"You just seem so...content." I hesitate.

"It's because I'm trying to live in the moment." he runs a hand through his hair. I tilt my head in puzzlement. "You're here, I'm here...you make me happy and I want to enjoy this time with you. I want, just for right now, everything to feel okay." he says. I sit there, not knowing how to respond, but smiling very softly at his statement.

He always knew what to say to make it better.

Harry looks over at me for a moment. "What's not okay is that you had to go through it with me." he says.

I look down at my hands in my lap. Obviously, I wish the events of last night didn't happen...but I definitely didn't wish it was just Harry that went through it. I was meant to be there when it happened.

"Like you said...we're alive." I respond, causing him to give me a genuine, empathetic look...his eyes saying everything that his mouth wasn't.

He makes a right turn onto a dirt road, then parks the car. I look out the window, but all I can see are trees.

"Here we are." he smiles brightly. I knit my brows together in confusion as I look at the greenery, dirt and gravel that surrounded the sleek, black car.

"We're in the middle of the forest." I say in observation.

"Yes, I know." he chuckles.

Honestly, I was becoming more and more confused by the second.

Harry notices my state and grabs a hold of my hand.

"Follow me." he smirks.

I shoot him a curious glare. He begins to walk through the trees as I follow behind him. He uses his arms to push away branches that were in our path, holding them up so I could walk under them.

After a good 30 seconds of walking, he stops, and turns around to look down at me.

"Close those eyes, White." he smirks.

"You're kidding right?" I chuckle.

"Try me." his smirk doesn't fade.

I feel anticipation grow inside me. I obeyed him and shut my eyes in hopes he would reveal where the hell we were sooner.

I feel him come behind me and softly hold onto my shoulders, guiding me forward.

"Watch your step." he says cautiously.

"I can't, my eyes are closed." I tease, keeping my eyes pinched shut.

"Good. Keep 'em that way." he responds, causing me to smile.

As he walks me forward, I feel the hard dirt ground suddenly turn soft and mushy beneath my shoes. The wind feels slightly more brisk and clear, but it wasn't cold.

Harry's hand snakes around my eyes, prohibiting me from being able to see anything even if I tried. He guides our bodies forward a few more steps.

"Can I look now?" my heart races with eagerness.

He chuckles before slowly removing his hand.

I blink at the sudden sunlight, and then look at the view in front of me.

Underneath my feet was sandy earth. The  blue sky was open now, no longer covered by trees. We were standing in a large open area of the forest, surrounded by the wooded landscape. And in front of us, was a still body of water.

A beach. He brought me to a beach.

"Wow." I say in amazement.

"Isn't it awesome?" he chuckles, walking in front of me as I stand in place.

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