Chapter 23: Aishiteru

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wow first LAME? title of the chapter in the book~!  EVER! LOL XD


Haruki's POV

where the hell ryou-kun is taking me? is it a surprise for my birthday? but birthday is next year! wait-- IS HE GONNA RAPE ME?! NUUUUUUUUUU--!!

"harucchi are you okay~ssu?" ryou-kun suddenly cut my internal panic scream

"PLEASE DON'T RAPE MEEEEEEEE--ASDFGHJKL!" i shouted then ryou-kun placed his hand in my mouth

"what are you saying harucchi~ssu! i'm not doing that to you~!" he whined then removed his hands. then what will you do?!

"then where are we going? what we will do? tell me or i'm not gonna talk to you!" i throw tantrums on him then suddenly i felt his hands in my eyes.

"trust me...." okay....why is his voice so alluring-- the heck?! stahp it haruki!! you like tet-kun right?! then he guided me in a garden. why did i know? simple. it's because of the different smell of flowers then we stopped.

"we're here haru" he whispered *gulps* if he doesn't use '-cchi' in my name it means his DEAD serious then he removes his hands. and i was dumbfounded why? one, the garden has a romantic decorations in it and a red carpet.two, there's a table for two and lastly HIS teammates are here! kasamatsu-senpai is playing a guitar with a ROMANTIC song! which is 'Love Story by Taylor Swift' what the heck is going on here?! then ryou-kun lead me to a seat. don't tell me--! NO WAY!

Kagami's POV

when haruki told me that I'll go ahead and she will go to her old apartment and get her clothes,first i didn't believe her. well let me explain why. who in the right person will get your clothes in the other apartment if you CAN wash your clothes right? BUT SERIOUSLY I CAN'T RESIST HER PUPPY EYES UGH! okay i've decided i'll go to her apartment right here right now! but wait-- I FRIGGIN DON'T KNOW WHERE THE HELL IS HER APARTMENT!!!! [a/n: as usual  bakagami *facepalms*]

Kise's POV

after we ate, i texted harucchi to meet me here outside of the resto and OH MY GOSH! I'M SWEATING BULLETS HERE OKAY~SSU!? when i told kasamatsu-senpai that i was seeking his help and along the others (his teammates :'3), he said that they will be working on the decorations and i just wait. then harucchi went already outside and i said--

"let's go harucchi hime~ssu?" i offered my arm and she accepted. i'm excited~ssu!

'i hope she say yes~ssu! :'3'

Haruki's POV

"u-uhm ryou-kun? w-what's this?" i was confused and speechless alright?!

"'s like a dinner for two~ssu!" then he smiled "and i want to tell you something but let's enjoy our dinner first~ssu!" he said enthusiastically. i smiled

"okay ryou-kun~!" i said

In the shadows~!

Kiaske's POV

" hihihihi i knew it! kise loves haru! did you hear that daiki!"

"yeah whatever"

"yeah right daiki you don't have any curiosity do ya?"

"uhhh let me think--"

"pfft you? think? yeah whatever bye daiki i love ya~! XD"

"tch come home early" then he hung up. hahaha his fun to tease ne~? XD

Haruki's POV

"then aominecchi thought that kurokocchi is a ghost~ssu!"

"seriously?! ahahaha"

"then there's one time that momoicchi and aominecchi run and shouted that there's a ghost in the locker room but guess who is it?"

"it's tet-kun~!! ahahaha" i said while laughing my ass and then suddenly ryou-kun keep silent. are~~~~? what's wrong with him? did i say  something wrong?

"ne haru?" oh no his serious again!


"aishiteru" wait-- what? i think i didn't heard it right

"can you say that again ryou-kun cause i didn't--"

"aishiteru, haru" he said O.M.G!!! MY BESTFRIEND LOVES ME?! ASDFGHJKL--


"but before i hear your answer, i have a question. why do you call kurokocchi 'tet-kun' when aominecchi and momoicchi calls him 'tetsu'?" first he tells me suddenly that he loves me then ask me this?! what?? eh?!

"huh? what do you mean ryou-kun?" i.don'!

"is......kurokocchi...that...special to you?" he that it....EH?!?!?!

"w-w-w-what d-d-do y-y-you m-m-mean?" oh sht i stuttered!?

"i mean.....does haru likes kurokocchi?" he said HOW DID THE ATMOSPHERE BECOME LIKE THIS?!?! O.O NVM BUT HOW DID THAT QUESTION POP OUT?!

Kise's POV

after i ask that question i saw her uneasiness.i need to know.i need to know her is for her own good.for both of us.

"h-h-h-h-h-huh?! w-well....a-a-a-ano...." she stuttered and can't look at me straight in the eyes.

"please tell me....haru...please" i sounded like a desperate man but nvm i just want to know....


Haruki's POV

i can't answer him...i don't want to hurt him...but i don't love him that way...i love him as my friend.....bestfriend.....but friend?'s just a simple crush...right...?...ARGH!!! i suddenly feel my head pounding REALLY hard

"ahhhhhhh!!! my!" i said as i hold my head

"haru?! what's wrong?!" ryou-kun said as he runs beside and holds me

"my head....! it...hurts--!" then i blackout the last thing i've heard is the voice of my bestfriend..


oooooohhhh what do you think hapened to haruki???

SUMIMASENNNNNN!!!! I DIDN'T UPDATE THIS PAST FEW DAYS =3= having no sem. break sucks >3< and guess what? we don't have ANY semestral break like 'should we do a tri semester or something?' like seriously? our second semester starts at dec.8 and it ends on dec.20 SERIOSLY?! and we should go back jan.4 LIKE WE HAVE A  FRIGGIN SEM BREAK!

sorry for the rants (_ _)y i just want to tell ya that our university sucks and having no vacation AT ALL........(_ _)9 IT TOTALLY SUCKSSSSS~~~~!! (TT-TT)

see you again~~~!

Kagami's Little Sister (kuroko no basuke fanfic) kuroko x OC Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin