Chapter 10: Winter Break

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Alena started pulling me out of her play room and we headed downstairs together, found Kevin and Dani in the kitchen.

Melissa: Kevin?
Kevin: yeah?
Melissa: can I do a YouTube video with Alena pleaseeeeeeee
Kevin: depends what video it is, and Alena is okay with it. I don't want to force her to do YouTube right now
Alena: I want to be on YouTube daddy!
Melissa: don't worry it's safe, and I seen kids do this too. It's basically her doing my make up for me
Dani: I don't see the issue with that, I'm okay with it
Kevin: alright, but you got to give Nick and Joe the heads up too, before we upload anything, so they know you didn't upload anything without their permission
Melissa: okay

I texted Joe and Nick and they were okay with it, as long as Kevin was their supervising, we headed downstairs to the basement where Kevin has his pop culture thing set up, and he said we could used that to film. He set up a table for us and kept the background because we were gonna use the green screen to set up another background.

I was very grateful to do this next video with my niece that a lot of people have requested. They also requested me to do a who knows me better with all four of my brothers, but I would have to wait until Christmas for that, when the whole family is together at Kevin's place.

So they suggested me to do a video of who knows me better with Kevin and Danielle, which was okay even tho known of them knew me well but Danielle won it and I was definitely disappointed with Kevin, which is why I'm here to spend my 2 weeks of winter break with him so he can get to know me a bit more, because maybe he will do better when I do this again with all 3 of my other brothers which I have a feeling Frankie will win, and then we were gonna be doing another thing together that was gonna surprise the fans.

After we finish making the videos, we had Chinese food because Dani said she didn't feel like cooking today and Kevin and I went to his office later to edit my video and had some brother and sister time.

Melissa's POV
Over the week I had stayed with Kevin, we have gotten to known each other really well again. I was glad my parents made me come here. Mom, Dad and Frankie finally showed up for Christmas.

For Christmas I got a mint green finsta camera (mint green is my favorite color), and fairy lights from the youngest brother Frankie that I was gonna add for my bedroom.

Kevin and Danielle got me 2 pop socket and two new phone cases for my iphone. One of them was those mood changing phones cases that I have wanted and the other one was a unicorn 3D case. Alena couldn't stop playing with that one, she loves unicorns. Mom and Dad got me a James Charles palette and a puppy that I was gonna have to wait until I get home to see. They showed me a picture of it and it made me cry because it was so cute!

(Picture of Puppy)

I always wanted a puppy growing up, but mom said, no

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I always wanted a puppy growing up, but mom said, no. So I begged dad I wanted one for my birthday and Christmas and he said he will think about it. They told me I've been very good and I deserve everything I got this year. Joe got me some stuff from Justice, but I told him I wasn't really into stuff like that anymore since I'm a preteen now. I wanted clothes like from Forever 21 or Shein but Joe said mom didn't approve of the outfits from their and that I was still too young for them. I also got a Hoover board that lights up and plays music. I always wanted one of those! While Nick got me those checker vans sneakers that I love collecting and the new laptop that came out in 2017! Which also had parent control on it. Which is good because I needed a new laptop because my other one broke... don't ask.

I was very grateful for all my gift, but some of them I couldn't open until I got home. But I was more grateful to be around my family this year. We had received some difficult news from my father over the summer about his colon cancer and now that he's healthy again, we been having so much fun together as a family, and I'm forever grateful for what next year was gonna bring to us.

The day after Christmas, I begged my parents if I can ride my Hoover board, I couldn't wait until I got home! But they said I couldn't rip the box because they would have to put it back neatly when we leave. I immediately knew that was yes, and I told Joe to film me being on the Hoover board for a musically video. (A/N: should I call it musically or Tik Tok? Because in 2017 it was still called musically, I think it was changed in 2018).

Joe also tried the Hoover board and told me to go on his Instagram story and film him being on it. The whole family came out to see what we were doing and they each tried it on, even mom and dad tried it and we were all laughing and having a good time as a family.

After we finish with outside, Dani's family came over as well and we had a little dinner Christmas party at Kevin and Danielle's place. We took lots of family pictures and hang out with Kevin's youngest daughters. Some people even tried out my Hoover board that Joe got me and I got to use my Polaroid camera that Frankie got me.

This Christmas was amazing and it was the best Christmas I could ever ask for! Even tho my mom wasn't with us, I don't know what I would do without my family.

We ring in the New Year as a family, Sophie and Pri even came over to ring in the New Year with us. Did I forget to mention that Sophie is engaged to my big brother? I was very bless to have a big family and I don't know what I would do without them. Can't wait to see what next year will bring to us!

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