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Two Days Later

Severide sat on a bench between the two rows of lockers. He wore only a pair of black cargo pants and his work boots. He was hunched over with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together. His eyes were focused intently on his hands.

Sunny watched the way his muscles seemed to ripple underneath his tanned skin when he breathed. He was tense. Something was on his mind.

She took her bottom lip between her teeth before moving to sit next to him. He glanced over to her to briefly meet her soft gaze. It lasted maybe a second before he looked back down to his hands.

"Did I do something to upset you?" Her voice was quiet and gentle.

"No." His answer was flat and devoid of any emotion.

"You've been ignoring me for the last two days."

"I know."

Something inside Sunny's chest stung. He had been intentionally ignoring her. She had hoped he was just too busy for her.

"Why?" She breathed out.

He shook his head softly, curling his fingers into tight fists. He was silent for a while and Sunny was okay with that. She wasn't sure she was ready to hear his answer. He took a steady deep breath and exhaled before answering her.

"You said the other day that you do best when you have inspiration." He rubbed the back of his hand absentmindedly. "What does that mean?"

Sunny's lips parted but no sound came out. She gazed at him with wide brown eyes full of so many emotions. His eyes flickered up to meet hers.

"You inspire me, Kelly Severide." She whispered gently. "I-I look into your eyes and I see possibilities. I see hope and happiness and-and relief from every-everything. You make me want to be a better person for me."

Severide held her gaze, a soft smile tugging at his lips. He put his hand on hers, which was trembling on her knee. His smile slowly faded as he looked down at their hands. He needed to be truthful with her and with himself.

"Sunny, I want to be honest with you." He took his hand off of hers. "I'm not good with relationships that are more than friends, and half the time I can't even keep female friends."

Sunny nodded her head gently.

"The more you hang out with me and around here, Sunny, the more you're going to hear about it. I have a long list of one night stands and flings and-and I don't.... Sunny, I don't want you on that list. I don't want to do that to you. I'm not the saint you think I am."

She dropped her eyes down to her hands. Her fingertips traced a scar along the back of her hand.

"And you think I am?"

Severide said nothing. Sunny shifted around on the bench and leaned against his shoulder.

"We have a lot more in common than you think, Kelly Severide. Any of my friends from New York would die from shock to hear that I'm getting married in just a few months. I.... I never could hold a steady relationship with anyone. I liked having a different guy every night. I liked being that slutty girl in college. Short skirts and shorts, skin tight jeans, low cut tops.... I was a real piece of work back then." Sunny hummed thoughtfully. "That's Daisy Castle. The girl you know never existed two years ago."

"I like the girl I know." Severide smiled a little. "She's unbelievably smart and talented, and she's got a really good smile and the most beautiful voice I've ever heard." Her cheeks flushed a soft pink. "She's also a huge dork."

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