-Chapter Sixteen-

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Midoriya awoke early due to how cold it was in his room. He shivered as he sat up, looking around sleepily. He only had half an hour before his alarm would go off anyway, so there wasn't any point in trying to go back to sleep.

Midoriya hauled himself out of bed, wincing at the sudden movement. His head hurt like hell and standing only made it worse. Shrugging it off, the green-haired boy grabbed his uniform and made his way toward the bathrooms in the common room.

He didn't pass anyone in the halls, which was surprising because a few of his classmates were early risers. Maybe they didn't get up as early as he thought.

Midoriya pushed open the door to reveal the empty bathroom. It was massive considering it was meant for 14 teenage boys. There was a long row of sinks and stalls, another door further back leading to the shower stalls. (I don't actually know how it's set up. All I know about is the sinks)

As he walked toward the back door, he got a glimpse of himself in the mirror. His hair was a tangled mess, sticking to his forehead due to his sweat. His skin was eerily pale, accentuating the dark circles under his eyes. He didn't have the energy to fuss about it, so he kept on walking.

Once in a stall, Midoriya set his clothes and other stuff up on the designated hooks and shelf. There was a curtain separating the actual shower from the rest of the stall, leaving a safe place to store your belongings.

The room started to fill with steam as the shower started up. Midoriya leaned against the wall, trying to calm his pounding headache. Just by standing in the shower, he felt as though he'd collapse at any moment.

He decided to cut it short, only doing the necessities. Normally he'd stay in there for a while, just relishing in the warmth. He made his way to his spot at the sinks to brush his teeth and the mess that was his hair. 

He inspected himself in the mirror, noticing how messy his outfit was. The undershirt was unevenly buttoned, leaving the neck slightly open. It was tucked in halfway, hanging loosely on the other side. He hadn't bothered to button up his jacket or do up his tie. Instead, he left them to hang off his thin frame.

He looked ghostly, with his chapped lips and pale skin, eyes hauntingly dull. Midoriya grabbed his toothbrush and began to brush his teeth. 

Once he'd finished brushing his teeth, he made his way back out to the common room. Most of his classmates were awake by now, eating breakfast and talking. 

He walked over to one of the tables, where his friends sat. None of them looked up when he sat down, as they were deep in a conversation. Midoriya just sat there, feeling as though he couldn't even move his mouth.

Something was off. He noticed before he even sat down. Uraraka was missing. 

"Ah, good morning Midoriya," Iida greeted him, just now noticing him. Midoriya hummed in response, closing his eyes. He felt so tired.

"Uraraka isn't feeling well, so she is staying behind to rest," the class rep informed him. Midoriya nodded, wincing at the action. 

"Are you okay? You look like crap," Todoroki commented. Midoriya let out another hum and leaned forward, resting his head in his arms. Above him, he could hear the others whispering. He couldn't hear what they were saying, though. 

"You should probably rest as well." Midoriya shifted to see Tsuyu with her finger resting on her chin. The green-haired boy sat up again.

"You should probably rest as well," he repeated in a snarky tone, mocking her. The others stared at him in confusion and surprise. 

Words Unsaid - TododekuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora