300+ followers special?!

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first of all HAPPY 300+ followers to me~! you readers are AWESOME i'm not here without you all T.T i thought you know this story sucks but NOPE~! X3 THANK YOU ^V^ SO that's why i'm making a special chapter just for you~! what you ask?

*clears throat* i will be asking you to ask the characters in the story ANYTHING BUT make sure that it involves in the story so far. you have until 6 pm next saturday [philippine time] so start asking them now~! :3 don't worry i'll give you time~! ;)

haruki/me: we will wait for your questions minna~!

kise: i'll wait for you minnacchi~! *blows flying kisses everywhere*

me: ugh please stop it ryou-kun...

kise: why? are you jealous~ssu? *smirk*

me: NO!

kuroko: kise-kun please stop teasing her

akashi: ryouta i'll tell yukio to triple your training menu for teasing haruki *snip snip*

midorima: GO DIE


Kagami's Little Sister (kuroko no basuke fanfic) kuroko x OC Book 1Where stories live. Discover now