Chapter Five - Sunken

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Tiny A/N, changed the age to an actual set age. decided to go for early 30s so the age gap isnt too drastic. sorry if its a bit older than youd like !

You had been retyping a greeting message to Reyes for the past fifteen minutes.

You'd been wanting to talk to the guy for a while now, it was one of your off days and admittedly, you were pretty lonely.

A dreadful sigh escaped from your mouth as you rolled to your side in bed, wrapping a blanket around you and deleting yet another message you were thinking about sending.

You didn't understand why you found it so hard to just say hello, you've texted people thousands of times, but this just seemed, different, for a lack of a better term.

You faltered at your phone, eyes drawn away from the screen as you thought up another message, at this point anything would suffice.

You settled on a rushed, "Hey, this is (Y/N), the girl from the bar? Sorry it's so late, I'm a bit lonely."

You regretted that last part, but due to it being way past twelve am, you couldn't exactly blame yourself for being so forward.  That didn't mean you failed to scream into your pillow from frustration though.

Your eyes begrudgingly made their way back to your phone screen, a frown quickly covering your features as a small text bubble popped up, indicating he was replying.

His response was simple, "oh, the cute one I hear so much about, or the one that flashed me the other night?"

You giggled a bit at this, you didn't know exactly what you expected, but you could guarantee that you were surprised at how flirtatious he was, if you could even call it that.

"I did not flash you, it was, a slip of the hands."  You replied, messing with your hair as a wild grin was plastered on your face.

"So," You began, deciding to double text, "I'm not really sure how old you are? I mean, I doubt it matters much, I guess you could say I'm just intrigued."

Truthfully, you were interested in his age, you now knew his last name, and you believed that you were close to seeing his face, what could his age hurt?

"58," he responded blatantly, "You?"

A gasp threatened to escape the back of your throat, you had thought the man to be in his thirties, early forties at oldest, but 58?

You weren't exactly one to judge people solely on age or appearances, this you took pride on. Even though the man's age seemed daunting, you weren't about to pass up someone that seemed absolutely alluring, even if their past was wildly unknown.

"34, that's how old I am, sorry, I didn't expect that large of an age gap, you definitely seem 30 years younger."

You blushed a bit at what you implied, he really did have a very attractive body.  Sure, that hoodie he seemed to wear everywhere did cover up a lot, but when you were within a few feet of him you could tell he was at least a bit toned.

"Wow," he started, he must've been surprised at the age gap as well, "didn't think we were that far apart, not saying you look old or anything, quite the opposite really."

Your face went hot at this, a small giggle leaving you at just how riled up that man could get you, even with little things like that.

"When can I see you again?" You managed to type out, purely from impulse, if you were in any other state of mind you wouldn't have said that, but you couldn't exactly take it back.

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