Final Contract

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It's been a month since Kong left the hospital. His stitches had been removed and the wound was closed. For a much needed break, Arthit and Kong went to the villa, the place they first met. Arthit's grandfather ended up buying the place for them to use whenever they needed. In addition, their mums had been planning another wedding for them at the end of the month, and they needed to escape. Kong threatened both mums he was going to elope with Arthit if they kept insisting on another wedding. Not that they did not want to get married, but not right away after everything that happened, especially with all the time and energy that was needed to plan another major wedding.

A week went by and both boys had fun at the villa. They went sightseeing around the surrounding areas and tried the different cuisine the place had to offer. Arthit was more affectionate while they were out and he wasn't afraid of a little PDA, sometimes he even initiated it.

Kong had no objections and would pepper Arthit with little kisses whenever he could. Arthit kept him close, holding his hands as they walked around, although it was mostly to keep others from eyeing his fiancé.

Saturday morning came by too fast as it was their last day at the villa and they were due to leave on Sunday. Arthit woke up with Kong next to him who was still asleep, when he checked the time, it was after ten. On those occasions when Kong would sleep in next to him and not wake up early, it was heart-warming and Arthit enjoyed watching him sleep. His shirt had rolled up a little and Arthit could see the scar on his abdomen. After taking out the stitches, the doctor said a scar would form which would fade over time.

Looking at the scar brought back memories of what happened and the fear he had of loosing Kong. That was something he didn't want to go through again, and he would make sure nothing happens to Kong again. Tracing his fingers over the scar made Kong giggle,

"Oon, that tickles" Kong said waking up

"Morning" he said, and Kong kissed him, "morning Oon". Arthit blushed, he tried to get out of bed, but Kong wrapped his arms around him holding him in place. "Kong let go, we need to get up" seeing as it was the last day, Arthit thought they could go out one last time.

"No, we do not" he protested

"Yes, we can't stay in bed all day"

"Sure we can"

"And do what exactly?" Arthit asked 

"I can think of several things we can do in bed" Kong replied grinning

Arthit went to argue, but Kong shut him up with his lips, brushing them against his savoring the touch, then he pressed harder deepening the kiss. Arthit responded, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him closer.

Halfway into the kiss, Arthit stopped. "Did you hear that" he asked, "what?" Kong questioned as he did not hear anything. He moved to kiss Arthit, but he turned his face away, Kong tried to kiss him again and Arthit turned his head to the side, trying to figure out what he heard. "Come on P, focus" Kong whined, turning Arthit's head to face him.

After about five seconds of listening, nothing was heard. "Guess it was nothing" Arthit said, smiling at his impatient fiancé. He leaned in and kissed Kong, wrapping his arms around his neck pulling him down as he got on top of him. He moved his tongue towards Kong's neck, sucking as he made his way down "Oon..." Kong groaned

The next time Arthit pulled away was to take of their clothes and Kong flipped their positions. He trailed kisses down Arthit's neck, nibbling on his collarbone and this had Arthit moaning in pleasure as he felt Kong's tongue slid over his skin, soothing the little bites he left. His fingers found their way to Arthit's nipples and he let them linger there as he rocked into him slowly. "Ahh..." Arthit moaned as he arched his back rocking into Kong as well. As their members touched, it sent a jolt down Arthit's spine and it felt so freaking good. Within the next hour, Kong had Arthit writhing in pleasure as they savored each other, melting into one, and every touch reflected their love for each other. They fell asleep again sated and wrapped up in each other.

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