Chapter 12: Valentine's Day

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So Harley helped me texted Greyson, so I didn't look dumb or clingy texting him back.

I sigh happily when I came home after school leaning against the door when I came home.

???: hi Melissa
Melissa: *snaps out of her daze* ahhh!!! What are you two doing here?!

She said referring to Nick and Frankie.

Nick: I came to visit Frankie campus to hang out with him, and we decided to stop by the house to come and check on you, when you were done with school
Melissa: well... I'm home now, you two can leave
Frankie: why do you want us to leave so badly?
Melissa: *looks out the window* no reason *text on her phone*
Nick: who are you texting?
Melissa: none of your business, hey!

I said when Nick snatch the phone out of my hand but he raised his arm up so I couldn't reach it as I tried to jump for it.

Melissa: give it back! It's mine!
Nick: that I paid for *looks at the screen* whose Greyson? And why do you have hearts around his name
Melissa: *jumping from for my phone* none. of. your. business!
Nick: *opens message and check recent text* Change of plans, my brothers are home? Who were you sneaking over here Melissa when mom and dad aren't home?
Melissa: *tries to reach her phone back* none of your business, Nick please!!!
Nick: answer me now, or the phone is being taken away
Melissa: *huff* Why do you always got to use that as a threat. Okay! Okay! He's just a friend that I'm helping tutoring. We have the same math class and needs a passing grade or he won't be on the football team
Nick: is that all? There's nothing going on?
Melissa: yes Nick nothing!
Nick: good, because if their is and you lied to me, I'm taking this phone back
Melissa: no!!!
Nick: yes! Because I paid for it, not you.
Melissa: I'm telling mom and dad
Nick: mom and dad didn't pay for this. Dad said it was my responsibility when I gave you the phone, so I can do what I want with it because I'm still paying for it.
Melissa: you can't take things back you gave people, and I'm telling them you were reading my text!
Nick: oh yes I can, especially if the child is too young for a phone and can't handle the responsibility along with it. I will also just tell them about the boy you were gonna sneak into the house when they weren't home
Melissa: Frankie!
Frankie: hey I'm out of this one, this fight is between you and Nick
Melissa: *pouts and cross arm* may I please have my phone back now?
Nick: since you asked nicely, yes you may

I sigh in relief and checked to see if he seen my text message yet, and he didn't.

Melissa: ugh damn it
Nick: what? *gives me look*
Melissa: n-nothing...

Maybe I have gone a bit to far, thank god he didn't take away my phone this time...

Melissa: I'm gonna change out of my uniform. If anybody comes over, don't open it!

I said eyeing both my brothers before pushing past Nick and heading up the stairs to my room.

I went through my walk in closet to find something cute to wear and I found the cutest outfit I had. I changed in the closet and walked over to my vanity set in my closet and checked my outfit in my mirror. (I was wearing a crop top that I was not supposed to wear until I'm 16, but screw my parents they will never know, plus lot of girls wear crop top at my age. Although that argument never wins against me) I wore my comfortable pants.

I took a picture with my phone and posted a picture with my vanity mirror lights on and put it on my Snapchat story. My brothers barely looked on their Snapchat, so they have no idea what I've been posting on their. What are they gonna do ground me? That's mom and dad's job not them.

I headed down stairs after leaving my mint  green room (a/n: which looked like this btw, I never showed ya'll what her bedroom looks like)

I headed down stairs after leaving my mint  green room (a/n: which looked like this btw, I never showed ya'll what her bedroom looks like)

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