Chapter 6: Mel gets her piercing

Start from the beginning


Melissa was at her friend Harley's house that same day.

Melissa: and that's what happened when I tried to tell my dad
Harley: no wonder you're coming to me
Melissa: yeah, you told me you pierced your ears yourself, maybe you can do it on me
Harley: woah Mel, I do not want to get in trouble with your parents
Melissa: please... I'll hide it from them, they will never know
Harley: I don't know...
Melissa: I'll pay you cash
Harley: deal
Melissa: here's 50 bucks
Harley: woah 50 bucks?
Melissa: yeah sorry, that's all I get for an allowance
Harley: you get 50 bucks for an allowance. Wow rich people have it so easy
Melissa: not really it's mostly split money. Plus some of the money I earn over the summer for helping out my dad at his restaurant. My dad gives me 20 and my mom gives me 30. My dad's cheap and they don't know that I got allowance from each of them
Harley: wow you're spoiled, playing your parents against each other. I could never do that to my dad
Melissa: yup, no wonder some people on the internet calls me spoiled brat, because they think I don't understand the value of money
Harley: better be careful with that, parents always finds out
Melissa: yeah I know, I got caught with it once when I told my mom that dad said it was okay to get my ears pierced. I should have told her not to tell dad
Harley: Wow you're so brave to do it again. But that wouldn't have been a smart move, you're not good at lying
Melissa: yeah also not good idea, my dad can detect when I lie. My mom can't so I always lie to her when my dad is not home
Harley: genius, becoming more like me everyday
Melissa: *smiles* I know, you're such a bad influence
Harley: I know right, let me grab my gun and pierce your ears
Melissa: awesome!


Harley: and wala!
Melissa: wow, it didn't even hurt at all
Harley: thank you, I am a professional after all. Well... not really... *jokingly* don't flaunt my business card

Just then Harley's little sibling Sam came in and said.

Sam: what are you doing?
Harley: just finish piercing my friend,
Sam: dad said you can't do that anymore
Harley: wanna be next?
Sam: *covers ear* dad!!! *runs out of the room*

Both girls laugh and high five each other and Melissa said to Harley.

Melissa: you're so mean to your little brother
Harley: hey he makes my life miserable, I make his life miserable
Melissa: my brothers and I bicker a lot, but we always laugh it off and hugged it out, we never like rat on each other unless we have to
Harley: strange siblings
Melissa: well I do live in a Christian home, my father use to be the pastor of the church before I was born back in Jersey, and he always taught us to be respect of each other *gets a text* that's my dad, I better go home for dinner. I better take these off
Harley: slow your roll buttercup, you can't take those off for 2 more weeks
Melissa: what?! I only wanted to show them off at school. If my dad found out I went behind his back, I'm dead.
Harley: try to hide your hair with your ears
Melissa: you think that will work?
Harley: it might, hmm. I have this hair style that just might work.

Harley did my hair and put my hair in two buns to cover my ear and I said.

Melissa: wow Harley, it looks like super amazing. Thank you *hugs her*
Harley: no problem
Melissa: ughh... my phone keeps blowing up, ugh... I have to head home
Harley: alright see ya at school tomorrow
Melissa: see ya!

I left Harley's house and walked back to my place since we found out we didn't live that far from each other.

After I hid my piercing good from my parents at dinner with my piercing. I headed upstairs and lurked on my Instagram. I decided to go live on Instagram to check in on my fans.

A lot of my fans thought my hair bun was super cute, but they did started to hurt my ear a little, so I took my hair out and left it down while talking to my fans on the live. I told my fans while I was fixing my hair, that I might be starting a YouTube channel soon, but my parents says I have to wait until my 13th birthday, since they technically control my Instagram account now.

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