Internship - I

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It had been a few weeks after Arthit's encounter with Namtan, and he was hoping she would stay away as he made no efforts to contact her, but one could only hope. Friday afternoon when Arthit was done with his classes, he was walking out of the classroom when someone called him, and it turned out to be Namtan.

"Are you going home?" she asked as she approached him

"Not yet, I still have a few things to do before heading home. Was there something you needed?" he asked

"Oh, uhm, well about dinner, do you want to have dinner? I can cook if you want" she asked, she had been waiting for Arthit to contact her, but when nothing happened she decided to approach him again.

"Sorry, but I cannot have dinner with you" he responded

She was shocked that Arthit refused her dinner invitation, no one had said no to her before, "w-why?" she stuttered "we need time to get to know one another "she stated, being a little forceful.

"That is why I cannot have dinner with you" Arthit responded being as polite as he could be, "I do not want a relationship with you and its rude to impose one on someone without their consent."

Now she was getting frustrated, and she went on without paying attention to what Arthit was saying "regardless, you should not have any issues being with me, I mean we would make the perfect couple".

Wow, there was no reasoning with her, she was both rude and conceited, and Arthit was getting tired of dealing with her.

"Like I said before, I'm not interested, if you have nothing else to say, I'll be on my way then"

"Oh Arthit, this is a wonderful opportunity, and I'm willing to give you a chance. It's not like you are going to find anyone better than me" she said snobbishly

"Well, it's a good thing that I found someone better than you then," Arthit said walking away

"Where are you going?" she questioned

"To find my other half"

"I'm not done with you" she yelled

"I am" Arthit responded

"One way or another I will have you" she stated after Arthit left.

Arthit got to the study area where he was supposed to meet Kong, he saw Aim but Kong was asleep, his head down on the table. Aim was about to wake him up but Arthit shook his head and whispered no, to let him be. Aim paid his respect to the senior and left.

Arthit sat down next to Kong and instead of studying, he just watched his other half sleep. Feeling his fiancé's presence next to him, Kong smiled before opening his eyes.

"Hey" he said sitting up

Arthit told Kong he could go home and sleep since he had an assignment to finish and submit before he left campus, but Kong being stubborn insisted on waiting for him, not that Arthit minded the company.

As Arthit did his assignment, Kong was nodding at the table and Arthit knew how tired he was. The second-year students had been helping out with hazing activities that week and Kong stayed up late last night studying for an exam. Tired of trying to convince his stubborn fiancé to go home, he had Kong lay down, resting his head on his lap to make him more comfortable, and Kong fell asleep with Arthit running his hands through his hair.

After about an hour into his assignment, "There you are Arthit" Bright yelled as his friends approached him, inquiring where he ran off too.

"Keep your voices down" Arthit whispered

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