Chapter 7- Murder

Start from the beginning

"Do you like her?" Twilightpaw asked cool not meeting the yellow gaze that was troubled. Thunderclaw lost his words. The little she cat left Thunderclaw's side and padded to the nursery, she wanted to see the new kits. But deep inside, she couldn't bare to be with the tom. He doesn't love me back. He likes Brightpaw. Maybe I should have accepted Lightpelt, infact, he's a batter cat.

Twilightpaw walked putting her head down low and eyes half closed. She heard some scrambling paws knocked the apprentice's thoughts.

"Are you the daughter of StarClan?" One of the kits, Orangekit asked with his eyes showing curiously.

"Yes I am." Twilightpaw purred. She has decided to accept to be called that now since knowing her StarClan family. Hollypaw and BrightPAw thinks she is showing off, but Twilightpaw wanted to be true to her kins.

"Is that why your fur's so pretty?" The other kit Lilackit asked relaxing on the fluffy fur of Twilightpaw's.

"That's because I just groomed it. Who wants a badger ride?"

"Me!" The pair of kits squeaked scrambling on Twilightpaw's back. The kits were heavy but using her trained muscles, she pushed the ground and walked. Orangekit squeaked happily and Lilackit yowled like the leader. They were so adorable!

"Now kits stop minding the daughter of StarClan. I hope You didn't tackle her like you did to Lightpelt." Dovesilence warned silencing the kits. Lilackit whis Peres in the apprentice's ear,

"Can you not tell mommy that we tackled you?" Twilightpaw sniffled the purr. How cute!

After playing with the kits she went off to Fernfoot's den. He was sorting out herbs as usual his stock filling up by the new plants sprouting place to place.

"Twilightpaw," Fernfoot turned back and met the she cats gaze, "We must go to the Moonsea. I wish to grieve for Windfoot, but something is telling me that there's a mystery in it." He said concerned. Twilightpaw turned back and ran to the leader. Sandstar was easy to find due to cats crowding around him.

"Sandstar, Fernfoot and I must travel to the Moonsea, tonight." The little apprentice said. Sandstar was silent for a moment but gave an approval nod. She dashed back to the medicine cat den where Fernfoot was waiting at the entrance waiting for her appearance. Before even getting there, she gave a meaningful nod as the medicine cat went into the den hurriedly. He brought stocks of traveling herbs for them to eat.

After gulping down the last few herbs Fernfoot mewed, "We must go Twilightpaw." He said his eyes full of worry. Without asking why Twilightpaw nodded as they headed out of the camp.

The night bay was quiet and only the waves of the ocean whispered in her ear. No sea gulls cried nor fishes danced in the sea. It was a silent night, making the tension more awkward. Fernfoot never stopped. Only his eyes were on the far away Moonsea instead of Twilightpaw to talk.

"We're here." Fernfoot breathed his breath panting because of the quick travel. The moon was already up shining the majestic sea glowing again. Twilightpaw saw this once, but she will never stop being amazed by the sacred StarClan place.

Fernfoot touched his muzzle to the cold sea water. His muzzle was pretty grey Twilightpaw noticed. He served the clan long and well and the black she cat should trust his wisdom. Twilightpaw touched her pink muzzle to the Moonsea as the freeze fizzled in her body. But soon, sleep took over her eyes shutting down.


"Hey Twilightpaw!" A familiar mew exclaimed in her delicate ear. Her brother, Whalepaw pounced on her playfully making them roll down. "I am here to give you knowledge dear sister, and Duskypaw will too."

The alive cat looked around seeing the territories of StarClan glimmering everywhere. Sounds of birds was echoed across the mythical territory as they sparkled each with pride.

"Twilightpaw," Duskypaw purred her chest fur shining light speckled beautifully. My sibling sound so wise now I can't believe there just as old as me. "As brother said we are here to give you guidance. I must first tell you this; the prophecy is begging to rise. And I will warn that your the path will be harsh and grieve will be stopping your way."

Whalepaw nodded his playfulness disappearing immediately. "Mother and father and us will support you all we can but even StarClan cannot have more power over the alive. They have sent you for a reason, and the blood of stars will make the clans survive for more generations. You will become an hero dear sister."

"I will not let you down. The clans will survive and I will support it to survive." Twilightpaw answered firmly ready to face her destiny of the path ahead. Duskypaw and Whalepaw tackled her together Twilightpaw landing with an oof.

"And we will be waiting for you in StarClan until the time comes after you fulfilled your destiny." Twiloghtpaw's siblings purred as the black little she cat came back to the present world.

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