Sleepover Pt.2 (fluff)

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Wow, it has been a long time since I last updated. Heh, sorry 'bout that. Also, this one-shot could be seen as platonic.

The entire time I've been staying with Saeyoung, there had been just two times someone had come to visit. 

The first was A man in an expensive-looking suit and dark hair, who I had later come to know as Jumin Han. He had come with his assistant and the moment the doorbell rang, Saeyoung had told me to go to my room. This was early in my recovery so I wasn't very fond of listening to him and what he had to say, but I was even less fond of the Idea of seeing another person that I hesitantly obeyed. 

The only reason I knew who it was, was because about a half-hour of sitting on my bed, doing nothing (I wasn't allowed a phone or computer then), My curiosity had gotten the best of me. I quietly opened the door to my room and stepped out. Hearing voices in the main room, I peeked around the window to see a man and a woman, as well as Saeyoung, sitting on the couch. Although it seemed they were having a talk about business and whatnot, I could tell Saeyoung, as per usual, wasn't taking it very seriously. 

With the way that they were sitting. Saeyoung was closest to where I was with his back to me, The rich looking guy was sitting across from him, and the woman was sitting by his side. I stood there for a while, listening to their conversation but not really paying attention. I felt that I recognized the man but I couldn't remember where from. 

Somewhere along in the conversation, The man had looked up and met my gaze, his gaze was intense and for a moment I couldn't look away. He didn't express any surprise or say anything, he just stared at me for a bit before turning his attention back to my brother, I quickly hurried back to my room after that, being a bit spooked by the man. 

The next time someone rang the doorbell was a couple of months later, about a week and a half ago. I had expected Saeyoung to tell me to go to my room again, but he didn't. He told me that I could if I was uncomfortable, but I had progressed enough. Wanting to prove I was ready and being sick of being locked up for so long, I just grunted as a response and stayed put. 

When Saeyoung had answered the door, it had been a familiar face at least. It was the woman from before, although Jumin Han was nowhere to be seen. 

She had told Saeyoung that she had plans "Mr. Han" had told her to go over with him. 

When she turned and saw me, she didn't smile, but she didn't frown either. 

She simply offered a "Hello, Saeran." at which I had stuttered out a "Hi." while looking down. I then mentally beat myself for seeming so scared. Saeyoung had beamed a smile for some reason and they got into their conversation, I later learned the Woman's name Was Jaehee Kang, and she worked for Jumin. Saeyoung had told me she was a pleasant woman that I would get along with just fine.

I don't know how true that was, but she didn't seem unpleasant. 

Now, the third time someone came to the door, It was a few hours after Yoosung and I had talked on the RFA app.

This time was different, Saeyoung had called me into the main room to meet the person. I had complied and made my way there.

An unfamiliar face greeted me there. A smiling, bright, unfamiliar face. 

"Saeran! It's so nice to finally meet you! Seven's told me so much about you, well not really, but he told me that I could meet you today!" The blonde seemed overly excited and talked very quickly. 

Without realizing it, I had flinched slightly at the sudden outburst. Saeyoung noticed and set his hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"Alright Yoosung, maybe calm down a bit." He chuckled a little. The blonde gasped slightly.

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