Chapter (2):

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Waking up energized and excited, she opened her wardrobe and picked up her formal white dress shirt, black knee length skirt with high heels and her bag. Madeline went to the reception desk asking them to show her, her office it was on the fifth floor the same floor where the manager and the founder of the company is.

"Now this is your desk, as you can see, you have computer and phone to answer the important phone calls and by important I mean the calls for-"

"The manager, I know"

"Yeah you better know" The secretary looked at Madeline checking her outfit. "Hmm, we need to fix you up"

"Fix me up? Why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"... Nothing you just need to unbutton your first two buttons and..." She looked down at her heels. "Good!! You are wearing heels"

"Umm okay"

"And the coffee... The boss likes it hot, black with no sugar. You better please the boss with it since you are the new secretary"

Madeline frowned in confusion. "Coffee? Wait I think there is a misunderstanding I applied to be an assistant not a secretary"

The secretary laughed. "I'm sure there is no mistake"

"Bu-" Before she could speak the phone on her desk rang.

"Pick it up!" she said quickly and she did as she was told.


"I need coffee at my office now" The voice was deep and sexy in her ears. "And hurry" The line went dead.

"Now bring that coffee to Clermont"

She grabbed the coffee from the cafeteria and went to the elevator, not having a clue on what Wren Clermont looks like. She wanted to meet the one who started from the scratch and build that company at such young age, that's all the information she knew about the founder, and to ask about the assistant position, even though it was still her first day. The elevator door opened and she was her way to the manager's door, taking a deep breath. She knocked on the door lightly three times.

"Come in" Someone said with a sweet voice from behind the door. She entered holding the coffee and feeling curious to see the face of the owner. She saw a figure wearing a black suit jacket and black pants and probably white dress shirt with a red scarf around the neck but she couldn't see the face as HE was talking on the phone facing the large window of the office. Madeline put the coffee on the desk and took a few steps backwards with her hands folded in front of her, waiting for her new boss's order.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Jackson" He turned around after hanging up but only Madeline saw that HE was a SHE.

Madeline was in shock on realizing the Wren Clermont was a woman, a young woman, the same age as her. Wren was such a beauty androgynous figure. Her face was both soft and hard at the same time, a mixture between both genders, but the dominant was her feminine look. Her skin was fair and creamy. Her eyes were light brown matching the front tips of her hair as her soft hair was short and black. She had a sharp nose and chiseled jawline. She was tall probably six feet, her body was slim and fit. Her lips were neither thin nor thick, it was in between and they were naturally kissable and alluring.

Madeline was staring too long that she wasn't paying attention from the shock, but when Wren spoke, she went back to her senses.

"You are the new secretary then" she said sitting on her desk looking at her laptop.

"I... guess I'm"

"Well, what are you waiting for?" She gave her a professional look.

"Yes, sorry" She left and went to the secretary, across from her desk.

"Hey, Umm I don't know how to say this but who did I just give coffee to?"

She chuckled. "Damn girl you are so lost. That's your boss, Wren Clermont"

"Wren Clermont is a woman. Oh boy!"


Madeline sat on her desk processing everything, the shock that Wren Clermont was a woman, a fancy young woman at the age of 25 and she is the boss of the whole company, she can boss anyone around and she has that professional look and clothes, also her fancy wide office with large windows that if you looked through it you'll see people as ants. A ringing phone interrupted her thoughts, and it was her cell phone.

"Yeah?" she replied grumpily.

"Someone is pissed off, what's up?"

"Nothing" She sighed heavily.

"Clearly something is going on"

"I'm a secretary"

"Is that good?"

"No it's not. I applied to be an assistant and not secretary for the owner of the company"

"Did you see Wren Clermont?!"

"Yes... and guess what? It's a WOMAN!" she whispered harshly at the last word.

"And what is the problem?"

"That I'm a secretary"

"At least you saw your favorite person's face"

"I did and she was kind of rude. She didn't even say thank you for bringing her the coffee"

"Look I'll meet you today at your apartment and you could tell me what you want"

"Okay. I'm thinking about quitting"

"NOOOO! Don't do that! You will be throwing your dreams in the garbage! Don't even think about it!"

"Okay fine I'll wait and see what else I can do besides the coffee" The phone rang on the desk. "Look I have to go now, she is calling me"

"Good luck"

She hung up and answered the other phone. "Yes?"

"Bring me the paper work about Glamour company"

"Ugh" She stood up and gathered the papers and knocked on the door. After hearing the come in, she entered and handed her boss the papers.

"Hmm" She was checking the papers and Madeline was eye checking her boss who seemed engrossed in her work. "Call these names on the list and inform me who is coming and who isn't to the fashion show"

"Sure. Anything else?" she asked politely.

"Yes, just one more thing, next time don't use your phone while driving or call names at the other drivers when you were the one who was looking at the phone while driving" she said teasingly but Madeline didn't know if she was joking with her or was being serious.

She got nervous, she didn't recognize that Wren was the driver, so she headed out feeling embarrassed and scared of losing her job.

"Oh god!" She covered her face. 

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