Chapter Twenty-Six - Lost

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Sorry this one came out a bit late! was busy playing overwatch, but hey, least i got it out on time!

"Gonna have to be faster than that!" you dove, a punch narrowly missing your jaw.

Arturo huffed, his body launching in the direction he threw.  You rolled out of the way, quick to get back onto your feet.

He turned back around, blowing a strand of hair out of his line of sight, "Not my fault that you cheat."

You pouted, form faltering in annoyance, "That so isn't true and you know- WOAH!"

Arturo's leg sweeped you from your stance, making you land square on your ass.  You resisted the urge to yelp in pain and pure surprise, although you did have to admit he had pulled out the rug from under you.

"Oh look who's cheating now," you guffawed, grinning up at Arturo.

He offered you a bandaged hand, which you gladly took, "That wasn't a cheat. Just made you a bit distracted~"

Arturo chimed, hands gripping yours and pulling, helping you to stand on your feet.  Wobbling back into an uneven stance, you felt the soreness already begin to settle into your bones.  This sparring session would be leaving a few bruises on you later.

"Whatever you wanna say to make yourself feel better," you tugged down one of your lower eyelids, sticking out your tongue in pairing, "cheater!"

He gave you a foolish grin in response, his freckled, tan cheeks pushed up by his pearly whites.

"You gonna keep calling me names or are we gonna go again?" he poised, returning back into a lower, athletic stance.

You smirked, feet furthering and arms locked in.  You would never pass up the chance to hand Arturo's ass back to him.

"Of course," your shoulders rolled and muscles relaxed, your dominant hand motioning towards him, "How could I deny teaching you a lesson?"

As those words left your lips, a fire sparked behind Arturo's eyes.  No matter how good he was at sweet talking or bullshiting, he could never hide his ambition, not in a million years.

"Oh you're in for it now, y/n."

And like a lightning strike, he pounced.  His hands drove straight for your midsection with fervor, but your motions were faster.  Hopping up just before he made contact with your body, your hands ground into his shoulders, assisting you in flipping up and over his head.

That move sent him stumbling, allowing you to get the chance to rebalance yourself.

"Since when did you learn that one?!" He hollered, circling you on the other side of the mat. 

You learned it from your old instructor, not like you'd tell him, though.

"Is now really the time for talking?" you mused, tilting your head as you analyzed his form for weak points, although his stance was too strong for any attacks just yet.

Arturo's eyes darkened, and his stance solidified, you knew he was taking you seriously now.  A smile flitted across your features, and you eyed the beginnings of cracks in his composure.

The two of you circled closer and closer to each other, eyes never breaking from their trance.  You should've known better than to allow either of you to set the pace.  You were both too keen on hunting down weak points than to make the first strike on your opponent.

And then it happened, the perfect opportunity.  Arturo took a step, yet his footing was imperfect if even a hair off, you noticed.  Putting on your best poker face, you kept your eyes locked onto him, slowly inching closer and closer to Arturo.

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