Surprise Party Guest

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This was requested by: @UkrainienOtaku Thank you for your request.
Warnings: bit of fluff, angst, blood

When Tsukiyama first laid his eyes on [Name], his curiosity was immediately captured by the human. It was odd, though. She didn't stand out in anyway yet he could not shift his focus anywhere else. She was just sitting in the park, reading a book. He slid over to her and asked her if she read the author's work often, she nodded. And from there on, the two formed a friendship over books and other topics they shared an interest in.

Months had passed since their first meeting, and during that time, something had planted itself inside of the violet haired ghoul's chest. With each meeting they had, with each conversation they shared and with each secret they traded, it grew around his chest. His skin would warm up when she accidentally touched him. His heart would beat quicker whenever he saw her. [Name] had him hook, lined and sinker and she didn't even know it.


Tsukiyama stood in the rose garden of the Tsukiyama mansion, his eyes unfocused as his mind wandered. He knew he cared deeply for [Name], but how can he show her what she means to him? She didn't even know he was a ghoul. It almost stung each time he lied about it, alerting stories to sound human. A sigh slipped his lips. No more secrets. No more lies. No more waiting. He was going to tell her the truth about him and his feelings towards her.

But how? It's not something you can just bring up in a conversation between friends. An idea clicked in his head. He needs to show her that he wants to be more than friends by treating her more than just a friend. It was simple. He could arrange a date, something romantic and special, and confess his heart to her. He smiled at the idea before walking off to plan the event.


It was perfect. The rose garden was going to be littered with soft lights, illuminating the beauty of the vibrant red flowers which led to a table set up under the tree. An unlit candle will sit in the centre of the table, waiting to be lit. The cooks were going to prepare a meal for them, and now he just needed the key component for this date: [Name].

He sighed lightly as he looked at his phone. Why was she not answering his call? Or even his text messages? Maybe she was busy with college? Well, it was alright. He could always schedule the date for another day. The servants were always ready for when Tsukiyama tells them that [Name] was on her way.

As he tucked his phone away, one of the servants approached him with an envelope in their hands.

"This arrived for you, Master Shu." they said, handing him the envelope and walking away with a bow. Tsukiyama opened the envelope and read the letter. He was invited to a formal dinner party by Mr Sampson, another ghoul from a wealthy family. A low groan slipped his lips. Why did Sampson always invite him, his dinner parties were always boring and dull compared to the restaurant. But he had nothing to do. Standing up, Tsukiyama made his way up to his room to get ready for the party.


A small, quiet yawn slipped Tsukiyama's lips as he sat in his seat on the balcony, looking down at the bloodied arena below him. His mask concealing most of his face, hiding most of his bored expression. Chatter filled the room from all the other masked ghouls who were invited. Mr Sampson, himself, was sat upon a form of throne at the head of the balcony. The ignorant idiot seemed to believe he was superior to them. He wishes. His kagune was only half as strong as Tsukiyama's. The Gourmet turned his gaze towards Mr Sampson as he stood up, announcing to all the guests.

"As you are all aware, this dinner party will be different this time." he called out, "Instead of waiting for our meal to be served, we will watch it become sweet and tender." The guests cheered at that. Tsukiyama only rolled his eyes under his mask.

The doors in the arena opened up and two ghouls dragged a young human in the bloodied arena before slamming the doors shut, preventing their escape. Tsukiyama took on glance at the human and felt his heart freeze over. His violet eyes widened as his grip on the metal railing tightened, almost bending the metal. The human who was to be killed and served to them all on a silver platter, was [Name]. This is why she didn't answer his calls or messages.

Mr Sampson rose from his throne and made his way down the stone steps towards [Name], her hands bound by rope. He cupped her face to make her look at him,

"Such a radiant flo-" he pulled his hand away from her as she bit him. Tsukiyama would have laughed if her life was not on the line. Mr Sampson glared at her before slapping her across the face, sending her stumbling to the floor. Anger swirled inside of Tsukiyama. How dare he touch something that belonged to him! As Mr Sampson returned to his throne, the arena doors opened to reveal a hulking form, chains hanging around its neck and securing a form of muzzle on its jaws. It wielded a blood caked cleaver, ready to slice [Name] into pieces.

The second the hulking beast charged at her, [Name] darted away, running around the arena like a mouse trying to escape a starving cat. She narrowly avoided the swinging cleaver, the blade catching the dress she had been forced into and ripping it slightly.

The metal railing bent under Tsukiyama's vice grip as he watched. Without hesitation, he lunged from the balcony, his kagune sprouting and impaling the hulking beast. The creature screeched in pain as the kagune ripped through the flesh and muscle, Tsukiyama swung his arm, slicing the beast open and pushing it away from [Name].

Curiosity and confusion radiated from the crowd at the Gourmet's actions. [Name] looked up at him, fear carved into her delicate features. Slowly, he crouched down beside her and leaned into her ear

"Do not panic. I will fix this." he whispered before turning towards the crowd. "I have a proposal! Why eat this human when we could feast on the Butcher?" The simple suggestion seemed to surprise the other ghouls but they were interested in it. He smiled lightly at this.

"No! No, no, no, no!" All eyes shifted to Mr Sampson as he rose from his throne, storming down towards Tsukiyama and [Name]. Tsukiyama stood in front of her in an attempt to shield her from him.

"This is my party, and we shall not feed on Butcher!" Mr Sampson shouted, pointing at [Name]. "We will feast on her!" Tsukiyama's violet eyes darkened, a scarlet red glow emitting from the shadows of his mask. Mr Sampson fell silent at that.

"Touch this human, and I will cut your head off."


[Name] had not uttered a word since they left the building. Both her and Tsukiyama were sitting in the car as one of the servants drove them back home. Tsukiyama's mask sat aside, a heavy silence hovered between them.

"I'm sorry I never told you." he said, catching her attention. His eyes were closed as he spoke. "If I had known that you would be captured by them, I would have protected you sooner." Shreds of guilt chewed inside of him. [Name] didn't speak. Instead, she rested her hand on his shoulder, making him look at her. A soft smile lifted her lips despite what she had just endured. He mirrored her smile, letting her rest against him as he wrapped an arm around her slightly shaking form. He will protect her. Regardless of the consequences.

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