"Good morning, assistant Breanna Davidson of Freedream Film Productions speaking..." I introduced myself, speaking in my best customer service voice.

"Good morning, Miss." The person on the other line responded. "I'm a producer at Prodigy Films Entertainment and I'm calling concerning an idea about a new project that I'm working on, is there a way to get in touch with Brandon McKnight?"

"One moment please, I'll forward you to him," I assured the producer, pressing the button on the phone machine to forward the producer's phone call to Mr. McKnight and set the phone back.

I got back to completing the data entry, hearing footsteps entering the entrance. I paid no attention to the person until they got closer to my desk.

"Good morning Lil' bit." He spoke, as he grinned and had shades on his face.

"Morning, and happy birthday Terrell." I got from behind the desk to hug him, before going back. "You look handsome."

"Thank you, baby," He chuckled, taking off of his shades as he adjusted his cuff links on his silk Versace shirt. "I'm supposed to be off today but I came anyway to work a few hours and to get my check."

"I'll be handing them out to you all before lunch," I stated, staring at him. "I hope you're still here by then and I also got you a birthday gift."

"I might be, if not bring it to my party." He insisted as he placed a hand on his chest. "And you bought me a birthday gift? I'm so honored darling."

"Yeah, we're cool but I'll have to speak to you later... I'm super busy today!"

"Alright, talk to you later." He hugged me again, as I engulfed his cologne which was completely satisfying to my nose before he let go and went into the room to clock in before heading to his workspace.

I headed to the printer to check on the paperwork printing which was almost finished and got back to the computer to complete the data entry. I continued to type on the keyboard and adding all the information for the list of contacts that took me long to do since I had to make sure that I had their full name, email address, mailing address, cellphone number, job title or position, and business name.

Once I completed the data entry, I moved on to checking the papers at the printer which were done and I stacked them altogether placing it all into a Manila folder to take to the writer's room. I got on the elevator on down to the room and walked into the room where everyone seemed to be in a good mood.

"Hi Mr. McKnight, this is the paperwork that you asked me to print!" I announced, plastering a smile on my face.

I swear to make it here at this production company, you had to have a smile on your face whether you were in a good mood or not. I was getting used to always put a smile on my face in the presence of my boss, his crew or around Leandra.

"Thanks, Davidson, I appreciate it." Mr. McKnight asserted, grabbing the folder from my hands as I noticed the corners of his mouth were turned up.

Was that a smile? In my presence? Was it directed at me? I pursued my lips, leaving the room and proceeded with my walk to the elevator.

I couldn't wait for the auditions to start. As I got back to the first floor, I counted in my head the time until auditions were happening which wasn't any time soon since it was still early in the morning.

I sat in my chair, glancing down at my fit that I smoothed over. I always felt the need to present myself in a good way that gave people great impressions and this day was no different than any other as I dressed in a white short sleeve, ruffle plunge bodysuit, plain black high-waisted button, patchwork pants paired with my white ankle strap sandals.

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