"Don't you dare call our youngest son insane!" His father defended him. "He is not insane unless he is properly diagnosed by a psychiatrist."

"Call up a psychiatrist then. And if my implications are right then we'll send him to a mental institute, got it?"

"Got it."

His parents were now fighting. He rarely sees them fight, and the last time he did was years ago when he was still a child.

As for his starvation, Gusion felt his knees weaken as his intestines battled one another. The last thing he remembered was the exhalation of his last breath before he felt his soul coming out of his body, spectating his parents' reactions after.


"Let me go!" Guinevere yelled in pain as Lesley yanked her by her hair. She was trying to escape, but no matter how hard she tries, it would be hopeless. Lesley wasn't able to wield powerful magic but she did brought a simple spell along the way. It was enough to tame Miss Violet.

An invisible leash is tied around Gwen's neck, disallowing her to move a meter away from Lesley's body. Her invincible magic was useless for the spell was crafted from dark magic, a spell discovered by an evil sorceress in the past.

Any magical or physical damage Lesley would receive from Guinevere hurt nothing more than a poke.

Lesley knew about her being in love with the Death Chanter. She's been curious, and somehow glad that she didn't feel the same towards Gusion, which was shocking. Lesley thought no girl in the Land of Dawn would not think twice about marrying him.

But perhaps, opposites attract.

Though she didn't seem to have been attacked by Granger. Where was he, anyhow?

"Where is your Death Chanter now?" Lesley asked in a taunting manner, trying not to sound concern. Guinevere's scowl hardened as she doesn't answer her question. "Psh. What a shame, milady. Gusion was right in front of you yet you looked for someone else."

"Gusion is only but a brother to me." Guinevere seethed. " He must acknowledge that if he really loves me!"

"Such narcissism." Lesley muttered, enraging Guinevere even more.

"I have helped hundreds of people out of selflessness and I expect no return." Guinevere responded profoundly.

"But you can't help your own narcissistic self, can you?"

"Accuse me of a narcissist one last time and I will- ah!" Guinevere collapsed to the ground, hugging her stomach tight as it thronged in pain out of the blue. Her eyes lit up in realization after hearing another heartbeat inside her body.

This can't be happening, she thought, heaving large amounts of breath.

"What's wrong?" Lesley asked bluntly, assuming she was only pretending.

"N-Nothing. Just dally on." She instructed, receiving a very perplexed look from the sniper.

"Are you what I seem to be?"


"Are you... With child?"

"Heavens no!" Guinevere exclaimed, throwing a large X in the air.

Lesley smirked. "What else have you two been doing then?"

"I beg your pardon?" The redhead sassily raised a brow, only making Lesley's smirk grow. Sighing, Guinevere begged. "Please don't tell anyone about this, especially Gusion. Better yet, I'll pay you more than he's given you if you only, i-if you let me go at once. I promise." She stuttered.

"I'm not a mercenary and I'm certainly not doing this mission for money." Stated Lesley. "However I'm simply doing this only because I owe him my life."

"But I can't marry Gusion carrying another man's baby!" Guinevere retorted.

"I don't care about it or your marriage. My only mission is to return you to your rightful husband at once. Now stop resisting or I'll absolutely lose it with you!"

"Urgh! I have had enough of people trying to take my freedom away from me."


"Ssh what, you- hmph!"

Lesley pushed a finger to her lips, cutting her off. Lesley first examined the entrance of the town they were about to enter. It seemed to be abandoned, or everyone is hiding. A town like this is common here in the Dark Forest. She's heard stories about ghost towns in the Dark Forest, either they have been abandoned or the people were massacred by demonic monsters.

After hearing a shivering howl, Lesley already knew they were stepping into the fiery pits of hell for this town was where Shadowbringers were last reported and accused of a town massacre.

To Hell And Back | Granevere | EditedOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara