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"Is four enough?" Kira asked. Isabelle glanced up from her laptop and shrugged.

"Depends on how many cameras they have," Stiles answered. "But I think so."

He looked around the room. Lydia and Scott stood off to the side, while he, Isabelle, Liam and Kira each stood on a side of Scott's dining room table.

"Are we really doing this?" Lydia shook her head.

"We're doing it," Scott nodded confidently. "Tonight."

"But isn't it kind of dangerous?" Liam chimed in, looking as worried as everyone else in the room felt. They, however, were much better at hiding their nerves from each other, unlike Liam.

They'd had a lot of practice.

"It's incredibly dangerous," Stiles said, looking pointedly at Scott. "And borderline idiotic."

"Mmhmm," Isabelle pursed her lips, raising her hand up. Stiles high-fived her without even looking.

They'd practiced that, too. Scott and Lydia rolled their eyes at the two dorks, but Liam was still glancing between them anxiously.

"Have you guys done something like this before?" Liam wondered. Isabelle raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Something dangerous or something idiotic?" Stiles asked, looking for clarification.

"I think it's a yes to both," Kira guessed.

"It's most definitely a yes," Isabelle agreed. She held her arms out like she was showing a prize. "It's what we're best at."

"You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want to," Scott told Liam. He also gave a pointed look to Isabelle, hoping she'd take the hint, but she ignored him.

"I'm not scared," Liam said. Isabelle snorted as she heard his voice shaking. He shot her a glare.

"Then you're borderline idiotic!" Stiles grinned. "If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us...you know that, right?"

Before anyone could answer, Kira spoke. "How do we even know something's definitely coming?"

"Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation required." Scott answered.

"Simon said the same thing. He couldn't get paid by the Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead." Stiles added.

"So the idea is, what if you kill someone on the deadpool, but you can't send the proof?" Scott questioned.

"You don't get paid," Kira shrugged.

"But how does that get us any closer to the Benefactor?" Liam frowned. He'd been with these people for a few weeks now, but he still hadn't been able to understand their logic.

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead," Scott looked towards his beta."

"Especially if it's someone high on the list," Stiles added.

"So if he wants visual confirmation..." Liam started, sort of catching on to their plan.

Scott opened his mouth to speak, but all of a sudden a loud snap echoed through the room as Isabelle smacked the chamber in her handgun, causing everyone to jump and look over at her.

She was sitting cross-legged on the dining room chair, and looked up uncomfortably when she realized they were all staring at her. She held the gun up with a sheepish smirk.

"They're going to have to come get it themselves."


A few hours later, the plan was in action. Everyone was up in Scott's room, including Kira's mom. Scott was laying on his bed, looking a little nervous, as was everyone else.

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