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"Kanan." Mari stared at her with a soft smile. Kanan grunted. "Why did you come back?"

"I bought you some pretty flowers for you." Kanan replied, sitting next to Kanan. They were at the sandy beach resting, well, Mari just followed Kanan. "Don't fuck around with me. I don't want your flowers." Kanan shook her head. "Tell me. Why did you come back?" Kanan got more mad. "Kanan.." Mari looked down. She covered her face. "Not again." Kanan reached down to Mari. She was sobbing. "Mari, I'm sorry." She whispered to her.

"Fine, I'll take a short walk with you. If you stop crying that is." Kanan told Mari. "Kanan-chan.." She struck Kanan with a soft beautiful smile. "D-don't play soft with me!" Kanan tried to cover her face, embarrassed of the old times.

Watching from the distance, Dia Kurosawa saw from above the hill. "Mari.."

The school day started. Chika was sitting with Riko and You.

"Guys, you know how the school told us to make groups and stuff? We should give it a name. Hmmm." Chika told the others. "I'm not good with names." Riko replied. "Same." You agreed. "How about... ChiRikYouKan?" "No." You said. "Aww, I worked so hard on thinking about it." "Chika-chan, you just put the first three letters on our name and put them together." Riko explained. "That reminds me.. where is Kanan?" Chika asked. You knew exactly where she was. "Ermm... She is using the bathroom." You tried to cover Kanan up. Riko glared at You. It felt unerving.

Yoshiko Tsushima.. Or rather, "Yohane" came running to school late. It has been days since she went to school. She never liked to show off her dark magic after all. Even if that was who she was. She overslept and just bought bread and ate it on the way to school. She bumped into Hanamaru Kunikida and Ruby Kurosawa. "Zura?" "Oh, it's the girl that does cool dark stuff!" Ruby exclaimed. "So interesting!" Yohane gasped. She didn't know what to say. "Uhh.. gotta go to class." She blurted. "You're in the same class as us right? Come on, let's go, Zura." Hanamaru pulled Ruby and Yohane away.

"Zura, you seem familiar." Hanamaru told Yohane. "You too." "What?" Ruby joined in. "What's your name, Zura?" Hanamaru asked. Zura? I think I heard that somewhere. Yohane thought. "They call me.. the fallen angel Yohane." Yohane struck a pose. Shit! I accidentally let it out! Yohane tried to cover it up. "Zura, that's weird. I don't think that's your name, zura." Hanamaru commented. "So cool." Ruby was amazed. "I'm Hanamaru Kunikida." "And I'm Kurosawa Ruby."

"Hanamaru.. That name sounds familiar."

"Oh, zura, you're not Yohane. You're.. Rock, papers, and shoot!" Hanamaru struck. And out came Yohane's hand pose for the scissor. Fuck. Yohane had no idea what to do. It was extremely embarrassing. Everyone looked at them.

"You're not Yohane.. Zura, you're Yoshiko Tsushima!" Hanamaru squealed. Yohane gasped. "Don't say that out loud!" She yelled at Hanamaru. Everyone else gasped. "Pigi!" Ruby was scared. Yohane realized what happened, and as everyone saw what happened, Yohane ran out to the bathroom, with tears flowing from her eyes. She never wanted to hear that name ever again.

"How are you adapting to the school, Sakurauchi-chan?" Dia was organizing the shelves. "It's fine, I made some friends." Riko helped by grabbing the stack of paper. "Like, who?" "Chika Takami." "Sounds familiar. Who else?" Riko thought for a moment. "I don't know if she counts as a friend, but, its You Watanabe."

"Watanabe.." "You.." Dia processed the name for a bit. "Kanan.. Matsuura."

"What?" Riko was confused. "So you don't know they are cousins?" Dia asked. "Oh, I thought they were delinquent buddies." Riko stated. It all made sense. "Yeah, don't stick around them too much." Dia told Riko. "Anyways, thanks for helping out. I'll see you soon."

Yohane started to cry in her room. On a day where she finally goes to school, and it doesn't work out. She hated that name. Why couldn't everyone understand that was one of her biggest fears? That was a scary thing to think about.

"So, when you went to school, people figured out your real name?" "Yes, ma'am." The hospital was scary and calming at the same time. It was when Yohane talked to her therapist. "I see. I'll give you more medicine to help you sleep better." "Thanks doc."

On the way home, Yohane saw a stray cat. The feline was scared. Yohane dangled her hands. She slowly approaches the cat. After that, the feline slowly let Yohane touch it's head and pet it. It ran away, but came back bringing a mouse. "For me? Thanks." Yohane pet the cat more. "I'll buy you some food."

(Violence Trigger Warning In This Part)

After Yohane put the cat food, there was a sudden loud noise, so disturbing and yet hard to describe. The cat was startled. "Here's your food. Stay here, okay?" Yohane pets the cat even more. She looks at the alleyway where the noise came from. "Don't fear, the great Yohane will go to check it out." She gulped. She had to do it. It was for the cat. She walked slowly there. Maybe I should take out my knife just in case. Yohane took her blade out. It was for emergencies. She walked past the garbage cans and heard more noises. She looked upon close. There was Kanan Matsuura, beating some other students up, while a blonde girl watched in despair. "What the fuck?" Yohane let out. Everyone looked at her. "That uniform, you're a first year, right? Help me!" The girl was in Kanan's hands, as Kanan gripped her neck tightly. There was only one first year class. That means this girl was one of the people who knew her real name. Yohane did not like the other first years. "I can explain." Kanan showed her scar on her face. "No! You're Yoshiko Tsushima, right? Help me!" The first year grunted. "I'm not Yoshiko anymore. I'm Yohane!" She punched the first year. Kanan accidentally let go of the her. "What the?"

"I know your real name, Yoshiko Tsushima! I'll report you to the student council!" She ran away. Kanan looked at Yohane. "You had really nice punches." Yohane looked at Kanan. "Who are you? Who's this blonde girl?" Kanan sighed. "It's a long story. I guess you haven't been in this school for long."

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