Ch 5

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. CH 5

  I left Finn after he went to his room and now I was just wondering the halls. All of a sudden a hand grabbed me and pulled me to the side. I screamed as loud as possible and a hand covered my mouth.

   “Charlotte, shut up it’s just me,” Jake shouted into my ear. I turned around swiftly and came face to face with my brother.

   “God Jake, you scared the fucking shit outta me!! What were you thinking just grabbing me like that?” I screamed in his face.

   “I was thinking that you deserved to be scared after you went and joined a gang!” He screamed right back into my face.

   “Well if I didn’t then I would be raped and murdered! Plus they’re my friends!” The other security guards where looking at us with interest on their faces.

   “Finn Satern is not somebody who you want to be friends with,” His voice was calmer than it had been a minute before. He loosened his grip on my arm that I hadn’t even noticed was there.

   “So now you judge people by their records?” I questioned him. He quickly looked down guiltily.

   “No, but…” He started.

   “But what Jake?” I looked at him. He couldn’t teach me not to judge people and then go do it himself.

   “Just stay out of trouble ok Char?” He looked at me and for once his blue eyes weren’t disappointed looking. They looked almost regretful.

   “Jake I will; you taught me how to look after myself,” I spoke softly.

   “I know, but I can’t help worrying about you” He hugged me and buried his face in my hair.

    “You’re the only thing I have left since our parents abandoned me” He mumbled and for once I could see that. Everything I did affected Jake, and he was the only thing that kept me from funning away. I hadn’t seen my mom in years and my dad was constantly traveling for work.

   “Ok Jake, I promise I’ll stay out of trouble,” I grudgingly said. Even though I knew I needed to I didn’t want to admit it.

   “Thank you Char, now let’s go to dinner,” He put his arm around me and we started to walk down the halls. I shrugged his arm off and started running.

   “Char! Where are you going?” He screamed after me.

   “To dinner, I can’t get in there at the same time as you. I’m not that big of a nerd!” As I screamed that I was already halfway to the door. I kicked it open and felt like a ninja as I did it.

   Everyone was staring at me again. I decided to ignore them. Or maybe I should give them a show. A show sounds like more fun.

   “Hey you guys!” I screamed through the lunchroom when I saw my friends. Jamal stood up and started waving like a crazy man.

   “Char! We missed you!” He opened up his arms and I started running towards him. I jumped into his arms and he swung me in a circle. I saw the boys when I saw spinning and they all had smiles on their face. Even Ash was having a hard time keeping it off.

   “My turn!” Caleb cried and suddenly took me from Jamal. He swung me around until I was on his back and he was giving me a piggy back ride.

   “Yay! Good Caleb!” I wrapped my legs around him and heard a growl.

   “Stop fooling around you two. Caleb put her down andCharlottestop trying to be the center of attention,” Finn was looking at us like he wanted to rip our throats out. By us I mean he was look at Caleb like that. He wasn’t paying any attention to me. Caleb lowered me to the ground slowly.

   “No, Caleb pick me back up, and Finn stop trying to ruin everyone’s time here.” I jumped back onto Caleb’s back and he froze. His eyes filled with fear and Finn’s filled with malice. This time he was looking at me with though. It kind of hurt knowing he hated me so much but at the same time he had to learn that he couldn’t just boss anyone around. Especially not me.

   Finn stood up, “Caleb you have five seconds to push her off.” Caleb tried pushing me off and I slid off. I could tell Finn was completely serious and that scared me. He had once more chance in here and I almost blew it for him twice now. I didn’t like him but I didn’t want him in trouble either. I wasn’t that mean.

   “Sorry Char,” Caleb whispered. He looked like a puppy with its tail between its legs. I felt bad for him and I stared at Finn. He was staring at Caleb with a strange expression. I couldn’t figure it out. That didn’t surprise me though. I couldn’t figure anything out about Finn.

   I sat down and looked at the food we were having. It looked like some type of hamburger but I really had no idea. I would rather eat at home later them eat that. Then I got a great idea. I picked up Ray’s hamburger thing.

   “Hey Finn, how ya doin’?” I asked him innocently. He stared at me with a suspicious expression.

   “Ok….” He kept looking at me. I had all of the rest of the gang’s attention too.

   “You hungry?” I asked him and nodded to his untouched food.

   “Ya, I guess so” He kept one eye on me and looked down at his food. I nodded seriously.

   “Want me to help?” I threw the hamburger at his face. He caught it in the air and ketchup ran down his hand. He snickered and shook his head.

   “You’re the obvious, it’s done like this,” With that he leaned over and smashed his hamburger over my head. Ketchup ran down my face into my eyes. He was snickering at me.

   “Oh, no one gets away with that,” I growled and picked up Ash’s peas and flicked them at Finn’s face. He tried to duck but some of them still splattered over his head. Some of them bounced off and hit a guy from the next table in the side of the face though. The guy stood up over there and looked at us.

   “Oh hell no,” He said at picked up his milk and chunked it at us. It missed and hit a guy across the lunchroom. That’s when all hell broke loose.

   People were chunking food all over the lunchroom. Finn and I were in the middle of it all. He dumped his drink on me and I wiped it off my face and rubbed it on his. We were both laughing our heads off and then he looked at me.

   “Let’s show the rest of them how it’s done,” he nodded to the other people having a food fight. I nodded my head and we turned back to back and ran over to the lunch line.

   We grabbed handfuls of food and started throwing them at people. We were ducking and running but the entire time we were back to back. It was the most fun I’d had in a while.

  “Everyone stop this madness now!” Guards were screaming and running everywhere. People were calming down and me and Finn fell to the ground back to back.

  “This was a good day,” he closed his eyes and laid the back of his head against mine.

   “Yes, it was a surprisingly good day for juvie,” I said back to him and I didn’t’ try to fight the smile that grew on my face. 

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