"I'm Sorry, Serenity"

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Her existence lingers in the crevices of my notebooks
Her frown finds me when I walk the shelves of the library
Her sharp shaky voice, haunts my dreams at night
Serenity was not in anyway what her name suggested
She sought out the vulnerable, and she destroyed them
It was abusive from the beginning, but I was convinced that I loved her
I'd talk with her for hours on that rickety swing set, talking about how the world is corrupt
We used to make fortune tellers laughing about how silly they were
I wasn't in love with her, I was in love with the idea of her
And everytime she'd make fun of someone, or start drama
I'd remind myself that I "loved" her
When I found my bravery
I broke up with her and hated myself for it
And when I left, she roped me back in with threats of self harm and suicide
She'd show me cuts, and say, "this is what you made me do"
Or "Do you even care? I'm going to cut myself."
And I'd tear myself apart with each confession
When she gave me her 'Im going to commit suicide because of you and it's all your fault' letter,
I had no choice but to talk to someone about it, and get her help
She blamed me, and denied everything
She hated me, almost as much as I hated myself
I think about her alot
Wondering if she's okay, if she's moved on already
Wondering if she still thinks of me from time to time, if she's still in pain
I wish I could have done more for her
But I couldn't
I'm sorry, Serenity.

Poetry Of A Suicidal TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now