Chapter 4: Meeting Nick's girlfriend

Start from the beginning

Joe shrugs and they follow their annoying sister downstairs and got into the Uber. They met the girls outside the sushi place and Nick and Joe both greeted the girls, and Melissa gave Sophie a hug.

Sophie: hi beautiful *spins her around* aren't you pretty tonight
Melissa: thank you, I was gonna wear a shorter dress, but the boys didn't like it
Sophie: brothers tell me about it
Melissa: someone gets me
Joe: you girls could have waited inside, was the paparazzi bothering you?
Sophie: they were a little annoying with questions and stuff but Pri and I ignored them and just made silly faces at them
Joe: that's my girl
Melissa: *smiles* you guys are so perfect, I wish I had a boyfriend
Joe: that won't be for a very, very, very long time

Both Mel and Sophie rolled their eyes and Sophie said.

Sophie: *whispers* don't worry I'm gonna find you someone when the boys aren't around
Melissa: *whispers back* thanks Soph

The girls did their little handshake they made up and Joe rolled his eyes at their goofyness.

Nick: Mel...

Melissa sighs and turns to Nick and Pri.

Melissa: yes Nick
Nick: I would like you to meet Priyanka Corpa
Priyanka: it's so nice to finally meet you, your brother told me all about you
Melissa: that's funny, because Nick never mentioned a thing about you, ow!

She said when Joe hit the back of her head and gave her the look and she pouted and rubbed her head and said.

Melissa: sorry... *glares at Joe*
Priyanka: it's alright, I wanted to tell you, but Nick said he wasn't ready yet
Nick: let's not put the whole blame on me thanks. Alright let's go in girls and Joe.

They went into the building and Joe and Nick went to go to the front to get a private table for them.

Priyanka: so Melissa, I heard you're adopted
Melissa: yeah
Priyanka: how long have you known the boys?
Melissa: since I was a baby, they treat me like their little sister even tho we are not blood related
Priyanka: that's good, out of all your brothers, who are you mostly close with?
Melissa: Frankie
Priyanka: oh I thought you were gonna say Nick
Melissa: I maybe over protective of Nick when it comes to his girlfriends, doesn't mean I'm his favorite. I was like that with Sophie too
Sophie: trust me it took a long time for her to love me
Melissa: yep! Since you asked me question, it's my turn to boil you with questions
Priyanka: o-okay...
Nick: okay! *puts arm on Melissa's shoulder and tighten his grip on her to cool it* We are back! Our tables are ready
Melissa: but Nick, I was about to boil her with questions
Nick: *looks down at her and gives her a look* we are not doing this today Melissa
Melissa: *pouts* you're no fun

The boys led the girls to the table, and the waiter gave them their menu and told us she would be back with their order.

Priyanka: so Mel, do you like sushi?
Melissa: *looking at the menu* sushi makes me gag, and only my family and friends are allowed to call me Mel
Nick: Melissa...
Melissa: what? I was just saying!
Joe: behave...
Melissa: ugh... why are you two always ganging up on me!
Joe: that's it! Excuse us girls.
Melissa: what? I wasn't being rude!

Both boys lift their sister up and took her to the boys bathroom.

Nick: what is your problem tonight?
Melissa: *cross arm* I have no problem
Joe: this issue is between you and Nick. Don't take your attitude out on me and the girls
Melissa: *frowns* sorry... I didn't realize
Joe: that's because you don't think before you speak little girl, and that's a problem with your behavior. If this issue continues, we are calling dad and he will give me permission to whether or not I have to grounded you
Melissa: no!!! Dad says if I get one bad report from you guys, I would be in trouble with him when I get home.
Nick: then behave yourself
Melissa: can I please ring her questions if she ask?
Joe: Mel...
Melissa: please... how is it that you guys do this with all my guy friends but I can't do it with your girlfriends
Nick: fine, but only if she ask. But for the rest of dinner you have to behave yourself or we are taking your butt back home and you can spend the rest of your time here in time out
Melissa: Fine...
Joe: no complaining either
Melissa: *whines* Joe...
Joe: I'm sorry is that a compliant?
Melissa: *sighs* no... *pouts*
Nick: let's go back and you're going to apologize to Pri
Melissa: but-
Joe: is that a compliant?

Melissa kept her mouth shut and followed the boys out of the bathroom annoyed and grumpy.

While they were having their sushi, Priyanka said to Melissa.

Priyanka: so... I know you have been dying all day to ask me questions since I asked you a bunch of question to get to know you a bit more, you can start grilling me with questions

Melissa looked at her brothers and they both nodded and she smiled with a smirk and said.

Melissa: let the games begin...

After Melissa had grilled Priyanka with a bunch of questions, the whole gang mouth dropped open with the last question and Nick cuff Melissa mouth when she was about to asked that last question and Nick said.

Nick: okay... you had enough, do not answer that. She too young for that. How do you even know what that is?
Melissa: *smirks* health class

Nick rolled his eyes.

Joe: I can't believe my little sister knows what the v word is (a/n: she ask Priyanka if she was a virgin)
Melissa: there's a lot of things you don't know about me Joseph
Joe: like what?
Melissa: uh... nothing *smiles innocently at her brother*
Joe: uh-huh it better be nothing
Sophie: so Pri, how does it feel to pass the sister test
Melissa: she didn't answer the last question
Nick: and she's not going too, because it's her business not yours. Now dropped little girl, last warning
Melissa: fine...
Priyanka: a little too much, but overall, I'm glad she gotten to know me a bit more
Melissa: yep, I know a lot about you now *smiles*
Nick: so... do you approve?
Melissa: as long as you promise not to keep your girlfriends a secret from me anymore
Nick: deal, although I'm hoping this relationship will last

Nick and Mel shook on it and the others smiles and Joe said.

Joe: well, I'm glad the two of you work things out
Nick: *put an arm around Mel* me too
Priyanka: so since everything is cool between the two of us now, can we have our own little handshake?
Melissa: of course, I have my own little handshake with everyone, and since you past the test, you can now be apart of it
Priyanka: sweet
Nick: I'm glad nothing went wrong tonight
Melissa: I wouldn't be quite sure about that yet Nicholas 
Nick: why?

Melissa showed Nick an embarrassing picture of him on her phone.

Nick: where did you get that?
Melissa: when you weren't looking, I took an embarrassing picture of you, to send on your twitter
Nick: you don't even know my password
Melissa: wanna bet?

Mel showed him and he gasp and said.

Nick: that's it you're grounded! Give me my phone back you little devil!
Melissa: *laughs* no way *gets up and starts running around the table*
Nick: Melissa! *runs after her*

Sophie, Joe and Priyanka laughs at them and Nick finally caught Mel and lift her up and took her phone.

Melissa: hey that's my phone! *pouts*
Nick: that I paid for and now it's getting taken away *gives her wet kiss*
Melissa: ewww!!!! Gross!!! Cooties!

Nick rolled his eyes and put her down as the other laugh at them. The girls and boys spend the rest of the time hanging out and Melissa even gave Priyanka their own handshake.

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