~Chapter Six~

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Midoriya let out a defeated sigh and sat up in bed, turning on his bedside lamp. The light immediately filled the room with its comforting warm glow, chasing away whatever may be lurking in the shadows.

Once again, the tapping from the wall sounded through the room, keeping a certain green-haired boy awake. It wasn't that loud, but with nothing else to concentrate on, it quickly became distracting. Especially since he had no idea what could be causing it.

Well, of course, he had ideas, but none of them seemed very likely. He'd ruled out rats earlier, and one glance outside told him it wasn't raining. It could be the pipes, but it didn't sound anything like that.

He sat in bed for a while longer, pondering what could be causing it. Then, a sudden idea came to mind. It was stupid but worth a try.

Midoriya got to his feet, pausing for a moment so he wouldn't pass out. Then, he grabbed a pen and a notebook and sat back down. He leaned against the wall to feel the tapping to get a more accurate read.

With each tap, he marked down either a line or a dot, dashing on the longest pauses. He wrote for around five minutes before the tapping died down.

It was late, after all, and if it was morse code then the person tapping would be tired. It'd also been happening for a while before Midoriya caught on.

As he waited for more taps, he read over the markings.

..-  -.  --. / ---  ..-  - / .--  ..  -  .... / ...  ---  --  . / ..-.  .-.  ..  .  -.  -..  ... / -  ---  -..  .-  -.--  .-.-.- / -  ....  .  .----.  .-.  . / -.  ..  -.-.  .  --..-- / .. / -  ....  ..  -.  -.- / -.--  ---  ..-  .----.  -.. / .-..  ..  -.-  . / -  ....  .  --  .-.-.- / .--  . / .--  .  -.  - / -  --- / .- / -.-.  .-  - / -.-.  .-  ..-.  .  .-.-.- / .. / --.  ---  - / ...  ..-  .-.  .-.  ---  ..-  -.  -..  .  -.. / -...  -.-- / -.-.  .-  -  ... / .-  --.  .-  ..  -.  --..-- / .-  -.  -.. / --  ..  -..  ---  .-.  ..  -.--  .- / ....  .-  -.. / -  --- / ....  .  .-..  .--. / --  . / ---  ..-  -  .-.-.- / ....  .  .----.  ... / -.  ..  -.-.  . / .-..  ..  -.-  . / -  ....  .-  -  --..-- / .-  .-..  .--  .-  -.--  ... / ....  .  .-..  .--.  ..  -.  --. / --  .  .-.-.- / ....  . / ...  .-  ..  -.. / .. / ...  ....  ---  ..-  .-..  -.. / .-..  .-  ..-  --.  .... / --  ---  .-.  .  --..-- / -...  ..-  - / .. / -..  ---  -.  .----.  - / ...  .  . / .--  ....  -.-- .-.-.- / .-  -.  -.--  .--  .-  -.--  ...  --..-- / ..  -  .----.  ... / --.  .  -  -  ..  -.  --. / .-..  .-  -  .  .-.-.- / .. / ...  ....  ---  ..-  .-..  -.. / --.  .  - / -  --- / -...  .  -.. / -.  ---  .--  --..-- / --.  ---  ---  -..  -.  ..  --.  ....  -  .-.-.- /

(Hello yes it is I, the rat child. I'm here to save you some trouble. Yes, this gets translated later on in the story. Another thing,, please please plEase do not translate this. You can translate it for yourself if you really feel the need but please dont comment what it says. I left it untranslated rn for a reason,, so you could figure out what it said when you were meant to. Thanks.)

With no more noises coming from the wall, Midoriya tossed the notebook aside. He decided he'd try and get some sleep now, and just translate it tomorrow.

He turned off the lamp and the room was plunged into darkness once more. It didn't take long before Midoriya fell asleep, relishing in the newfound silence.


Midoriya sat at his desk, his notebook sprawled out in front of him. His laptop sat near the wall, giving him enough space to move freely. He'd nearly forgotten about the tapping up until now, at 5:37 pm.

Class had been normal enough. They didn't have hero training today, so it was a rather boring day.

Reaching forward, Midoriya typed a few words into the search bar and was instantly given thousands of results. The most popular results were simple translation charts, but there were a few translators.

Deciding he didn't want to be here for hours just translating dots and lines, Midoriya clicked a link to a translator. It was a pretty plain site, consisting of a text box and a "submit" button.

Not wanting to waste any more time, he began to type the code into the designated area. It took a while, and he often needed to read through to find his spot again, but finally, it was done.

He excitedly clicked the submit button, wanting to know if he was right with his guess of morse code. A few seconds later, a paragraph popped up. And, it was actual words! He was right after all, despite how crazy the guess was.

Finally, he'd know what was going through Todoroki's head in the middle of the night.

Wasting no more time, Midoriya began to read it.

"-ung out with some friends today. They're nice, I think you'd like them. We went to a cat cafe. I got surrounded by cats again, and Midoriya had to help me out. He's nice like that, always helping me. He said I should laugh more, but I don't see why. Anyways, it's getting late. I should get to bed now, goodnight."

Midoriya felt his cheeks heat up slightly at the mention of his name. Even though it wasn't anything too special, Todoroki still took the time to talk about him.

As Midoriya analyzed the message, he came across a question. Who was Todoroki writing to? Clearly not him, and last time he checked, Todoroki and his father didn't get along. Perhaps his mom? But she got locked away when he was a kid, so he doubted he'd've known morse code back then.

He did mention he had siblings before, and from what he could tell they got along well. But then why was he tapping messages to his siblings? They clearly weren't here...

Perhaps it was habit? Or maybe a coping mechanism for something? Maybe both...

Just then, an idea struck Midoriya. It was a stupid idea, and it'd definitely be difficult, but he'd learn morse code. Then, he'd talk to Todoroki. Who knows, maybe it'll be fun!

With a new objective on his mind, the green-haired boy worked tirelessly for two hours, trying his hardest to memorize the codes.

By the time he went to bed, he'd memorized half the alphabet. It was definitely going a lot faster than he'd expected, but he wasn't gonna complain.

Shortly later, as expected, the tapping started up again. This time he was ready for it. As he'd done the previous night, he wrote what he heard.

.. / ....  .-  -.. / .-  -.  ---  -  ....  .  .-. / -...  .-.  .  .-  -.-  -..  ---  .--  -. / -  ---  -..  .-  -.--  .-.-.- / -  ....  .  -.--  .----.  ...-  . / -...  .  .  -. / --.  .  -  -  ..  -.  --. / --  ---  .-.  . / -.-.  ---  --  --  ---  -. / .-  --.  .-  ..  -.  .-.-.- / -  ---  -..  .-  -.--  ... / .--  .-  ... / .  ...-  .  -. / .--  ---  .-.  ...  . / -  ....  .-  -. / -  ....  . / .-..  .-  ...  - / ---  -.  .  .-.-.- / .. / -..  ---  -.  .----.  - / -.-  -.  ---  .-- / .--  ....  .-  -  .----.  ... / -.-.  .-  ..-  ...  ..  -.  --. / -  ....  .  --  .-.-.- / .. / ....  .-  ...-  .  -.  .----.  - / -...  .  .  -. / -..  ---  ..  -.  --. / .-  -.  -.-- -  ....  ..  -.  --. / -..  ..  ..-.  .-..  .  .-.  .  -.  - / .-..  .-  -  .  .-..  -.--  .-.-.- / .. /  .---  ..-  ...  - / .--  ..  ...  .... / -  ....  .  -.--  .----.  -.. / ...  -  ---  .--.  .----. / .. / -..  ---  -.  .----.  - / -.-  -.  ---  .-- / .--  ....  .-  -  .----.  ... / .--  .-.  ---  -.  --. / .--  ..  -  .... /  --  .  .-.-.- /

The tapping once again faded, leaving Midoriya in complete silence. It seemed that the other boy was done talking, so Midoriya started to pack everything up.

He contemplated translating it tonight but decided against it. He could feel exhaustion weighing him down and succumbed to it. He turned off the light and fell asleep.

Words Unsaid - TododekuМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя