The coffee shop

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Please enjoy. 

Anteiku. A place where human and ghoul were treated as equal, regardless of who they were. It was a reason why [Name] loved the cafe so much. Peaceful and welcoming. Touka and  Nishiki were nice to her, and over time, they became friends. 


[Name] sat in her usual seat by the window in the corner of the cafe, her sketchbook in hand as she tried to get the proportions correct of the coffee shop with Touka at the register, Nishiki sitting down and talking to Hinami. She took a sip of her coffee then returned to the sketchpad when a soft ring was heard, alerting everyone of a customer. [Name] glanced up at the person and tilted her head a little. Violet coloured hair that sweeped to the left slightly, framing his face. Bright, violet eyes scanned the cafe as he smoothed down his deep purple suit. [Name] had never seen someone as flamboyant as him. But flamboyant people were often loud and outgoing, which she was not so she tucked herself back into her sketchpad.

"My, my, such a delicate flower. Such a sweet aroma." she glanced up to see the violet haired male standing beside her table. Her nerves tightened. "Do you mind if I sit here?" She shook her head, unable to do anything else. The male took the seat across from her, a smile lifting his lips as his eyes drifted to her sketchpad.

"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Tsukiyama Shu." he said, holding his hand out for her to shake, she slipped her hand into his,

"M-My name's [Name]." she stuttered, mentally cursing herself for it. Nerves and anxiety was something that always tripped her up. Tsukiyama chuckled softly. 

"Such a lovely name. It fits you perfectly." Touka approached their table, rolling her eyes at the sight of the violet haired male. "Miss Kirishima, my usual order please. Thank you." He sent her a smirk before Touka walked off with a disgusted look on her face. He turned back to [Name],

"There is no need to be so nervous, my dear. I won't hurt you." [Name] nodded as she set her sketchpad aside, 

"I'm sorry. I don't usually meet people like you." she replied, Tsukiyama rose a brow at that. "Flamboyant people. You dress very colourful and brightly, and..." her words failed as she tried to explain. Tsukiyama only waved it off, 

"Don't be sorry. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, I don't often meet people as talented as you." Confusion painted her face, his eyes locked on her sketchpad which was still on her current drawing. "May I see?" he asked. [Name] thought for a moment, perhaps this could be a way for her to start overcoming her anxiety? He seemed polite. She grabbed her sketchpad and handed it to him. His violet eyes took in the drawing,

"This is beautifully detailed, ma chérie. The shading, the detail, everything is wonderful." Tsukiyama spoke, catching her by surprise. She was somewhat expecting him to point out the flaws in it but he didn't. His violet eyes peered from the top of her sketchpad, piercing through her small form, "Do you think you could draw something for me?" His smooth tone hovered in the air for a moment. Did he like her drawing that much? [Name] gave a shrug of her shoulders.

"I could try. Is there anything specific you wish for me to draw?" Tsukiyama handed her the sketchpad back, his hand resting overs hers for a moment as he leaned close. His eyes gazing into hers, 

"Surprise me, ma chérie." A tightness swirled around in her chest, her throat clamping shut as her skin began to heat up. She stood up suddenly, surprising Tsukiyama at the sudden movement.

"I need some air. I'm sorry." With that, she scurried outside the cafe and into the chilling breeze. Closing her eyes, she took deep, slow breaths like her parents told her to when this happened. Nishiki slipped from the cafe and looked at her,

"Are you alright? Did that bastard do something?" he asked, concern tracing his eyes. [Name] shook her head, 

"No, I-I just got a bit too nervous. I'll be okay." she told him once her breathing evened out. Her body calming down after a moment. Nishiki smiled at her, "See? I'm okay." she said with a smile. The two walked back into the cafe and [Name] returned to the table, 

"Are you alright, ma chérie?" Tsukiyama asked when she returned, flecks of concern sprinkled his face. She nodded, 

"I'm okay, thank you for your concern." She replied. Turning to her bag, she dug her hand and and felt a sharp sting on her hand, causing her to yelp a little and retract her hand. Blood seeped from a cut on her hand as confusion swirled in her head. How did she cut herself? Carefully, she pulled the object out, her pencil sharpener had opened up and the razor stuck out. She was an idiot. Tsukiyama frowned at her, 

"You're bleeding. Here." he pulled a tissue from his jacket and covered her cut with it. She smiled at him. "Are you sure you're alright?" he asked, his brow furrowed. [Name] nodded, 

"Yes, thank you." she said before returning to their previous conversation, "So, about the drawing, how will I contact you when it's done?" she asked. Tsukiyama's lips lifted into a smirk as he pulled a small piece of paper from his pocket, sliding it across the table to her. His phone number. She took it and added it to her contacts and told him her number. 

"You know, I would love to meet up with you again. We could talk more about art and other subjects of interest. How does that sound?" Was he being serious? He wanted to meet up with her again? [Name] smiled softly at him, 

"That sounds nice. When would you like to?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee. Tsukiyama thought for a moment, resting his hand against his chin. 

"How about this Friday at seven'o'clock? I'll meet you here and we can go for dinner at a restaurant." [Name] gave a nod at him. He clapped his hands together with a bright smile on his face. "Perfect. I can hardly wait." his eyes landed on the bloodied tissue over her cut, a faint glint shimmered in his eyes for a second before it was gone. 

"Here, let me get rid of that. I'll be right back." he took the tissue and walked away towards the restroom. [Name] sighed lightly. He was certainly different. Perhaps this little meet-up could be a good thing? Who knows?

Thank you for reading this. I'm sorry if it's stupid but please leave a vote and comment your thoughts. Thank you again. 

Tsukiyama Shu one-shots Tokyo GhoulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang