Chapter 4

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It was half past four the morning, Paris time.
They were in Paris.
It was obviously very busy and the adults had to keep the kids close.
Everyone already went into the groups and Maya made sure to keep a close eye on Auggie.
Of course she knew he wasn't her responsibility but she would never forgive herself if anything happened to him.
Josh looked at how Maya was acting protective towards Auggie and loved it.
He doesn't even think it matters who Maya is, Auggie sees her as a aunt.
They drove to the apartment, booked in and immediately packed out.
Maya wasn't tired at all since she did sleep a lot on the plane so the time difference didn't matter as much as she thought it would.
After she was done packing out she went to help Auggie.

"Maya," Auggie said.
"Yeah Buddy?" Maya asked.
"Are you still mad at Uncle Josh?" Auggie asked and Maya looked at the boy.

She sigh as she puts the clothes she was busy taking out of the suitcase in the drawer.
She sits down on the bed and pulls Auggie on her lap.

"No. I'm not mad," Maya said as she pulled Auggie's hair away.
"I was overwhelmed when I got my memory back. I wasn't thinking clearly. Neither when I wrote that letter. But you don't have to worry about that. I promise. What you can worry about is what you're gonna do today. Me and Uncle Josh will sort out our own problems, okay?" Maya said.
"Okay," Auggie said and Maya went in front.

Josh was in the shower and Auggie had a bit of unpacking he could do on his own.
Maya wandered around the three bedroom apartment and admired how beautiful it was in Paris.
She stood on the balcony and breathed in the July air.
For now the weather was 78° F and it was a lot like New York weather.
It was about six degrees lower than what New York was but the humidity was a lot higher.
Josh came out of the shower and saw Maya was standing on the balcony.
He exhaled as he went to her.

"Day dreaming?" Josh said and stood next to Maya.
"A little. It's beautiful here," Maya said.
"Sounds like you have never seen any place other than New York."
"A few. Not much. Texas and Ski Lodge. Like I said. Not much. But this is definitely the most beautiful place yet," Maya said.


"We have to..."
"Listen about..."

Maya laugh as she realizes something.

"Guess we both feel the same about keeping distant from the other," Maya said.
"If you.."
"No. I don't want to keep my distant from you because I can't. This entire grip is a good example. Can't we try to figure out what is going on?" Maya asked.
"I would love that. But what?" Josh asked and Maya took a breathe.

She know that she has said stuff she can't pull back but eventually she'll just have to get used to everything as it is.
She and Josh has history.
It's as simple as that.
But she can't just ignore everything.

Fixing Things Up (Sequal To Amnesia) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now