The Slavs (8)

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I stole my mom's laptop so yes

It had been two years since Britain's body had been found. Initially, the police believed that it had been a suicide, but they soon realized that there was no weapon on him. This caused them to believe that it was a murder, and they had scanned the surrounding area for any trace of a person. After several days, there was nothing found. There weren't any fingerprints on the body, so it was determined that a countryhuman had done it (They don't have fingerprints here). The police began interrogating everyone, but it seemed as if no one knew anything. The case was left unsolved, and everyone moved on with their lives.


America and Canada left the hospital, much healthier than when they had arrived. They were capable of walking and running, and their voices were no longer scratchy and broken. During their time, they had gotten educated on the modern world, learning about social cues, manners, and other things, like math and science. Obviously, 2 years isn't enough for anyone to learn much, so the rest of their education had been tasked to whoever decided to take them in temporarily.

USSR had volunteered to watch over them, saying that they deserved someone to look up to. France was allowed to continue to raise New Zealand and Australia, but not the older ones. She was thankful that USSR had stepped up to take care of the two, mainly because she knew that he could handle it.

It was a beautiful day when the brothers left the hospital. The trees were swaying in the wind, clouds covered the sky, rain was pouring...never mind. USSR led America and Canada to his car and they all got in. He dropped them off at his house, saying that he had work to do, before driving off once more. Ukraine was at the door, holding it open for the two. They quickly ran in, almost soaking wet.

"Father said he'd take you clothes shopping tomorrow, seeing as he only brought you each a pair. Borrow some of Russia's or Kaz's." She then walked into the kitchen. America looked over at Canada and gestured to the stairs. He nodded back and the two walked upstairs to try and find one of the older slavs. The rooms were all labeled in Russian, so the two had no idea which room to go to. Canada knocked on a door with the word "Беларусь" on it. The door opened, and Belarus opened the door. Upon seeing the brothers, she smiled and waved.

"Hi America! Hi Canada! I didn't know you'd be here so soon!"

"Heh, your dad just picked us up." America chucked at her overly cheerful mood. "Um, can you show us where Russia or Kazakhstan's rooms are?"

"Sure!" She exited her room and skipped towards two doors labeled " Россия" and "Казахстан." She walked to the room on the left (Russia's) and knocked twice. The country responded with a "Come in!" and Belarus opened the door. Russia was seated at his desk, working on some paper work with a glass nearby.

"Hey Rus! America and Canada need you for something!"

"Is that so?" He turned and glanced at the two, taking note of their wet clothes.

"Yes...we need to borrow some clothes from you." Russia stared for a little while longer before standing.

"Come in. Bel, you can leave now." She nodded and left, going back to her room. Russia opened his closet and began looking through it, once in a while glancing at the brothers to compare the sizes. America took this time to look around the room. There was a Soviet Flag hung up over a bed that was pushed into a corner. A mini-fridge sat at the foot of the bed, and there was a phone on top of it. The desk sat to the bed's right, a cabinet file next to that. A small lamp stood on the desk, along with many papers, a calculator, a glass cup, and a laptop. America walked over to the glass and picked it up. He sniffed it, and realized that it was not water.

"Canada, here." America's investigation was put to a halt as Russia handed Canada a shirt and pants. "America, I have no clothes that would fit you. Tell Kaz that you need some, his room is next to mine."

"O-okay." America put the glass down and walked to the next door. He knocked, and a voice answered. "Yes?"

"Kazakhstan? It's America. I need to borrow some clothes."

"Alright, come in." America opened the door and walked in. Kazakhstan was already looking though his clothes for something that America might like to wear. The striped country noticed the messy bed, which Kaz was probably laying on before. A few books about birds and how they flew were scattered everywhere in the room.

"How's this?" Kazakhstan showed America a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"I'm fine with it."

"Alright. You can get changed in the bathroom, 3 doors to the left."

"Thank you." America took the clothes and left Kazakhstan's room. He went into the bathroom to change. When he came out, no one was in their rooms anymore. They all seemed to be downstairs somewhere. America decided that it would be a good time to snoop around everyone's rooms. He went into Kazakhstan's room first, because it was closest. Looking around, he didn't see many things of interest. A first aid kit in the corner, an open window, and a small balcony. He left, and went to Russia's room.

America immediately opened the mini fridge that he had seen earlier. There were two bottles in there, one full and the other half empty. He wondered if the cup contained the same substance. It was still standing where it was before, a little more drained. America closed the fridge and picked up the cup, sniffing it again before taking a small sip.

The liquid burned his throat, and he quickly placed the cup back to where it was. He hurried out of the room and went downstairs, feeling slightly sick. He walked into the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks.


Procrastination leads to longer chapters

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