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The next morning, Isabelle was nudged awake by Lydia.

"Iz, you should get up."

She yawned loudly and picked her head up from the desk she had been sitting at with Lydia for ten hours. Last night, Lydia had discovered a supernatural hit-list with all of their names on it by figuring out the cipher key, which was Allison. Isabelle was shocked to hear that her sister was the key to break the code, and she wondered what Lydia had heard when she figured it out. Did she hear Allison's voice?

Lydia refused to leave, so Isabelle stayed with her, not wanting to leave her alone at an empty lakehouse overnight. Most of the night had been the young girl quietly staring between Lydia and the computer screen, watching as she tried to listen to any clues in the room.

When Lydia needed a break, the girls talked and filled each other in on everything they had seen in the last few hours. Isabelle spoke about Liam and seeing her dad again, and Lydia explained how she had found the room they were in, and how many voices she heard in it. Isabelle wondered aloud if it was a banshee studio, because it also had a record player, but Lydia had just rolled her eyes.

"What time is it?" Isabelle muttered, unsticking her face from one of Lydia's pieces of scratch paper. She glanced at it briefly, knowing that she wouldn't understand any of the words anyway.

"It's almost seven-thirty," Lydia told her, absentmindedly flicking the stylus of the record player in front of her. "I called Stiles, he'll be here to pick you up soon."

"You didn't have to do that." Isabelle shook her head at her with a concerned frown. "I can miss school, too, you know." Lydia didn't reply or even glance her way. "Lydia," Isabelle said a bit louder. "Did you sleep?"

The banshee finally tore her gaze away from what she was doing and looked at her with red-rimmed eyes. "A little."

Isabelle shook her head sadly. "You're a horrible liar. I'm not leaving you like this." She was going to say more, but a horn cut her off.

"Yes, you are," Lydia stood up, pushing the girl towards the door. "I'm fine. Have a good day. I'll call you later."

"Promise?" Isabelle asked in a stern voice. "And promise me you'll get some sleep," she added, noticing how big the bags under her eyes were as Lydia stepped in the light.

"Don't worry about me." Lydia nodded very unconvincingly, assuring the young girl that she was fine.

"Alright," Isabelle sighed, knowing she wasn't going to be able to change her mind anyway. "Be careful..." she added, rubbing Lydia's shoulder before leaving the room and heading downstairs where Stiles was parked.

He had only been there for thirty seconds, but he was already impatient. As soon as Isabelle stepped outside, he looked at her in disbelief and honked his horn again. "Come on, we're going to be late!" he yelled, sticking his head out the window.

Isabelle wrinkled her nose at him as she got in the jeep. "School doesn't start for half an hour," she told him.

"School?" Stiles frowned. He glanced over at her, already driving away. "We're not going to school."

"What?" Isabelle threw her hands up in the air. "Where are we going, then?"

"We have to run by the station quick." he explained. "Scott's bringing the list to show my dad."

"Good idea," she sighed, leaning back in the seat, peeking over at him. "Thanks for coming to get me, by the way."

"Anytime." Stiles told her, and she knew he meant it. She smiled and looked out the window until they pulled into the police department.

Fix You {Liam Dunbar #1}Where stories live. Discover now