Sasuke nodded his head "Yes I do. There is someone important that needs me right now"

"Alright then, go pack I'll call a car to bring you to the airport"

Sasuke smiled at his father, his father smiled back. "Thank you. I'll be back soon"

"With this important someone?"

Sasuke nodded his head and exited the room. He went up the third floor and packed his things.

When Naruto said he never knew he could miss someone so much, he wanted to say he couldn't agree more. Because never in his life did he think he would ever miss someone with his whole heart

Sasuke left his old room with a packed suitcase and walked down the stairs. He opened the large front door and walked out. It was dark out it was only around 2 in the morning.

When the car drove up the driveway it parked next to Sasuke. The guy got out but Sasuke waved him away. "I can put it in myself."

The drive to the airport was quick. He texted his brother to pick him up in 5 hours and to be on time since he didn't want to be at the airport all day.

Itachi probably won't reply until 8 am which meant Itachi would have to rush to be at the airport in time.

"Thank you" Sasuke said to the driver. He got his own suitcase and shut the trunk. The driver drove away and Sasuke searched for his gate.
He was happy his father was able to get him a ticket on such short notice.

The flight back home was a pain he tried to get as much sleep as he could. He did sleep for a while but he couldn't get comfortable and he was hungry.

When the long flight was over Sasuke was able to finally stretch. He had to go to the bathroom so bad. He calmly got off the plane but didn't fail to give other passengers dirty looks. He was so close to flipping a couple off but decided against it.

When Sasuke finally got back home it was around 1 in the afternoon. He had to stay at the airport for an hour longer then he wanted to but it gave him some time to eat.

When Itachi finally picked up Sasuke he was scrolling on his phone hoping to see something interesting. There was nothing.

Sasuke opened the door to Itachis black car after putting his suitcase in the trunk. "Took you long enough" Sasuke spat he crossed his arms and looked out the window.

Itachi smiled and ruffled his little brothers hair "I didn't think you'd want to come back so soon."

Sasuke shrugged his shoulders "well something came up so I decided to come back early"

Itachi drove out of the airport and back to the house. He had a lot of work to do but was glad Sasuke was back.

"What oh so important thing came up?"

"Naruto needs me so I came back home"

Itachi was glad to hear that Sasuke found someone he could be close to. He also didn't miss the small change in language and attitude.

When Itachi pulled into the driveway Sasuke got out of the car quickly. "Bring my things in and put my phone on the charger?"

Sasuke didn't wait for a reply before rushing over to Naruto's house. When Sasuke raised his fist to the door he realized that Narutos father might answer the door. Was he ready for that?

Sasuke pushed the anxious feelings out of his head. He knocked on the door two times and waited.

When the door opened a man with blonde hair answered the door. It was obvious where Naruto got his looks from. He looked just like his father.

"Hello sir, I'm Sasuke. Is Naruto home?"

Minato stood there for a second looking at Sasuke and studying his demeanor. "Nice to meet you, I'm Minato. Narutos father"

Sasuke shook Minatos hand and nodded his head "nice to meet you"

Minato smiled at Sasuke "Naruto is upstairs"
Minato moves aside and let Sasuke in. Sasuke took his shoes off. He moved aside and started his walk upstairs.

When he reached Narutos room he wasn't sure if he should knock or just go in. It would probably be rude if he just walked in right?
Sasuke shrugged his shoulders and opened the door without knocking.

Sasuke entered the room and shut the door he looked around the familiar room and noticed the lump of blankets on the bed.
Sasuke walked over to the bed and saw Naruto snuggled under all the blankets. He could see the tear stains on his cheeks.

Sasuke moved his hand to Narutos face and traced the tear stains. Naruto stirred awake and slowly opened his eyes. He moved around and sat up. He rubbed his puffy eyes and yawned.

Naruto turned to his left and almost screamed. He covered his hand over his mouth and stared. Naruto jumped over to Sasuke and fell into his lap.

"Sasuke!" Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasukes neck and held onto him like he was going to fall.
Sasuke wrapped his arms around Narutos waist and held him tightly.

Naruto moved away from Sasuke and stared at his face. They were inches apart and Sasuke couldn't resist. He moved his face closer and closer and finally his lips touched Narutos in a sloppy kiss.

Neither has ever kissed another and they had no idea what to do but they just enjoyed being so close to each other.

When they pulled apart Naruto fixed himself and moved onto the bed he leaned up against Sasuke and snuggled close.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on?"

Naruto nodded his head. He told Sasuke everything and Sasuke listened. He didn't ask questions and he didn't judge. He just listened and understood.

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