As we Fall

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Warning: Blood, fluff, angst
I apologise if I get some characters wrong. But did anyone else find this part of the story so gripping? I loved it. Please enjoy.
I don't own the song but I recommend listening to it as you read. Thank you.

This was it. The Tsukiyama family Extermination. [Name] sat in the passenger seat of the car as Matsumae drove. Her eyes glanced up in the mirror to see Master Shu sleeping soundly. To think that the mansion was being raided at this moment, it pained her. Mr Mirumo had entrusted his son's life in her and Matsumae's hands and they refused to let his sacrifice be wasted .

"Do not worry, [Name]. We will keep Master Shu safe by any means." Matsumae said, noticing the [Hair colour] ghoul's discomfort. [Name] glanced at her and nodded before noticing movement in the mirror.

"[Name], Matsumae. Where are we?" Shu asked, his mind foggy from being unconscious. {Name] turned around to look at him, 

"We are taking a drive, Master Shu. Mr Mirumo thought you looked tired and-" she was cut off by the look he gave her. Stone cold concern carved into his features, his violet hair shadowing his matching eyes slightly as he looked at her. 

"[Name], where is my father?" [Name] lowered her head before turning back to the road. She glanced at Matsumae who gave her a small nod. 

"He stayed behind at the mansion. The other servants are with him." A small gasp was heard from him at that. His father is in CCG custody? "We have been ordered to keep you safe, Master Shu."


No matter how far they ran, the CCG seemed to be right on their tails. Screams echoed down the polished halls that were being stained with blood -both servants' and CCGs'- as [Name] and Matsumae sat with Master Shu in a room. [Name] placed her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, which he appreciated. 

"Matsumae!" one servant ran in, exhaustion carved in his face though he refused to break to it. "We need you downstairs!" Matsumae stood up and turned to Master Shu and [Name]. She approached [Name] and held her shoulders, looking into her eyes. She helped train her. She was her mentor. 

"[Name], a servant's job is to serve and protect their master at all cost." [Name] frowned at that. It was the first thing Matsumae told her when their training started. It all seemed so long ago. Matsumae gave [Name] a quick hug, "Protect him at all costs. You've been an amazing student."

Shu took a step forward, "Promise me that you will come back." he said. Matsumae gave him a blank expression though the hurt reflected in her eyes. Both of them knew that she was not going to return. "My life has always belonged to you, Master Shu. Don't waste it. Please, survive this."And with that, she bid her goodbye to Shu before disappearing down the corridor. [Name] knew she was not going to come back. Shu placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled her into a hug.


The brutal battle grew further away as [Name] led Shu up to the rooftop, where a helicopter was waiting for them. All of the servants, everyone she knew was being slaughtered whilst she led Shu to safety. Was that fair? She should be down there, fighting alongside her fellow servants and kill every one of the CCG who killed one of servants. But she couldn't. As Shu's guardian and closest friend, she had to protect him. 

Shu grabbed her hand before they reached the door, making her look at him. He didn't say anything, he gently cupped her cheeks and pressed a kiss against her lips. Soft, sweet yet loving. "I have always wished to do that." he whispered, [Name] brought  her hand to his.

"Do not say that. We will survive this. I promise." She was not going to fail him. Pushing open the door, [Name] and Shu walked onto the roof to see the helicopter being forced away and a lone figure standing there. 

The male turned his head towards them. Determination painted his face. Haise Sasaki. 


A pained gasp slipped her lips as Haise's kagune struck through her shoulder, slamming her into the wall. Her own kagune digging through his abdomen as she kicked him in the chest, sending him a couple of feet away. Blood smeared both of them, neither willing to surrender as determination burned in their chests. Shu watched the brutal battle from the rooftop, his heart twisting as he watched [Name] get thrown around like a ragdoll. He knew she was strong -she would not have been trusted with his life if not- but she was no match for Haise Sasaki (Kaneki Ken). 

Jumping down, his kagune sprouted and blocked the attack aimed at [Name], giving her enough time to get up and strike back.

"You and your group have slaughtered enough of my people, Mr Sasaki." he growled, his eyes blazing in the shadows. "You will not claim another life!" he swung his blade down, catching Haise's leg as the male jumped back. [Name] looked up to see Shu striking at Haise; pushing herself up, she darted over to them and tackled Haise to the ground before repeatedly punching him across the face.

Once his body fell motionless, she rose and turned to Shu. His body bloody from the fight though the soft, warm smile on his lips was enough to tell her he was alright. The smile faded and he ran towards her, pushing her out the way as Haise' kagune pierced through him, impaling him and slamming him into the floor with a broken metal pole against his throat. [Name] tried to stand up but her wounds held her down. Tears pricked her eyes, she couldn't fail him. She had to protect him. Her hand outstretched towards him, the movement catching his attention. Shu gave her that smile again.

"Mas...ter...Shu." she chocked out, blood trailing down her chin as she attempted to drag herself over to them. A blur of shadow was seen and Haise's arm fell into the air, earning an ear-piercing scream from him. [Name] ignored the fourth individual as they dragged Haise off of Shu, allowing the violet haired ghoul to crawl to [Name]. 

"[Name], ma cherie." Shu said, wrapping one arm around her and holding her close, resting his forehead against hers. "I love you." 

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