"The other 2 are out of the UK, also for summer holiday" He answered. "By the way, Miss Hussain is with the police outside if you want to talk to her?"

"Later," I sighed. "I want to know about Samantha first"

"Her body was folded and shoved inside that clear garbage bag. M.E suspected that she was wounded and bled. The freezer was set to the lowest temperature-"

"And the blood froze with her" I cut him off, eyes looking at a block of thick ice made out from Samantha Young's blood that secured in the garbage bag.

"Yes. The CSI team had to hammer the frozen blood so that the M.E could have the access to her head"

"Time of death can't be determined yet, am I right?"

"Her body temperature is cold, obviously. M.E couldn't record that" He said. "They will transfer the body shortly. As for now, we can only rely on post mortem"

"Which will take time, Baxter. We don't have the time" I responded, starting to examine the kitchen. "It would take at least 48 hours for a -18° freezer to freeze 1.2 gallons of blood" I took my voice recorder device out from my jacket. "She was dead at least 2 days ago"

"That's what I thought too"

"We need to assess Samantha's bedroom later and after that I need you to check the entire row of the opposite houses. Look for any residence that has CCTV at front and request for a warrant as soon as possible" I used my leadership skills to make sure the investigation flow was carried out the way it must be. "I'll take over Laila Hussain in the meantime"

Baxter nodded.

So I pressed the record button on my device, taking it closer to my mouth.

"Detective Lisa Isaac, MIT. Date 15 June 2018-" I paused, glancing at the watch around my wrist. "Time three fifteen a.m., crime scene address 9177 Park Lane, London, WC65 7WD" I continued to speak. "Detectives at the crime scene, myself, Detective Lisa Isaac and Detective Nick Baxter, MIT for homicide case of Samantha Young"

My sharp eyes travelled at one place at a time, taking a careful, precise look at every evidence in the room.

"Back door is in perfect condition, windows are all intact. No signs of force entry so far" I breathed out. "Leftovers are found in the kitchen and also in the living room" I made my way out from the kitchen to have a more detailed observation. "My first theory is Samantha Young threw a party at least 2 days ago," I said. "...with at least 5 guests according to the number of plastic cups found in the living room"

The rest of the investigation continued as a team, giving my undivided attention to the entire crime scene and getting the information I needed from one of the people who rented this townhouse, Laila Hussain, before I cleared the girl to leave with police officers escorting her to a hotel.

I still needed her to be at the police station for thorough interrogation in the afternoon later.

Closing the driver's door, I saw Nick took a cigarette box out from his pocket and he rested his arms on the window frame.

"You know the rules, Baxter" I warned him. "No smoking near me"

"The window is opened-"

"It's the same thing" I cut him off, refusing to accept his ways of tricking me. "The air is already polluted enough. I don't need you to blow that bloody smoke to me"

Chuckling, he opened the box and take one cigarette out. "I'm sleepy, Isaac. I got the call out at 2 a.m. and now it's-" He paused, checking his watch for a second. "11a.m. already"

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