painful at me and puts her hand on my shoulders.
     "Oh, you're lost? Here let me help you. Go back that way to the edge of campus and turn right. You need to keep going down the side road until you reach the last house, then turn left. Alrighty?" Her I'm so innocent pout that she's giving me doesn't fly. I know she remembers who I am. I might be a little lost but I haven't been knocked in the brain.
     I look over my shoulder at the girls who have backed away from me. They look scared of her. Looking back to Sloan as she and one of her friends nod to me. A see another giggle, but don't pay them any attention. I just want to get back to the house and figure out what I'm going to do.
     "Thank you." Hesitantly, I turned around and started back the way I came. As I walk, I slow down looking around me. I don't think this is right, but I don't know the area and I lost my map. As I think about it, I must have left it in the admissions office. If I could just remember where that is, I can grab it and be on my way.
~   ~   ~
     Classes are too long for me today. I keep thinking about this morning and Laney as I make my way home from practice. I think about my conversation with my mom and internally remind myself it's my fault that mom is mad. I'm the one who chose to ignore her calls.
     Eventually she stopped yelling at me and I explained the situation with Laney and told her we had filled the room at the house or that we have a rule of guy's only, we would just let Laney stay there. I caught another earful from my mom for quite a bit  including not answering my phone when she called again.
     She thinks Laney should stay close by so I can help her out. I agree, but I don't know where she could go. My mom seems to think she could stay with Sloan, but I know better. After this morning's epic episode, there's no way Sloan will help Laney out. There has to be some other way. Maybe we can get her in the dorms.
     I push through the front door of the house and see several of the guys already back here. Heading straight to my room, now filled with Laney's stuff, I weave around her suitcases, dropping my gear and looking for the one person that's been on my mind all day.
     "Laney? You here?" Not getting an answer, I head back down to find her.
     "Hey, did Laney figure shit out?" Cam asks, meeting me in the kitchen.
      "I haven't talked to her. I'm guessing she didn't, her stuff is still in my room. She's not here?" I ask, wondering what she could have gotten into this time of night. It's almost ten.
     "I came back between classes and practice, but she was gone. I thought she was going to call you?" Cam and I are both concerned now.
      Granted, I don't know this girl, not really, we did talk a lot last night. I just don't see her leaving her stuff and taking off without a word to us. After Sloan's blowout this morning, I wonder if they had a run in on campus. There's so much that could have happened to her.
     Where are you?
     I've been thinking about Laney all day long. After asking around no one has seen her or heard from her since early this morning at breakfast. That was more than twelve hours ago. Getting worried, I pace the kitchen, trying to decide if I should go look for her.
     "She hasn't left you a message?" Caleb questions me for the third time. He knows I'm not good about listening to my messages. One by one, the guys are joining us in the kitchen to wait with me now.
     "No, and yes, I've checked it." But I pull out my phone and look again. I've got plenty of messages from Sloan, and her clones, asking me to come over to theirs, a couple friends my mom but nothing from Laney.
      I know I'm bad about answering my phone. Even my mom gets mad at me for blowing off calls. Dad says recruiters could be calling me or I could be missing endorsement opportunities. I don't want to think about that stuff yet. I know that time is coming, but I just want a little bit longer of just being me.
     There are other girls driving me crazy with calls too. Texting me numbers and pictures. I don't want to see that. I'm a guy and yeah, I've had my way and paraded around like a king. But I've got priorities to think about now. I made an agreement with him, my dad, to do better.
      Laney is better, much better. But where is she?
~   ~   ~
     I've been wandering around for hours. I'm not where I want to be. I tried to find the admissions office, but I didn't know what building it was. When I asked the people, they directed me this way then that, I've gotten completely turned around. I don't get upset easily, but between my mix ups with housing and now this, I've about had enough frustration for a bit.
     Looking at my phone, I see it's on to ten at night. I thought I would be able to find my way back by now but I'm tired, hungry and about to give up. Breyden should be done with his practice by now. Hopefully it's not too late to bother him. Calling him is the only thing I can do.
     "Laney? Shit! I was getting worried. Where are you?" Breyden answers his phone immediately with a load of questions.
     His sweet voice was laced with worry and I feel bad for causing it. "I don't right know. I went to the office but... oh, it's a long story and I've about had enough today. I'm a wee bit lost and need directions back."
     "Where are you? I'm coming to get you." I can hear him floundering around with keys jingling in the phone. I hear him muttering something to one of the boys. "I got her, Cam, let's go. Laney, we're coming. Where are you?"
     "I don't know, that's the truth of if. I got turned around and it's quite dark. I'm on the edge of campus, I think. There's a roll shop ahead on the corner." I try to describe where I am, but there's no signs.
     "A roll shop?" Now I've gone and confused him. I get myself up further up the street and read the sign.
     "Max Melts." I tell him and I hear him getting into the car.
     "Okay, stay put, Laney, and don't hang up. I want to get to you without a problem. You're on the other fucking side of campus! How the hell did you end up way over there?" I heard the music and the car roared to life then died down quickly as they started my way.
     "I don't know. I left my map at the admissions office, I think. I asked for directions from your lass, Sloan but I got the feeling she doesn't like me much and sent me on a hunt." I stand under the awning in the neon lights to wait. Feeling much better, now that I'm in the light and having Breyden on the phone with me, sets me at ease.
     It took fifteen minutes before I saw the headlights coming in my direction. Swerving to the curb, a convertible car pulls up. Breyden jumps out of the passenger side and quickly rushes over to me. Walking to him, I meet him halfway before he crushes me into his chest. I could have cried. I was so happy to see him.
     He wouldn't let me go as we headed back to the house. Cam had come with him and drove as we sat together in the backseat. Breyden kept his arm around me as I explained my predicament between housing, money, and my visa. I've got a real problem.
     "I don't know what I'm going to do. I sold everything back home to get here. I've got a little money to tide me over but not enough for four semesters in a dorm." I explained. I should have planned this better. I know things never go smoothly.
     Once back inside their house, I realize I'm famished. Having not eaten since early this morning, I'm wanting to get something in me before bed. At the moment, I'm feeling my exhaustion hit hard. Breyden listens and lets me rattle on, while I fix us some food before we go to his room.
     "I don't know what to do. I don't have forty thousand dollars for housing and I don't have a job to get it. They might get a dorm for me, but it won't do any good if I can't pay for it." Biting into the roll, I moan out loud. "Buggars, I was starving."
     Breyden's dark eyes are like a good molten whiskey tonight. A dark amber with flecks of copper in them. They're beautiful to get lost in. I understand why the girls were talking about him everywhere I went today. It seems he's some sort of celebrity around here. He doesn't act it though.
     "Laney? I'll talk to my parents, we should be able to pull some strings." He offers me some chips as I finish up.
     "I don't take handouts. I worked hard to get here and I'll figure it out. I just don't want to go back, not when I just got here and I've nothing left there for me." I don't want to explain it all yet.  He drops the subject for the moment and we head upstairs, his phone once again is going off. I stop  as we head up the stairs, turning to look at him, his face just an inch from mine.
      "Are you getting that, then?" I wonder, stopping our climb up the stairs.
     Breyden checks the ID. He pockets it away but not before I saw who was calling him. It was Sloan. She's not going to like this. Patting my leg we move upstairs. "Nope. She can wait."
     We go in and Breyden closes and locks the door behind us as I gather my things and go into the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror alone in the bright light, I don't recognize myself. It's been a hard few days packing up and leaving everything I know to come to a place where I feel very out of place. I'm usually better at acclimating than this.
     "Tomorrow will be better." I vow to myself. And begin getting myself ready for bed.
     Pulling his shirt back on, I come out to find Breyden has changed into a pair of loose shorts. Avoiding taking a longer look than needed, I store my things back in my bag. Breyden pulls out water for each of us and hands a bottle to me.
     Setting it aside, I crawl into his bed once again and join him. Breyden curls up with me, pulling me to him and wrapping himself around me again. I feel safe here, better than I was a couple hours ago. I'm sorry that I got lost, but I'm thankful Breyden was here for me.
    "Well, we can solve your housing problem. You can just stay here." Breyden says as if this solves the problem. "If you don't mind rooming with me, then I'm good with sharing my room with you."
     "And Sloan? She's none too happy with me. I don't want you getting in trouble because of me. I don't have much choice right now but I can't stay here for long. I'll find a job and work it out, but  before I do anything, I need another map of campus." I don't want to be more trouble for Breyden than I am. I know staying here will only make things worse for him and me.
       "Don't you worry about her. We aren't together anymore. We were but I called it off over the summer." Breyden paused in thought then rubbed his lips against my forehead. Not a kiss, just brushing against my skin. I don't think he meant anything by it, but I'm glad to be here with him, just the same. "Get some sleep. We'll get you a map. I'll take care of things in the morning."
      And what things might that be?

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