Chapter 34: Hissing Anger

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"I keep hearing that you aren't a traitor like your boss," he insinuated, "and you're cute enough. So why don't you show a little loyalty, and give me some action."

"As if," she tried to evade them again, but they would not let her escape. She pushed off the darker haired youth, and nearly slipped through. But the blond grabbed her shoulders, and forced her into the wall.

"So you're not really one of us," his cruel smile turned even more vicious, "Then maybe we should teach you a lesson."

"Leave her alone," a gentle, but stern, voice said behind them. They both looked back, and between them Anko saw the slender form of Yugao Uzuki. Mitarashi had never seen her teammate angry before. The younger Kunoichi's eyes were tight, and her mouth was set in a firm line.

"So you're with the spy?" the red haired boy glared at her.

"She's not a spy," Yugao argued.

"Yugao, stay out of this," Anko managed to sound annoyed with her ally.

"Yeah, Yugao," the older boy sneered, "Run along. It's not like you could make us do anything."

"I don't have to," she said, just a hint of smugness in her voice, "Do I Kakashi-senpai?"

"Kakashi?" both of the boys blanched, as they turned further. To her right, another teen stood, taller than any of them, his height exaggerated by his upright shock of silvery hair. His left eye was covered, but his right eye was fixed on the younger shinobi.

"You two need to come with me," he ordered. The Genin looked like they wanted to run away, but Kakashi's expression turned nasty, and they could not flee.

"Now," he told them, and they followed him with obvious fright.

"Yugao, Anko," Hatake nodded to them, before he escorted the bullies away.

"I didn't need your help," Anko protested, "I could have handled them."

"Probably," Yugao agreed, "But you should not have to."

Uzuki smiled at her, and after a second, Mitarashi returned the smile tentatively.

"That doesn't matter," Yugao said quickly. For the first time since they had been reconvened, Anko was in complete agreement.

"What does matter," the slimmer, quieter Kunoichi continued, "is that you wouldn't leave the two of us alone."

"I...uh," the male shinobi stammered for a response.

"Just when did you two finally hook up?" Yugao asked. Anko glared at her again, but Iruka answered.

"About over two years ago..." he started.

Iruka lifted the noodles slowly to his lips. After Naruto had left Jiraiya, the boy's first mentor had decided it was time to try for Jonin rank. After a hard day of training, Umino had stopped at Ichiraku for dinner. Though his sore arms made it tough to eat, he savored the rich flavor.

The flap rose again, and Anko's head poked in. She wore her typical self-satisfied smirk, and opened her mouth to address Teuchi.

"Hey, old man," her mode of address was eerily familiar to Iruka's ears, "Gimme a diet beef ramen."

Then she looked to the left and saw her former teammate.

"Err, never mind," she said quickly. She dropped the tarp as she quickly exited. For a second, Iruka allowed himself to stare at were she had stood, regret filling his eyes. Then his face hardened, and he stood, all thoughts of pain and exhaustion gone.

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