"This concerns you though, so just pay attention. It's not that hard."

Russia forced down the small wave of anger that had risen from America speaking to him like he was stupid. "Look. I'm trying to be nice. Maybe if you just stopped getting drunk so much, there wouldn't be any problems," he spoke.

America's face dropped into an expression of guilt before his mouth pinched in a frown. "That doesn't have anything to do with this. I'm talking about you and Georgia. You two need to work out whatever disagreement you have and at least be on speaking terms. I'll be the middleman if I have to. This is important."

Why was America getting so worked up about this? It wasn't any of his business. Russia opened his mouth to voice that though, but then America kept talking.

"I mean, it's been a year or two since everything, right? It'll make problems for everyone if you and Georgia stay so... hostile. I don't want her to be cruel to you, and I don't want the opposite either. If you guys could just get over the past and be frie- "

Russia put a hand up. "I'm going to stop you right there. It's not that simple." He just couldn't take America seriously after he had seen how the smaller country had acted that one night. Russia knew that at his core, America was just a blubbering crybaby who was paranoid about having friends and being loved. It was honestly pathetic.

It was actually very pathetic. Russia was disgusted by him.

He was.

He was.

Maybe it was pathetic how Russia couldn't stop himself from caring, just a little bit.

He pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the shit America was spewing. Him and Georgia? Suddenly becoming friends? You couldn't force something like that, not after years of mutual dislike.

"I don't get why you guys can't be nice to each other!" America exclaimed. "It's not hard, I'm friends with a lot of countries I've had disagreements with. You should be friendly at the very least."

All this talk of 'friends' was pissing Russia off. Does he ever shut up?

Sighing like an exasperated parent, America shifted his weight onto one leg and put his hands on his hips, looking down at Russia. "If you guys don't clear this... stuff... up soon, it'll just get worse. You should talk it out, maybe become acquaintances or friends- "

Russia couldn't take it anymore. "Oh, you think that we should be friends? Huh? Friends, like what you think we are?"

"Yes!" America said. Then he twisted his lips. "Well- "

"So I should act like how you act with her? Become her friend?" Russia asked again.

America tilted his head. "Well, yeah, I guess- "

"So a friend who lies to your face," Russia snapped. "A friend who steals and is a pushover, an irresponsible friend who gets constantly drunk and forces their roommate to take care of them, a friend who invades your space and oversteps boundaries and sticks their nose in places they don't fucking belong. A friend like that?" He wasn't being subtle at all, but America was honestly annoying him. It wasn't his job to try to fix broken relations.

America's mouth opened and closed, and while Russia couldn't see his eyes, he knew the smaller country was shocked. "R-Russia, I- "

"No, just-- shut up, for once. You can't waltz around and tell me what to do!" Russia suddenly stood, making America take a hasty step back. "What about your friend problems, hm? Why don't you go kiss up to Syria? Or Iraq? Why don't you go make friendship bracelets with Afghanistan?"

"I- that's different!" America sputtered. "I'm at war with them; you're not fighting Georgia! Just be friends with her!"

"If making friends was so easy for me, I would have tons and wouldn't even associate with you," Russia spat.

Oh, that hurt. He saw the slight change in America's expression.

Russia decided to switch the topic. Something in him didn't want to hurt the American any more. "And while we're on the subject of 'friends,' you can't even control yours! Your little buddies have been spreading damn rumors about me! Do you have any idea how many dirty looks I got today? Just because I was a responsible roommate yesterday and took you back to our room when you were piss-ass drunk in the middle of the day??" Russia realized his volume had been rising, and he quickly dropped it.

"They... they didn't spread rumors," America protested. "And they saw that I was fine this morning!"

Russia pinched between his eyes. Was he really supposed to explain everything to this ignorant country? "Well maybe you should encourage them to gossip less, because I can hardly go anywhere without getting a death glare." It was certainly a change from mostly being ignored.

"I'll -- I'll talk to them," America rushed out, watching Russia pick up his backpack. "But about Georgia- "

"I don't want to hear it," Russia interrupted, muttering barely loud enough for America to hear. He walked past him and out the door, leaving the other country behind.

Stupid. Russia exited the building and started walking back to their dorm, shivering slightly as a cool breeze suddenly whipped him. Stupid American. Meri didn't know the first thing about Georgia and Russia's past. He didn't know anything about Russia's past with those several countries that disliked him. It was foolish of him to assume everything could be patched up with such a weak idea as 'friendship.'

Russia hurried his steps. It really was cold outside. A bottle of vodka would probably help with that.

sorry if my writing style seems to change a lot, it's because i wait too long to update (lmao sorry)

and no, we haven't even gotten to the real drama yet. these boys are just hella dramatic and problematic. dont worry tho, the next chapter will probably be fluff :))


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