We were back in the classroom he walked up to me "see your meant for the villain life so give up this foolish dream of being a hero your father is desperately waiting for your return Asuna and he won't stop till your back if you don't your little boyfriend what was his name...kacchan I believe is what you like to call him. He won't live for very long." He said smirking and held up Bakugo's lifeless body
"Get the fuck out of my head!" I yelled suddenly he threw bakugo at me and I caught him holding his body tight crying All I heard was his laughing until everything was gone.
•End Of Dream•

My eyes shot open and I gasped for air sitting up fast followed by pain in my ribs "owwwww!" I Yelled. The door slid open and it was Aizawa "Asuna!" He Yelled. I could only see out of one eye the other one was still recovering and I was covered in bandages "a-aizawa." He lightly grabs me to check me make sure I was okay "where am I?" I asked. "Hospital. You broke some ribs, your eye is fine you'll probably have a scar, besides some bruises and scratches you'll be okay."
I look down at my hands "that's good."
He told me everything that happened that day from when I lost control of my quirk and practically melted the area and he told me how bakugo burned his hands because he tried to stop me. My heart felt like someone stabbed me I can't believe it got that out of hand.

He sat down in the chair next to my bed and sighed "there isn't a need for you to beat yourself up over it. So what you lost control of your quirk that happens when emotions are out of control we learn from it and get stronger to control it."
"I know that but not when I end up hurting someone.. someone I care deeply about." I said tears falling from my eye. Suddenly the door slid open I looked up and my eyes got wide
"Don't you fucking cry over hurting me you shitty flame girl. I'm okay so you don't need to cry and it's not like I hate you for it!"
"B-bakugo." I said.

Aizawa stood up and placed his hand on my head "we got work to do once your healed. But for now don't worry and get some rest understand."  I give him a small smile and nod and watched as he leaves the room.
Bakugo sits in the chair aizawa was just sitting in "did you just wake up."
"Y-Yeah. How long have I been out?"
"About a week."
"A WEEK! Fuck now I'm even more behind and what about the test and the camp." I Yelled.
"After everything that happened that's all you care about." He said. I looked at him and he's looking down. Remembering what happened I bet he feels like i lied to him about my quirk's power I did promise him I'd never hold back.
"k-kacchan I know you probably feel like I lied to you but I swear to you my quirk got out of control that day because of my emotions i-i was scared they were going to take me back to him. Not only that you got hurt because of it I can never forgive myself for that." I said looking down at my hands "I have a lot of work to do once I'm healed now that they are making moves I can't slack anymore I-I have to protect all of you." He looked up at me He looked angry he stood up and grabbed my shoulders "don't you fucking take that burden on by yourself! You have me, shitty hair, icy hot and Deku! We're here to help you too!" He yelled "I don't give a fuck about you losing control of your quirk." He said.  "It's not your fight it's mine! I can't let you guys get hurt because me!" I yelled back tears falling from my eye again. "Look what happened to you! Who knows what could happen next time! Next time it won't be your hands it could be worse!" I Yelled again suddenly I was pulled into a hug. "Your so fucking stupid who the fuck do you think your talking to I'm Katsuki fucking Bakugo the future #1 hero don't you dare underestimate me damn it if I want to get myself involved guess the hell what I am like it or not." He said. He pulled away from me and I started to laugh.

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